About Book
"SOL" is the result of a series of journeys that Ariko took to Iceland, over the course of five years. The photographs in this book show a deep connection with nature; people only appear a couple of times here. There's particular attention paid to water, whether it's in the form of clouds, mist, or hot springs. Through Ariko's lens, the Icelandic landscape appears as a sometimes rugged but always beautiful phenomenon. Her photographs show that she's not just looking at it coldly, but attempting to transmit her own experience of it.
Artist Information
ariko > HP
1975年 京都生まれ
1992年 カリフォルニア洲サンデイゴの高校に留学
1995年 ニューヨークに移住
1999年 ニューヨークパーソンズスクールオブデザイン写真科BFA修得
1999年 卒業最優秀賞受賞ゲスト審査員アルバートワトソン
1999年 写真新世紀佳作「PDN 30 under 30」
2006年 拠点をNYから東京に移す
- 個展 -
2008年 TRAX、山梨
2008年 SHIN-BI 、京都
2009年 ハロー画廊、京都
2009年 ROCKET 、東京
- グループ展 -
2005年 唐招提寺展 東京国立博物館、東京
2008年 Art Court Frontier 2008 #6 ARTCOURT Gallery、大阪
2010年 Brand New Valentine 三菱地所アルティアム、博多
1975 born in Kyoto
1992 moved to San Diego CA
1995 moved to NY
1999 graduated Parson School of design in NY BFA degree in photography
1999 Graduation show Best award by guest judge Albert Watson
1999 New Cosmos of photography Honorable mention awards
1999 Selected 30 under 30 PDN
2006 moved to Tokyo
2008 published first book SOL by akaaka art publishing
- Soloexhibition -
2008 TRAX gallery,Yamanashi
2008 Shin-bi gallery,Kyoto
2009 HaloGalo,Kyoto
2009 Rocket gallery,Tokyo
- Group show -
2005 Photography and Haiku Poems delicated to Ganjinwajo and Vairocana Buddha:
2005 Dedication of Flowers exhibition by woman photographer,Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo
2008 Art Court frontier 2008#6,Art Court Gallery,Osaka
2010 Brand New Valentine , Artium , Fukuoka