朝海陽子『sight』 ![]() アートディレクション:半田淳也 発行:赤々舎 Size:215mm × 250 mm Page:100 pages Binding:Softcover Published in January 2011 ISBN: 978-4-903545-68-4 |
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About Book
2006年、朝海は映画を観ている人々を撮影したシリーズ作品「sight」シリーズをスタートし、「第9回フォト・プレミオ 特別賞」「さがみはら写真新人奨励賞」を立て続けに受賞。また東京都写真美術館で開催された「日本の新進作家 Vol.7 オン・ユア・ボディ」展をはじめとする様々なグループ展への参加により一躍注目を集める存在となった。
Yoko Asakai's "sight" is a series of portraits, taken around the world, of people watching movies at home. Asakai never reveals the screen, so finding out which movie the subjects are actually watching can provoke surprise, if not humor. Those five uncomfortable-looking Europeans? They're watching "The Seventh Seal," of course. What's got that older Japanese woman on the edge of her seat? "Babe." Meanwhile, a Korean man watches "Evangelion 1.11 - You Are (Not) Alone"--alone. Aside from these simple pleasures, the work explores the relationship between looking and being looked at. Asakai takes these portraits when her subjects are in a moment of complete concentration on the screen. They appear to be unaware of the camera, which sets up a complex relationship between the viewer and the viewed. English text included in this book: information about each photograph (date, location, film), full list of acknowledgements and subject credits, text by Shihoko Iida.
Artist Information
朝海陽子 あさかい・ようこ | Yoko asakai > HP1974 東京生まれ
1998 ロードアイランド・スクール・オブ・デザイン 写真学部卒業、アメリカ
- 受賞 -
2008 「相模原市総合写真祭フォトシティさがみはら2008」さがみはら写真新人奨励賞
2008 「第9回コニカミノルタ フォト・プレミオ」特別賞
- 所蔵先 -
1974 Born in Tokyo
1998 Graduated from Rodeisland School of Design, Department of Photography
- Awards -
2008 Sagamihara Emerging Photographer Encouragement Award
- Collections -
Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography
Shanghai Art Museum
Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts