
  Book Design:鈴木千佳子

  Size: H245mm × W245mm
  Page:168 pages

  Published in April 2025 

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About Book

深瀬昌久、不朽の名作『洋子』── 奇跡の復刊!


1978年刊行の朝日ソノラマ写真選書8 深瀬昌久著『洋子』は、深瀬作品を代表し決定づけるシリーズとして位置づけられながら、長らく絶版でした。この度、約半世紀ぶりに刊行される本書は、モデルである三好洋子さんの全面的なご協力のもと、深瀬昌久アーカイブスディレクターであるトモ・コスガさんの監修により、原版のすべての写真と文章を収録しました。

1974年にはニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)で開催された「New Japanese Photography」展に深瀬の作品が出品され、二人が現地を訪れた旅の様子も写真に収められています。



 *『深瀬昌久1961-1991 レトロスペクティブ』(2023年、赤々舎)より


執筆: 山岸章二、瀬戸内晴美、深瀬昌久

Supervision by Tomo Kosuga
Text by Shoji Yamagishi, Harumi Setouchi, Masahisa Fukase,
Masako Toda, Yoko Miyoshi(formerly Fukase)
Book design: Chikako Suzuki

Originally published in 1978 by Asahi Sonorama of Japan


Masahisa Fukase

"Masahisa Fukase, the Timeless Masterpiece 'Yoko'  -- A Miraculous Reprint Edition!

Originally published in 1978, Masahisa Fukase's 'Yoko'  stands as a defining series in his body of work, yet it had long been out of print. Now, nearly half a century later, this extraordinary photobook returns, brought to life with the full support of Yoko Miyoshi (formerly Fukase), Fukase's model and muse, and under the careful supervision of Tomo Kosuga, director of the Masahisa Fukase Archives. This new reprint edition faithfully includes all photographs and texts from the original edition.

In addition, it features newly incorporated elements: contemporaneous texts referenced at the time of the original publication, an essay by Masako Toda, and a heartfelt message from Yoko Miyoshi on the occasion of this reissue. Every aspect of the book's design and composition has been meticulously crafted to reaffirm the significance of this masterpiece and the passage of time it has endured.

Fukase and Yoko met in 1963 and were married in 1964. In the 1960s, they lived together as newlyweds at the Soka-Matsubara public housing complex, where Fukase began photographing Yoko. In the 1970s, he continued to capture her in various locations, including his hometown of Hokkaido, her birthplace of Kanazawa, as well as Izu, Kyoto, and other places. In the autumn of 1973, Fukase created a series titled Untitled (From the Window), capturing Yoko's elegant poses every morning as she left for work, taken from the fourth-floor window of their home using a telephoto lens. These photographs were published intermittently between 1964 and 1976 in the magazine Camera Mainichi.

In 1974, Fukase's works were included in the New Japanese Photography exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. During this period, the couple traveled to New York, and the scenes from this journey were also captured in his photographs.

Fukase's relentless pursuit of self-exploration led him to consistently turn his camera toward himself and his family.
As Tomo Kosuga noted, Fukase's private life became art, making the personal public and gradually leading to "a paradox in which they seemed to be together solely for the sake of photography." (Excerpts from "Masahisa Fukase 1961-1991 Retrospective") The couple divorced in 1976, and two years later, the photobook Yoko (published by Asahi Sonorama) was completed. The cover featured a photograph of Yoko in a kimono, gazing back through shattered glass radiating outward, a powerful and poignant image that captured the essence of their complex relationship.

For this new reprint edition, the book's format has been expanded to amplify the presence of each photograph, and the cover has also been renewed. In addition, the pages featuring ravens--ominous yet poetic symbols that seemed to foretell the future of the couple--are now arranged with greater stillness and deliberation, inviting viewers to engage more deeply with every image.

In revisiting  'Yoko,' one must ask: What, ultimately, did Fukase capture through his lens? Against the backdrop of the era's spirit, the photobook contemplates the essential question of photography--the nature of relationships between two individuals.

We hope that this  'Yoko,' with its liberated scale and profound sensitivity, spreads its wings and takes flight once more, soaring freely into the present and resonating anew in our time.

"Whether we call it love or a mirror, it is undoubtedly one and the same--the profound communion with the other." 

── Masako Toda (Photography historian)

"Here is the record of photographs taken by one man of one woman over a period of more than ten years." 

