Daido Moriyama 1965~

Daido Moriyama 1965~
森山大道 写真集
3,300円+税 | 240 × 294 mm | 128 頁 | 並製
アートディレクション: 中島英樹
Daido Moriyama 1965~
Photographs by Daido Moriyama
3,300JPY | 240 × 294 mm | 128 page | softcover
Art Director : Hideki Nakajima
ISBN: 978-4-903545-99-8
Published in June 2013

About Book 


森山大道が写真家として独立した1964年から現在に至るまでの作品群から、写真家・  上田義彦が106点をセレクトした写真集。猥雑な色の氾濫するこの世界をかき分け、無造作に切り取られたいくつもの断片は、見る者を別世界へと連れ出します。瞬間に自らの欲望を見出し、「写真とは何か」を問い続ける森山大道の本質と軌跡に生々しく触れる一冊。

Yoshihiko Ueda, photographer, selected and edited 106 images of Daido's photographs taken from 1964, the year that Daido Moriyama started his career as a photographer, until now.
For Moriyama, the city was a single vast object of desire, and the world something that loomed erotically. 106 images trace the career of a photographer who sought in each moment his own desire and never ceased questioning in a radical manner "What is photography?"

This book is published in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name at Gallery 916 where Yoshihiko Ueda opened in 2012.

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Artist Information

森山大道 | Daido Moriyama

1938年、大阪生まれ。高校在学中に商業デザイン会社に勤め、その後グラフィックデザイナーとして独立。1960年22歳のとき、写真家・岩宮武二との 出逢いをきっかけに、写真の世界へ飛び込む。翌年には上京し、細江英公のアシスタントを経て、1964年に写真家として独立。以後、『カメラ毎日』や『ア サヒグラフ』『アサヒカメラ』などの写真雑誌を舞台に作品を発表し続け、1967年『にっぽん劇場』で日本写真批評家協会新人賞を受賞。
代表作に『写真よさようなら』(72)、『光と影』(82)、『Daido-hysteric』(93-97)、『新宿』(02) など。昨年末にはロンドンにあるTate Modernで『William Klein + Daido Moriyama』展を行うなど、日本のみならず世界中で精力的に活動し続けている。

Born 1938 in Osaka. Worked at a commercial design company while attending high school, and then as a freelance graphic designer. Prompted by meeting the photographer Takeji Iwamiya, Moriyama plunged into the world photography in 1960, at the age of 22. He set off for Tokyo the following year, and after working as an assistant to Eikoh Hosoe, established himself as an independent photographer in 1964. His works appeared successively in photo magazines the likes of Camera Mainichi, AsahiGraph, and Asahi Camera, and in 1967, he received the New Artist Award from the Japan Photo-Critics Association for Japan: A Photo Theater.
Among his best-known photography collections are Farewell Photography (1972), Light and Shadow (1982), Daido-hysteric (1993-97), and Shinjuku (2002). He remains tirelessly active shooting and showing around the world, as evidenced in his recent exhibition "William Klein + Daido Moriyama" at Tate Modern, London.