山内悠がニューヨークのギャラリー、MIYAKO YOSHINAGA art prospectsのグループ展「SUPERNATUREAL」に参加します。

547 West 27th Street 2nd Floor
New York NY 10001-5511, USA
T: 212 268 7132
HP: http://miyakoyoshinaga.com/
オープニングレセプション: 12月15日(木) 18~20時
OPEN: 火曜〜土曜 11〜18時
CLOSE: 12月24日、31日
Dec 15 - Jan 28
Opening Reception: December 15, 2011, 6-8pm
OPEN: TUE - SAT 11am - 6pm
CLOSE: December 24 and 31
A group show challenging conventional landscape photography by exploring sublime images of nature through both the artist's expedition and his interest in extreme image-making process.
展覧会DM / Exhibition DM → supernatrual_postcard_111202.pdf

参加作家 / Artists
Terry Taylor, Osamu James Nakagawa, Ingo Güntherm, Robyn Voshardt / Sven Humphrey, Yu Yamauchi会場
MIYAKO YOSHINAGA art prospects547 West 27th Street 2nd Floor
New York NY 10001-5511, USA
T: 212 268 7132
HP: http://miyakoyoshinaga.com/
2011年12月15日(木)〜2012年1月28日(土) /オープニングレセプション: 12月15日(木) 18~20時
OPEN: 火曜〜土曜 11〜18時
CLOSE: 12月24日、31日
Dec 15 - Jan 28
Opening Reception: December 15, 2011, 6-8pm
OPEN: TUE - SAT 11am - 6pm
CLOSE: December 24 and 31
A group show challenging conventional landscape photography by exploring sublime images of nature through both the artist's expedition and his interest in extreme image-making process.
展覧会DM / Exhibition DM → supernatrual_postcard_111202.pdf