![]() 発行:赤々舎 Size: H255mm × W180mm Page:240 pages Binding:Softcover Published in May 2023 ISBN:978-4-86541-169-0 |
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About Book
雑誌『フォトタイムス』にはじまる ── 瀧口修造、阿部展也と大辻清司── 大日方欣一 第1章 1930-40年代 瀧口修造と阿部展也 前衛写真の台頭と衰退 瀧口修造 写真との出会い はじまりのアジェ 瀧口修造と阿部展也の出会い 詩画集『妖精の距離』 阿部展也、美術作品を撮る 『フォトタイムス』における阿部展也の写真表現 阿部展也の大陸写真 「前衛写真協会」誕生とその時代、その周辺──「前衛写真座談会」をきっかけに 第2章 1950-70年代 大辻清司 前衛写真の復活と転調 前衛写真との出会い 大辻清司、阿部展也の演出を撮る 大辻清司の存在論のありか 「APN」前後の動向を手がかりとして (コラム)瀧口修造― ヨーロッパへの眼差し (コラム)阿部展也の 1950 年代写真 『文房四宝』― モノとスナップのはざまで 私(わたくし)の解体― 「なんでもない写真」 第3章 1960-80 年代 牛腸茂雄 前衛写真のゆくえ 桑沢デザイン研究所にて 大辻清司のもとで― 高梨豊の60年代 日常を撮ること 『SELF AND OTHERS』(1977) 紙上に浮かび上がるかたち 牛腸茂雄と瀧口修造 (コラム)瀧口修造のデカルコマニーについて (コラム)牛腸茂雄の自筆ノート 『見慣れた街の中で』(1981) |
あくなき越境の射程──遠ざかる主義の時代の地平から 松沢寿重 学生の頃 畠山直哉 作家の言葉──自筆文献再録 写真と超現実主義 瀧口修造 1938 前衛的方向への一考察 阿部芳文 1938 なんでもない写真 大辻清司 1975 見慣れた街の中で 牛腸茂雄 1981 年譜 主要参考文献 作家解説 掲載作品・資料リスト |
The Spirit of Avant-Garde Photography:
Transforming "Nothing Much"
TAKIGUCHI Shuzo, ABE Nobuya, OTSUJI Kiyoji, GOCHO Shigeo
During the 1930s, a large number of works influenced by Surrealism were shown in Japan under the heading of "avant-garde photography." Among these were works by Takiguchi Shuzo (1903-1979) who, based on his view of the photographic medium as "a deep fold in everyday reality," explored the potential of the surreal. In 1938, Takiguchi provided theoretical support for the Zen'ei Shashin Kyokai (Avant-garde Photography Association), which he formed with a group of photographers and painters.
One of the association's founding members, Abe Nobuya (1913-1971) created works in response to statements that Takiguchi had published in Photo Times magazine. Abe's works displayed a rapid shift away from the poetic sensibilities of Surrealism to photographs that documented a "new unembellished harmony" in "landscapes that have been abandoned as a useless part of the city and country." After the Second World War, Abe went on to inspire young photographers with his criticism, while exploring his own avant-garde expressions in photographs taken at various travel destinations.
Otsuji Kiyoji (1923-2001) had been involved with Photo Times during the late 1930s at the height of the Zen'ei Shashin Kyokai's activities. In about 1940, under the direct influence of Takiguchi and Abe, he began pursuing a career as a photographer. In 1958, while continuing to follow this path, Otsuji also began teaching at the Kuwasawa Design School. There, he encountered the new experimental approaches of his young students. As an educator, Otsuji broadened his perspective to include everything from his predecessors to photographers of the same era, while at the same time using his experiences as a first-hand observer of art journalism as a foundation for his work. His Experimental Workshop of Photography series signaled a dramatic change in direction with its emphasis on "Photo of Nothing Much" that focused on the commonplace.
Gocho Shigeo (1946-1983) was one of the students that Otsuji discovered at the Kuwasawa Design School. In 1967, Gocho began to major in photography on Otsuji's strong recommendation, and gradually set his sights on a career as a photographer. Otsuji also wrote forewords for two photo books that Gocho published after graduating from the school, and he keep a close eye on his former student's activities. As Gocho himself put it, he strove to make works that were "just barely photographs, something that might be overlooked," bringing a unique viewpoint to ordinary landscapes that were familiar to anyone.
This year, 2023, marks the 120th anniversary of Takiguchi Shuzo's birth, the 110th anniversary of Abe Nobuya's birth, the 100th anniversary of Otsuji Kiyoji's birth, and the 40th anniversary of Gocho Shigeo's death. While tracing the relationship between these four artists and their work, in this exhibition we hope to convey the actuality of the avant-garde photographic spirit championed by Takiguchi.
Section I
The 1930s to the 1940s:
TAKIGUCHI Shuzo and ABE Nobuya - The Rise and Fall of Avant-Garde Photography
Section II
The 1950s to the 1970s:
OTSUJI Kiyoji - Revival and Transposition of Avant-Garde Photography
Section III
The 1960s to the 1980s:
GOCHO ShigeoThe Development of Avant-Garde Photography
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Related Exhibiton
「前衛」写真の精神:なんでもないものの変容 瀧口修造・阿部展也・大辻清司・牛腸茂雄 会期:2023年4月8日(土)〜 5月21日(日) 前期:4月8日(土)〜 4月30日(日)後期:5月2日(火)〜 5月21日(日) 時間:10:00~18:00(金・土 20:00まで/入館は閉館時間の30分前まで) 会場:千葉市美術館(千葉県千葉市中央区中央3-10-8) 休室日:4月17日(月)、5月1日(月) 関連イベント多数、詳細は千葉市美術館WEBにて 巡回展: 2023年 6月3日(土)〜7月17日(月祝) 富山県美術館|主催:富山県美術館 2023年7月29日(土)〜9月24日(日) 新潟市美術館|主催:新潟市美術館 2023年12月2日(土)〜2024年2月4日(日) 渋谷区立松濤美術館|主催:渋谷区立松濤美術館 特別協力:武蔵野美術大学 美術館 · 図書館 企画協力:株式会社アートインプレッション |
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Artist Information
瀧口修造 (TAKIGUCHI Shuzo) 1903-79
富山県姉負郡寒江村大塚(現・富山市大塚)生まれ。慶應義塾大学英文科卒業。美術評論家、詩人、芸術家として活動した。戦前 から日本における前衛芸術、とりわけシュルレアリスムの紹介と普及に大きく貢献するとともに、1930年代からさまざまな雑誌 に写真に関する文章も発表し38 年には前衛写真協会を組織、理論的な面で大きく貢献した。戦後は新しい芸術家たちの活動面、 精神面の支柱的存在となるが、ジャーナリズムに疑問を感じ、次第に対個人的な交流へと移行していった。
阿部展也 (ABE Nobuya) 1913-71
大辻清司 (OTSUJI Kiyoji) 1923-2001
牛腸茂雄 (GOCHO Shigeo) 1946-83