── Shoji Yamagishi

About Cinema 



伝説の写真家  深瀬昌久 × 最愛の妻、最強の被写体 洋子 ×哲学的な鴉の化身。ダークでシュールなラブストーリー。

出演:浅野忠信 瀧内公美ほか 



2025年3月28日 TOHOシネマズ シャンテ、新宿武蔵野館、ユーロスペースほか全国公開。





洋子「そんなものの後ろに隠れてないで...。私を見てよ...カメラ じゃなくて人の眼で見て。」




映画「レイブンズ」公開記念  深瀬昌久フェア

代官山蔦屋書店(3/28金 ~ 4/14月)/銀座蔦谷書店(4/1火 ~ 4/20日)/京都蔦屋書店(3/28金 ~ 5/11日)/梅田蔦屋書店(3/28金 ~ 4/20日)/紀伊國屋書店 新宿本店(3/28金 ~ )

マーク・ギル監督による深瀬昌久の各写真集への書き下ろしコメントと共に、新刊『洋子』『遊戯』をはじめとする赤々舎刊行タイトル、および『鴉 / RAVENS』をはじめとするtwelvebooksさんのディストリビューションタイトル、グッズ等が一堂に並びます。こちらにもぜひ足をお運びくださいませ。

Artist Information 

深瀬昌久 (Masahisa Fukase)

1934年、北海道中川郡美深町に生まれる。日本大学芸術学部写真学科卒業。日本デザインセンターや河出書房新社などの勤務を経て、1968年に独立。1974年、アメリカ・MoMAで開催された歴史的な日本写真の展覧会「New Japanese Photography」への出展を皮切りに、これまで世界各国の展覧会に出展多数。1992年、不慮の事故で脳障害を負い、20年間の闘病の末、2012年没。享年78。代表作「鴉」は日本写真の金字塔として世界的に高い評価を得ている。没後に創設された深瀬昌久アーカイブスの働きにより、2017年には仏・アルル国際写真祭にて没後初の大回顧展「l'incurable égoïste」を開催。2018年、京都のKYOTOGRAPHIE にて国内初の回顧展「遊戯」を開催。また同年、蘭・Foamにて美術館初となる回顧展「Private Scenes」を開催。その開催に合わせて、深瀬がその生涯をかけて制作した作品群を編さんした写真集「Masahisa Fukase」(赤々舎より日本語版、Editions Xavier Barralより英語版及び仏語版)が刊行された。以降も「Kill the Pig」(Ibasho & the (M) éditions 2021)「サスケ」(Editions Xavier Barral、赤々舎 2021)「家族」(Mack 2019)など、多数の作品集が刊行されている。

トモ・コスガ (Tomo Kosuga)

1983年、東京都新宿区生まれ。深瀬昌久アーカイブス 創設者兼ディレクター。2000年頃より深瀬の作品研究を開始。深瀬の没後、遺族からの依頼を受け、2014年に深瀬昌久アーカイブスを創設。アーカイブ活動に留まることなく、深瀬の展覧会キュレーションや出版物の編集や解説執筆を担う。アート・プロデューサーとしても各種展覧会の企画やプロデュースを手がけ、また写真表現を専門としたライターとして日本写真の現在を各種媒体に寄稿。これまでキュレーションまたは共同キュレーションに携わった展覧会として、深瀬昌久「烏 (Ravens)」(2024年 Madrid, Spain, Photo Espana)、深瀬昌久「Private Scenes」(2024年 北京・三影堂撮影芸術中心、2018年 蘭・Foam)、深瀬昌久「l'incurable égoïste」(2017年 仏・アルル国際写真祭)、深瀬昌久「救いようのないエゴイスト」(2015年 東京・Diesel Art Gallery)のほか多数。写真表現を考えるYouTubeチャンネル「トモコスガ言葉なき対話」にて日々発信中。www.youtube.com/tomokaflex

Masahisa Fukase

Masahisa Fukase was born in the town of Bifuka in Nakagawa District, Hokkaido, in 1934. He graduated from the Nihon University College of Art's Photography Department in 1956. Fukase became a freelance photographer in 1968 after working at the Nippon Design Center and Kawade Shobo Shinsha Publishers. His major collections include Yugi (English: Homo Ludence) (Chuokoronsha, 1971), Yoko (Asahi Sonorama, 1978), and Karasu (English: Ravens) (Sokyusha, 1986). His major group exhibitions include "New Japanese Photography" (New York MoMA, 1974), "Black Sun: The Eyes of Four" (Oxford Museum of Modern Art, 1985), "By Night" (Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, 1996), and "OUT OF JAPAN" (Victoria and Albert Museum, 2002). Fukase has also held countless other solo exhibitions. He is also the winner of prizes such as the 2nd Ina Nobuo Award in 1976 for his exhibition "Karasu" as well as the Special Award at the 8th Higashikawa Photography Awards in 1992. 

In 1992 a tragic fall had left the artist with permanent brain damage,and it was only after his death in 2012 that the archives were gradually disclosed. Since then a wealth of material has surfaced that had never been shown before.
In 2017, His first posthumous major retrospective "l'incurable égoïste" was held at the Arles International Photo Festival, France. The following year, his first domestic retrospective, "Play" was also held at KYOTOGRAPHIE, Japan. and In conjunction with the exhibition "Private Scenes," at Foam,2018, The Netherlands, Masahisa Fukase; Xavier Barral(English and French) Akaaka (Japanese), have been published.
Other titles, including Kill the Pig; Ibasho & the (M) éditions, 2021, Sasuke; Xavier Barral (English and French),Akaaka(Japanese) ,2021, Family; Mack, 2019, have been published in recent years.