
blue darkness.jpg


  寄稿:伊藤俊治 植島啓司

  Size:364mm × 257mm
  Page:96 pages

  Published in Dec 2019 

¥ 5,000+tax 


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About Book



青は、小谷にとって特別な色で、「青い破壊」「青の断片」などのシリーズもある。今回の鈍色に覆われた青い闇の 奥には、岩壁があり、洞窟の深い裂け目があり、水流の循環も見える。その中で蠢き、幾重にも折り重なり、落下し 飛翔するようにも映る裸体。今回からデジタルカメラによる多重露光での撮影に切り替わり、繊細なブレとコントラストが複雑な襞を生々しく伝えてくる。カメラと向き合い、自らの内側を覗き込みながらイメージをつくりだす長い時間。






Blue Darkness Yasuko Kotani

    The picture diary I kept when I was young turned into a photo diary after a while. My photographic works are an extension of those photos. In living my life I wanted to disgorge the emotions that well up day to day, so I have faced the camera as if it was a sacred ritual, so to speak.
   After long years of silence, I could no longer endure the weight of my exhausted body and heart, and so I found myself pushed out in front of the camera once more. Attracted by "the other side" of the darkness that is the present reality, going back and forth from it, suffering, I surrendered to that paleness and wander in blue darkness covered with dark gray.
   Living in Kobe, I experienced the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake. I can't deny that that event that shook the earth threw a kind of shadow on me that is with me to this day. Whenever I see the damage from other earthquakes and typhoons that have frequently been occurring everywhere in recent years, it overlaps with my memory of that earthquake and my sense of loss increases so that I have become unable to fill up the emptiness inside me. And as a woman, aging, illness, stress, harassment, the death of dear friends, the various problems that can befall anyone swirl in this darkness. My personal problems were the direct motivation for me to produce this photography collection, but I am sure it will resonate with people living in our world who are burdened with similar worries and problems.
   The photography collection as an artwork doesn't quite come to fruition, but conversely the continuing blanks and the years when it was difficult to find a meaning for living are what have motivated me to produce it. The fragments of days that flow by unite with other fragments to appear clothed with new meaning. I put myself on the boundary between "the other side" and reality, and while I am hoping to draw even a little closer to the side that radiates light, I think that from now on I will continue to push the camera shutter.



会場:The Third Gallery Aya

会期:2020年9月12日(土)〜 9月23日(水)

<中部経済新聞 2019年12月30日 掲載>
闇に溶け合う孤独 小谷泰子の個展「青い闇」から(竹内万里子 評)

<毎日新聞 2020年1月8日 大阪夕刊 掲載>
「青い闇」に見いだす光 沈黙20年経て写真集、小谷泰子 

Author Information 

小谷泰子|KOTANI Yasuko

1962 兵庫県西宮市生まれ

第3回 東京国際写真ビエンナーレ「記憶、記録の漂流者たち」優秀賞受賞

2019「青い闇」The Third Gallery Aya(大阪)
1996「Pendulation in blue」プリンツ(京都)
1995「Destruction of blue」エキヴァレンス(兵庫)
1994「Silence of blue」エキヴァレンス(兵庫)
1993「Illusion of blue」画廊みやざき(大阪)

2000「震災と表現 青い破壊」芦屋市立美術博物館(兵庫)
1998「VOCA' 98現代美術の展望一新しい平面の作家たち」上野の森美術館(東京)
1998「'98 新鋭美術選抜展」京都市美術館
1997「Cracow International print triennial Oktagon+1」ポーランド
1996「Photographs l,17~震災へのすべての思いに捧げる」エキヴァレンス(兵庫)
1996「' 96写真表現の位相 CAMERA ・ 現在のリアリティー」ギャラリ一・ヒルゲート(京都)            
1996「アート・ナウ '96在ることの根源へ」兵庫県立近代美術館


Yasuko Kotani

1962 Born in Nishinomiya, Japan.

Solo Exhibitions

1993 Illusion of Blue, Gallery Miyazaki, Osaka.

1994 Silence of Blue, Gallery Equivalence, Kobe. ----

1995 Destruction of Blue, Gallery Equivalence, Kobe.

1996 Pendulation in Blue, Prinz, Kyoto.

1998 Destruction of Blue, Kirin Plaza Osaka Plaza Gallery II, Osaka. ----

Fragments in Blue, VERSO Photo Galley, Tokyo.

Blue Self-portrait, SHINJUKU PARK TOWER Gallery 1, Tokyo. 2019 Blue Darkness, The Third Gallery Aya, Osaka.

Selected Group Exhibitions

1987 Photographic Art Exhibition Japan Week, The Netherlands.

1988 Selected Japanese Arts Exhibition, Tokyo Central Annex, Tokyo.

1990 '90 JPS Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo.

1991 PARCO Promising Photographers 3, PARCO Gallery, Tokyo.

1992 '92 JPS Exhibition, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo.

Wins Kirin Plaza Osaka Contemporary Award '92, Prize in photography, Kirin Plaza Osaka, Osaka.

10 People's Gaze Penetrating Light, ICAC Weston Gallery, Tokyo. From A,the Art Grand Prix in Photography, Spiri Hall, Tokyo.

1993 Kobe International Fashion Photography Exhibition'93, some places in PortIsland, Kobe.

Absolute Nudes 2 Photograph Exhibition, La Foret Museum Espace, Tokyo. Artful Kobe'93, Kobe Hankyu, Kobe.

1994 Exhibition by three young female photographers, Kirin Plaza Osaka, Osaka. Artful Kobe'94, Kobe Hankyu, Kobe.

1995 Report on Going through January 17, Gallery La Fenice, Osaka.

1996 Photographs 1.17 "Give it to all thought to the earthquake disaster", Gallery Equivalence, Kobe.

'96 Phase of Photographic Expression "CAMERA Current Reality", Gallery HILLGATE, Kyoto.

Private Room "Daily life as the photograph",Art Tower Mito Contemporary Art Gallery, Mito.

Award Festival, Kirin Plaza, Osaka.

Digital Photo Collection, Digital Art Gallery, Osaka.

ART NOW '96 "To the root of being", Hyogo Prefectural Museum of ModernArt, Kobe.

1997 Hyogo Art Week in Tokyo "The art that was born after the earthquake", SHINJUKU PARK TOWER Gallery 1, Tokyo.

International Print Triennial Cracow Oktagon+1, Poland.

Contemporary Artist Selection Exhibition "Sea breeze art", Kaibundo Gallery, Kobe. 

The 4th Rokko Island Modern Art Outdoors Exhibition,Rokko Island Marine Park, Kobe.

1998 VOCA '98 The Prospects of the Contemporary Art "The new artists of the plane", Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo.

'98 New and Powerful Art Selection Exhibition, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto. Award Film Festival, Kirin Plaza Osaka, Osaka.

1999 The 3rd Tokyo International Photo-Biennale--Fragments of Document and Memory, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo.

2000 An Earthquake Disaster and Expression "Distraction of Blue", Ashiya City Museum of Art & History, Ashiya.

Workshop "About Self-portrait", Ashiya City Museum of Art & History, Ashiya.

2019 Workshop "Self-portrait to Find the Inside of the heart", Otani Memorial Art Museum Nishinomiya City, Nishinomiya.


1996 Hyogo Art Encouragement Prize

1999 Excellence Award, Tokyo International Photo-Biennale--Fragments of Document and Memory, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography

Public collection

Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo.