

  Book Design:遠藤一成


H298mm × W224mm
  Page:336 pages

  Published in July 2024
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露口はこれまで、『自然史』(2017)、『地名』(2018)など、絶えず変容を続ける場所と、近代史の中で消尽させられてきた不可視な場所とを相対させ、写るものと写らないものの狭間 ≒ 風景を通して提示してきた。

本書『移住』では、先住民族アイヌともども国家に編入され、内地からの植民の対象となった「北海道」、加えてこの移住に強くかかわった「開拓使」と呼ばれた官庁が置かれた東京と札幌という都市の一部、 鉱山産業により形成され、その衰退と消滅に直面している諸地域、帰宅困難区域、皇居周辺を、写真で捉えることを主な軸としている。

『移住』は、住むことが排除され偏在する空間でいくたびもおこなわれてきた儀礼に抗し、見えていなかった地層を探る露口の写真行為が積み上げてきた、不在の歴史への── やがてわたしたちとものたちとが大地と空のはざまでともに在ることができる空間を確保するための── 道標となった。

"日本史はその起源から強制移住の連続であり、そのことを想起することなしには、「東北」も「北海道」も見えてこない。古代の響きを持つ「開拓使」という官庁名は、維新政府が律令国家との連続性を誇示するために選ばれたものだ。露口啓二がまなざす 「移住」は、この途方もない「長期持続」の次元に身を置くことを要請する。"
── 鵜飼 哲(哲学者、活動家)

""困難な歴史への遡行という行為に際して、 主情的な投影を果たすのではなく、 記憶の消尽という次元をむしろそのまま記録することがいまや写真には求められている。 露口の「北海道写真」 はこうした状況に対して提出された、最も真率な作例の一つである。"
── 倉石信乃(詩人、美術評論家)



Keiji Tsuyuguchi

An island nation, built upon the framework of modern imperial rule, emerged to the east of the Eurasian continent, separated by the sea. Since its inception, various circumstances have continuously generated people forced into migration. One of the things photography in this book seeks to capture is the juxtaposition between the lands from which displaced individuals originally hailed and the northern islands they migrated to. One such island, dubbed"Hokkaido"by the newly formed nation, was incorporated into the state alongside its indigenous Ainu people and became a target for colonization from the mainland. Simultaneously, numerous forced relocations of the Ainu people became institutionalized. 

Additionally, this book primarily focuses on various regions such as parts of the cities Tokyo and Sapporo, where the administrative body known as the"Development Commission,"which was heavily involved in these relocations, was established post-state formation, regions formed by the mining industry now facing decline and extinction, and these various territories are captured through photography.  

Located in the heart of Tokyo, the city where the Development Commission was placed and surrounded by various powers constituting the nation's authority, lies the"Imperial Palace,"an invisible space where residing is excluded, and one of the subjects of this book. 

On the other hand, in recent years, we have experienced the emergence of highly unique spaces in our archipelago. This includes the formation of the"Difficult-to-Return Zone"and its surrounding areas, contaminated by high levels of radioactive materials due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. Once again, people were forced to move from their traditional homes and leave the area. 

This attempt to find strong homogeneity between these vastly different spaces in origin, history, and time̶the Difficult-to-Return Zone and the Imperial Palace̶forms another axis of this book. 

The forces that gave rise to the Imperial Palace and the Difficult-to-Return Zone continue to create several spaces that appear similar or homogenous to them. These spaces, inherently invisible due to the exclusion of habitation, intersect and overlap with the locations constituting the first axis, appearing in our sight. Therefore, what appears in photographs̶the seemingly visible landscapes, cities, mines, nuclear power plants, farmlands, and the residences of those who live there̶forms part of this book.

These photographs are juxtaposed with timelines of events that occurred in those places and spaces. However, the timelines compiled here are merely arbitrary listings of events selected from existing or perpetually ongoing event descriptions. The photographs taken here merely fix fragments of chance encounters at specific times and places. 

Spaces akin to the Imperial Palace and the Difficult-to-Return Zone, with their homogeneity, pervade invisibly. If so, we must resist the rituals that have repeatedly occurred in spaces where habitation is excluded and create and conduct something akin tocounter-rituals, not to remember something, but never to forget. It's about probing our dwelling places with our own "life" perspective, revealing unseen layers, honing our vision to expose the turmoil and chaos.


