広川泰士 写真集
Photographs by Taishi Hirokawa
Art Director : Hideki Nakajima
Published in March 2015.

定価:30,000円+税 | 限定50部、直筆サイン・エディションナンバー入
Limited edition with original print
30,000JPY|Limited edition of 50, numbered and signed by the artist.
上の写真のオリジナルプリント1点が付きます。(Digital Type C Print / 19×24cm / シートのみ)
Include the original print of the image above (Digital Type C Print / 19×24cm / sheet only),

About Book
未来につなぐべき大切なものとは? 人間の存在を問うライフワークの集大成。
Aesthetically speaking, Hirokawa has opted for an extremely stoic approach in this book. Artificial objects placed in natural settings are filled with an indescribable tedium, and their methodical geometry seems puzzlingly uncontrollable. The ambitious dazzle of the modern era, which set out to subjugate nature, has already been rendered inert and now we are confronted with the bleak results.
――――Keiichiro Hirano "Our Place"
Artist Information
広川泰士 |Taishi Hirokawa1950年神奈川生。74年よりフォトグラファーとして活動を始め、世界各都市での個展、美術展への招待出展多数。講談社出版文化賞、ニューヨークADC賞、文部科学大臣賞、経済産業大臣賞、日本映画テレビ技術協会撮影技術賞、A.C.C.最優秀撮影賞、他受賞。サンフランシスコ近代美術館、フランス国立図書館、東京都写真美術館、神戸ファッション美術館他で作品が収蔵されている。東京工芸大学教授。
Born in 1950 in Kanagawa. Current activities in Tokyo.
Searches his own artistic world, in parallel with commercial photography. Outstanding series are, among others, "Sono mama sono mama (as they are)", The series of people living in country side clothed in designers' brands, "Wakusei no oto (the sound of planet)" the series of mysterious harmony of galaxy, "Still crazy", the series of several nuclear power stations in Japan, "Timescapes" & "Whimsical Forces", both under the theme of eternal time. Took photographic direction of the movie "Tony TAKITANI", directed by Jun Ichikawa and shown in 30 countries in 2005. Received the grand prix at the film festival of Locarno, Switzerland.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art / Princeton University Art Museum / San Francisco Museum of Modern Art / Kobe Fashion Museum / Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography / Bibliothque nationale de France