写真雑誌『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』岩根愛 インタビュー記事紹介


写真雑誌『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』の刊行にあたり、本誌の発起人である写真家・岩根愛へのメールインタビューが、作家・キュレーターである傅尔得(Joanna Fu)氏によって行われた。
本記事では、中国の假杂志(Jiazazhi Press )のWeChatページに初出された記事《我在2020年创办一本杂志,拒绝让一切暂停》を日本語と英語で再編し、その内容を紹介する。

Interviewer :傅尔得

Q.(傅尔) 『Decades』を創刊したのは、コロナの流行あってのことでしょうか、それとも以前からの計画だったのでしょうか?

A.(岩根) 「いつか雑誌を作りたい」と、20年近く前から考えていました。

Ishiuchi Miyako "ひろしま / hiroshima" 『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』

Q.(傅尔) 『Decades』という名前の通り、時間がキーワードになっているようですが、この雑誌タイトルの由来を教えてください。

A.(岩根) Millenium(世紀)、 Century(100年)、 Decade(10年)という時間の単位としての意味と、その単位の時間のブロックを、抜き出して誌面とする、ことを含めてタイトルにしました。
No1. 2000_20 Issue は、私を含めた10名の写真家が、2020年と2000年に撮影したフォトストーリーです。

Q.(傅尔) 雑誌の創刊者と写真家の違いは何ですか?一番苦労したことは何ですか?

A.(岩根) それは何もかも違います!

雑誌を作るのは初めてだったので、信頼している同世代の、雑誌の編集者、アートディレクターにお願いし、全てが手探り状態である私を受け入れてもらって、話し合いを重ねて進めました。お互い仕事の経験が20年前後だと思います。 編集、発行に関わることで、どんな本ができるかは、作った人がどのように生きているかを映し出すものだということがよくわかりました。できたこともできなかったことも、造った私たちらしい雑誌になりました。


Antoine d'Agata "COVID-19,Paris,France" 『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』

Q.(傅尔) 創刊号に参加した10人の写真家のほとんどがアジア人ですが、欧米からの写真家もいます。

A.(岩根) 初めに、(以前のようには)行き来ができない地域の写真家たちとやりとりがしたいと思いました。雑誌に参加してもらうことで、オンラインではない交流がしたいと思ったのです。

Q.(傅尔) 『Decades』では、写真家たちの20年を対比しています。この20年、あなたにとっては何が一番変わりましたか?

A.(岩根) この20年間、20代から40代の私は、写真を撮ることで生活してきました。

Luo Dan "Nowhere to Run"『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』

Q.(傅尔) 中国の写真家の駱丹(Luo Dan)が参加していますね。なぜ彼を選んだのでしょうか?

A.(岩根) 中国在住の作家にぜひ参加してもらいたいとの思いがありましたが、個人的な知り合いがいませんでした。『Decades』を発行してくださることになった赤々舎の姫野さんに相談して、見せてもらった駱丹の写真にとても惹かれたのです。どのシリーズも全く違うスタイルで、得体の知れないスケールを感じました。藤岡亜弥さんも駱丹を勧めてくださいました。彼女も得体の知れないスケールがある方です。



Q.(傅尔) 『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』では、「A New River Flows」という最新作を掲載していますね。

A.(岩根) 2020年の春は例年通り、福島で避難区域の桜を撮影するつもりでした。これまでは原発事故後の避難区域だけが「誰もいない桜」であったのが、今年は各地の桜の名所が閉鎖され、ライトアップが消えました。福島より北へ、暗闇の桜を追いました。

Ai Iwane "A New River"『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』

Q.(傅尔) 次号は今年(2021年)の年末ですか?次号の大まかな方向性を簡単にご紹介いただけますか?

A.(岩根) 雑誌というからには続けないといけないので、今年の年末に次号を出すことは決めています。

Q.(傅尔) 個人的には、この流行があなたに与えた影響は何ですか?あなたから見て、写真家全体にとっての主な影響は何だと思いますか?

A.(岩根) 2020年春、日本全国に発令された緊急事態宣言の2ヶ月間、私はずっと福島をベースに、岩手、青森などの東北の桜を撮影していました。(『A NEW RIVER』 bookshop M, 2020 )




Ryuichi Ishikawa "2020"『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』

Interviewer :Joanna Fu
Interviewee:Ai Iwane

Q.(Joanna Fu)

Did you start this magazine because of the epidemic, or was it an idea that you had accumulated for a long time? As a photographer, why would you think of running a magazine?

A.(Ai Iwane)

I had thought about creating a magazine someday for almost 20 years.
At the end of the summer of 2020, I suddenly noticed I had time, and decided to do it now. 

Experiences of magazines are to be able to see things side by side and compare them. I grew up with this experience, and my career as a photographer started with magazines as well. I wanted to try sharing an experience through the exchanges to create magazine.

Mandela HUDSON "More News from Babylon"『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』

Q.(Joanna Fu)

Time seems to be the key word of this magazine, as it's name "Decades". Could you talk about the origin of the name of this magazine?

A.(Ai Iwane)

The theme of the magazine is to extract blocks of time and their meanings from the units of Millenials (1000 years), centuries (100 years), and decades (10 years). 

The first issue is a photo story taken by 10 photographers including myself, taken in the years 2020 and 2000.

Q.(Joanna Fu)

What are the differences between a magazine founder and a photographer? What has been the most difficult transition for you?

A.(Ai Iwane)

Every possible element was different between being a magazine founder and a photographer! 

It was my first time to make a magazine, so I asked my trusted magazine editors and art directors around the same generation as I, who accepted me as a person who was clueless about everything, and we proceeded with everything as we greatly discussed with each other. We both had around 20 years of experience as freelancers. I realized the kind of publication that is created is a reflection of how the person who created it had lived.