 006 都市、鉱山、原子力発電所、農地、住居|

 015 第1章 開拓使

 017 1 開拓使東京出張所札幌本府
 043 2 東京都渋谷区開拓使東京官圍

 071 第2章 対雁 来札 二風谷

 093 第3章 四国 北海道

 095 1 児島村、渋野村
 109 2 別子銅山と国領川
 125 3 ヨイチ、ソオベツ、オン子ナイ

 145 第4章 足尾 谷中 サロマベツ 
 147 1 足尾銅山
 165 2 松木村と谷中村の滅亡
 187 3 サロマベツ

 201 第5章 東京都世田谷区 拓北農兵隊世田谷部落

 227 第6章 夕張 三笠 美唄

 247 第7章 福島

 249 1 福島原子力発電所事故,避難指示解除区域
 266 満州と福島  
 273 2 福島原子力発電所事故·帰還困難区域
 290 双葉町北広町

 297 終章 皇居
 310 写真史の死角から|倉石信乃
 328 犯罪の現場に戻る|鵜飼哲

 332 参考文献          

 006 City, mine, nuclear power plant, farmland, house|
             Keiji Tsuyuguchi

 015 Chapter 1 Development commissioner

 017 1 Tokyo Branch Office of development commissioner 
             and Sapporo Main Office of development commissioner 
 043 2 Shibuya Ward, Tokyo
             and Tokyo Government Garden of development commissioner

 071 Chapter 2 Tsuishikari Raisatsu Nibutani
 093 Chapter 3 Shikoku Hokkaido

 095 1 Kojima, Shibuno Village
 109 2 Besshi Copper Mine and Kokuryo River
 125 3 Yoichi, Sobetsu, Onnenai

 145 Chapter 4 Ashio Yanaka Saromabetsu 
 147 1 Ashio Copper Mine
 165 2 The destruction of Matsugi Village and Yanaka Village
 187 3 Saromabetsu

 201 Chapter 5 Setagaya Ward in Tokyo, 
             The Setagaya Buraku of the Hokkaido Colonization Corps

 227 Chapter 6 Yubari Mikasa Bibai

 247 Chapter 7 Fukushima

 249 1 Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident, 
              Evacuation instructions released area
   266 Manchuria and Fukushima
 273 2 Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident, Difficult-to-Return Zones
 290 Shinzan Kitahiromachi, Futaba Town

 297 Last chapter Imperial Palace
 310 From the blind spots of photographic history |Shino Kuraishi
 328 Return to the scene of the crime|Satoshi Ukai

 332 Bibliography 

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時間:12:00~19:00[木・金・土]/12:00~17:00 [日]

会場:iwao gallery東京都台東区蔵前2-1-27 2F



四方幸子(キュレーター/批評家) × 露口啓二(写真家) 


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Artist Information 


1950年 徳島県生まれ。1990年代末より、北海道の風景と歴史に着目した写真シリーズ「地名」の制作を開始。2014年 第一回札幌国際芸術祭に、映像と写真のインスタレーションを発表。同年、人間の営みの痕跡が自然に浸食されていく様子を撮った「自然史」シリーズの制作を開始。2018年「自然史」シリーズを「今も揺れている」展(横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野)に出品。同年「地名」シリーズを「さがみはら賞受賞」展出品。2020年「地名」と「自然史」を「道草」展(水戸芸術館現代美術ギャラリー)に出品。2021年「The world began without the human race and it will end without it」展(国立台湾美術館)に出品。2021年より2023年まで、映画『Wakka』に撮影監督として参加。写真集に『自然史』(2017)『地名』(2018)がある。

Keiji Tsuyuguchi

Born 1950 in Tokushima prefecture.

From the end of the 1990s, Keiji Tsuyuguchi started creating the series "Place Names"  with an emphasis on the landscape and history of Hokkaido. "The photographer arrived late to the incident," believes Tsuyuguchi, who has attempted to capture the changes that occur in an environment by placing himself within it and repeatedly visiting a location with the aid of historical documents and reference materials, rather than reproducing the results of an incident. 

In 2014, Presented a video and photography installation at the Sapporo International Art Festival(SIAF2014). In the same year, started the "On Natural History" series, capturing traces of human activity being eroded by nature. In 2018, Exhibited the "On Natural History" series at the group exhibition "Azamino Contemporary vol.9 Uncertain Landscape" (Yokohama Civic Art Gallery Azamino, Kanagawa). Also, in the same year, exhibited the "Place Names" series at the Exhibition for Sagamihara City Photo Award.

In 2020, Exhibited both "Place Names" and "Natural History" at the group exhibition "Michikusa: Walks with the Unknown "(Contemporary Art Gallery, Art Tower Mito).

In 2021, Exhibited at "The World Began Without the Human Race and It Will End Without It" (National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts). 

His major published photobooks include "On Natural History" (2017, AKAAKA) and "Place Names" (2018, AKAAKA).

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