髙橋健太郎『A RED HAT』 ![]() Art Direction:Alex Sonderdgger Susanna Baer 発行:赤々舎 Size:185mm × 210mm Page:192 pages Binding:Hardcover Published in Aug 2020 ISBN: 978-4-86541-116-4 |
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About Book
In 1941, students of the art club of Asahikawa Teachers' School were arrested by the Special Higher Police in the "Life Drawing Case". The series looks at the incident that occurred 80 years ago through the lives of two people living in the present.
This collection of photographs carefully depicts the current lives of Ryoichi Hishiya (98 years old) and Goro Matsumoto (99 years old), who were art students in Asahikawa, Hokkaido during the war.
Takahashi's "contemporary" photographs also portray Hiroshi Miyata(82 years old ), who continues to investigate the " Life Drawing Case" in which they were arrested by the Special Higher Police. The book is based on photographs and other materials from the "past" that they kept in their archives.
Now that the "anti-terror conspiracy law" has been enacted in 2017, the photographs of the two men, who were arrested for violating the "Peace Preservation Law" just for drawing daily life scenes, may provide us with something to think about today's situation and life. It is a book of photographs with many questions in the quiet pages.

Since June 2017, I have been visiting Ryoichi Hishiya, now 98, who lives in Asahikawa City, Hokkaido, and Goro Matsumoto, now 99, who lives in Otofuke Town, Hokkaido, and have focused my lens on their daily lives. Their everyday life is very peaceful, reading books, watching movies, painting, chatting with friends, and playing with their great-grandchildren.
Both of them belonged to the art club at the same school when they were students, but both of them wanted to become teachers. And then one day, all of a sudden, they were put in prison.
In the early morning of September 20, 1941, Ryoichi Hishiya (19 years old at the time) and Goro Matsumoto (20 years old at the time), and some other students of the art club of Asahikawa Teachers' School, were arrested by the Special Higher Police on suspicion of violating the Peace Preservation Law when they were about to get up in their dormitory. Under the guidance of teacher Masago Kumada (a graduate of Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music, now Tokyo National University of the Arts), the art club at the time was taught to observe the realities of life and society and draw pictures of the actual situation in order to seek a better way of life, rather than following their textbooks. But those paintings were suddenly found to be evidence of the crime for being anti-national and Communistic; the two were not painting with any strong ideology. They eventually ended up in Asahikawa Prison until December 26, 1942. And this is called the " Life Drawing Case".
On February 11, 1943, after his release from prison, Ryoichi Hishiya put on his sister's red hat and painted a self-portrait.
OTakahashi attempts to capture events that can no longer be captured in photographs after nearly eighty years, but through the current state of the people who experienced them. It is a difficult and urgent endeavor, and it raises the question of whether there is something we who can not see the passing of time, should not forget.
Ai Ota (screenwriter/novelist) (from "In response to 'A RED HAT'")
In contrast, to think about the meaning of photographing their peaceful lives now, confronts me with the emphasis on the Life Drawing Case that they were forced to experience at that time in their lives as an unusual event, despite having lived for nearly a century.
Kentaro Takahashi (from the afterword)

(写真集『A RED HAT』打ち合わせ場面) Artist Information2014年、多摩川が題材の作品「The Riverbed」でConscientious Portfolio Competition 2014 選出、および第9回 Reminders Photography Stronghold Grantを受賞。2015年、フランスの新聞Le Mondeの依頼で原爆投下70 年の広島を撮影、同紙に掲載。 2017年より戦前の北海道で起こった「生活図画教育事件」の取材を始める。 2019年に「A Red Hat」と題してニコンサロンで展示開催。2020年 第36回写真の町 東川賞 特別作家賞受賞。 The New York Times、Le Monde、de Volkskrant、Bloomberg、Spiegel、soar等に寄稿。
Born in 1989 in Yokohama, Japan. He graduated from the Social Science and Informatics Department of Aoyama Gakuin University in 2012. YouTubeチャンネル「Kentaro Takahashi Photography 」髙橋健太郎さんが『A RED HAT』にまつわる様々なお話を更新予定です。 引き続きのご注目、および、チャンネル登録のほど、どうぞ宜しくお願い申し上げます。 |