And, the experience of receiving manuscripts was wonderful. It's a joy to receive and open the words and photographs of such wonderful artists. It was an invaluable experience that I could never have as a photographer, but it also comes with responsibility.

Seung Woo Back  "DAILY STAMP WORKS"『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』

Q.(Joanna Fu)

In the current first issue of the magazine, most of the 10 photographers you selected are Asian, but there are also some from Europe and the United States. What are your criteria or conditions for choosing a photographer?

A.(Ai Iwane)

I initially wanted to communicate with photographers in areas that I couldn't travel to (as I used to). By having them participate in the magazine, I wanted to have an exchange that wasn't possible online. 

Each of the photographers who contributed to the magazine was connected to me in different ways. Each of them had their own reasons for wanting to have them participate, and there was no single criteria or requirement.

As it was essential that we could publish the magazine by the end of 2020, I am very grateful to everyone who agreed and contributed right away.

Q.(Joanna Fu)

In this magazine, you take 20 years as the time interval for each photographer. What has changed in 20 years for you? In the process of editing this magazine, how do you feel about the changes in other photographers' works over time?

A.(Ai Iwane)

I have made a living by taking photographs from my twenties to my forties. 
Many way of thinking have changed in these twenty years.
I enjoyed how the pages laid in a magazine can influence each other's understanding of a photograph in a way of Decades, moving back and forth between the two times. 

SHEN Chao-Liang  "Floating 漂流" 『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』

Q.(Joanna Fu)

In this issue of the magazine, you choose Luo Dan among the photographers in mainland China.
I wonder why you chose him? What appeals to you about Luo Dan's work?

A.(Ai Iwane)

I wanted to invite artists living in China to participate, but I didn't have any personal acquaintances, so I consulted with Ms. Himeno of Akasha, the publisher of "Decades," who showed me Luo Dan's photographs and I was very attracted to them. Each series had a completely different style, and I felt an unfathomable scale. Aya Fujioka also recommended Luo Dan to me.

His open-ended photos of Xinjiang and his essays about his actions leading up to Xinjiang are truly amazing and interesting to read again and again. His words are very honest about various confusions, and even I, a Japanese person from a different environment, can relate to them.

Personally, Xinjiang has always been a place I wanted to visit. I want to go there at the moment when the Hotan River is formed. Since I thought of that, I could have gone anytime if I had tried, but I didn't. When I received Luo Dan's photos of Xinjiang, a place where I can not visit now, I felt a great joy that could be only achieved through the production of the magazine. His photos made me realize once again what a large scale photographer Luo Dan is and how big the Chinese continent is.

Q.(Joanna Fu)

In this magazine, you present your latest series, "A New River Flows". The core of this series is the story of your one-year-younger sister K who passed away 13 years ago. We are already very familiar with your previous series KIPUKA, which won the Ihei Kimura Photography Award in 2019. In the new series, you have shifted your attention from the cultural customs and current life of Japanese immigrants in Hawaii to your own inner experience and story. How did your creative shift come about?

A.(Ai Iwane)

In the spring of 2020, I initially intended to photograph cherry blossoms in the evacuation zone in Fukushima as usual. In the past, the evacuation zone was the only "empty cherry blossoms" after the nuclear accident, but this year, cherry blossom viewing spots were closed with their lights turned off everywhere throughout the nation. From Fukushima, heading towards the north, I followed the cherry blossoms in the dark. 

My sisters and friends who passed away during the cherry blossom season were always remembered when I saw the cherry blossoms, but this year I spent a lot of time thinking about them as I headed north and watched the cherry blossoms for much longer.

Jinhee Kim "Finger Play"『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』

Q.(Joanna Fu)

From our conversation earlier, I know that this magazine will appear as an annual issue. Why is it so?

A.(Ai Iwane)

Because that was how I came up with! 

Q.(Joanna Fu)

Will the next issue come out at the end of this year (2021)? Could you give us a brief introduction to the general direction of the next issue?

A.(Ai Iwane)

We have decided to publish the next issue at the end of this year. I do have some concrete ideas, but unfortunately, cannot tell you about them yet!
I have no ideas at all for anything after this next issue.

ERIC "WLHK"『Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue)』

Q.(Joanna Fu)

What is the personal impact of the epidemic on you? During this time, in terms of your observations, what is the main impact of the epidemic on photographers as a whole? What would you most like to do if the epidemic ended?

A.(Ai Iwane)

In the spring of 2020, during the two months of the State of Emergency that was declared throughout Japan, I was based in Fukushima and was photographing cherry blossoms in Iwate, Aomori, and other regions in Tohoku. ("A NEW RIVER," bookshop M, 2020) 

The group exhibition "Twilight Daylight" at the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum was held from July 28 without changing its exhibition period, and since I decided to exhibit my new series "A NEW RIVER" in this exhibition, I was captivated throughout the leading time towards the exhibition. After I finished my installation, I finally realized the time in front of me that had become blank due to the restriction of movement.

I created "Decades" in defiance of the restrictions and refusing to stop. Perhaps it was time to stop and go deeper into me, but I had just spent a long cherry blossom season, and building a magazine seemed more appealing than going deep into it.

I spent all this time at home in Tokyo, which had seemed like a resting place between moves, and I realized that it was my pleasure not only to get to know the two places I followed on KIPUKA, Hawaii and Fukushima, but also to move back and forth between them. 

The communication with time and space that comes from moving was also a driving force for me.

When the epidemic is over, I want to swim at the beach in Lahaina.

Decades(No.1 2000_20 Issue) はこちらからお求め頂けます。
