石川竜一 写真集
Photographs by Ryuichi Ishikawa
Art Direction: Hikari Machiguchi
Published in November 2014.

About Book
okinawan portraits 2010-2012
okinawan portraits 2010-2012
Ryuichi Ishikawa
First, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of those who stood before me and taught immature me about the splendor of living, the seemingly momentary sparkle of evanescence, the power of life with its ability to disentangle everything, and so many other things.
We become afterimages that are constantly passing each other somewhere and small enough to be buried in our memories.
One person is returning a movie they've rented,
one is accompanying their parents on an errand,
one is walking their pet,
one was drenched in the rain,
one has a habit of going to the same place at the same time every day,
and one is just sitting there resting.
There are people who are enjoying something with friends, helping with the housework, going to cram school or some other kind of class, out on a date with their lover, working, shopping on the way home from dinner, suffering from an injury or accident, drunk, going wild, worrying, rejoicing, and distraught with loneliness.
One person talks about someone they like,
one expresses their dissatisfaction with their parents,
one is canvassing for a religious,
one is taking about their experiences in the war,
and one is telling a story that seems like a dream.
One person is a child, one is an adult, one is a man, one is a woman, and one could be either.
Everything is fantastic, everything is ordinary, everyone is inside each person, and they are living each life heartily. Within in an instant, a wave approaches and returns. When I'm standing there, all I can do is click the shutter as I tremble.
Something beyond my own will is captured in a photograph. Although I know that, as I talk and think about photography I am immersed in a lofty sensation, as if this was something that was always mine. But all of this is just an afterthought. It was really only an encounter with a photograph that could have involved that person in that place at that time. That's all.
Photographs always start talking to me in these situations, "Isn't this what you're looking for?" But I can't really say for sure - and probably never will be able to.
(from the postscript)
Artist Information
石川竜一|Ryuichi Ishikawa1984年 沖縄県生まれ
2006年 沖縄国際大学科社会文化学科卒、大学在学中に写真と出会う
2008年 前衛舞踊家 しば正龍に師事
2010年 写真家 勇崎哲史に師事
写真集『SHIBA 踊る惑星』自費出版
写真展「瞑」、ギャラリーoMac( 写真、コンテンポラリーダンス)
2011年 写真展「FRAGMENTS2」に参加、沖縄県立博物館・美術館1F県民ギャラリー
「Open Okinawa 沖縄幕開け!展」、space tropical(写真、コンテンポラリーダンス)
2012年 「沖縄本土復帰40周年写真展 OKINAWA 0 POINT」に参加
『okinawan portraits』で第35回キヤノン写真新世紀佳作受賞
2013年 写真展「FRAGMENTS3」参加、沖縄県立博物館・美術館1F県民ギャラリー(写真、コンテンポラリーダンス)
写真集『しば正龍 女形の魅力』自費出版
2014年 森山大道ポートフォリオレビュー展出品、 沖縄県立博物館・美術館1F県民ギャラリー
写真展「RYUICHI ISHIKAWA」、gallery ラファイエット
写真展「show case #3」に出品、eN arts
写真集『okinawan portraits 2010-2012』、『絶景のポリフォニー』を赤々舎より刊行
写真展「 okinawan portraits 2010-2012」、PLACE M
1984 Born in Okinawa Prefecture.
2006 Begins photography. Graduates from Okinawa International University.
2008 Studies avant-garde dance with Seiryu Shiba.
2010 Studies photography with Tetsushi Yuzaki.
Holds the Brain Portraits exhibition at Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum.
Self-publishes a photo book titled Shiba Dancing Planet. Holds the exhibition Mei at Gallery oMac.
2011 Participates in the group show Fragments 2 at Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum.
Takes part in 3rd Shomei Tomatsu Digital Photography Workshop.
Participates in the group show Open Okinawa at Space Tropical.
2012 Participates in the group show Okinawa 0 Point:
Exhibition Marking 40th Anniversary of Okinawa's Return to Japan.
Receives award in the 35th New Cosmos of Photography competition.
2013 Participates in the group show Fragments 3 at Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum.
Self-publishes a photo book titled Seiryu Shiba: Allure of the Female-Role Player. Dances in Shiba's solo recital.
2014 Participates in the group show Daido Moriyama Portfolio Review at Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum.
Self-publishes a photo book titled Ryuichi Ishikawa.
Holds the exhibition Ryuichi Ishikawa at Gallery Lafayette.
Participates in the group show show case #3 at eN arts.
Ishikawa's books okinawan portraits 2010-2012 and A Grand Polyphony
are published by AKAAKA Art Publishing.
Holds the zkop exhibition at ATSUKOBAROUH,
okinawan portraits 2010-2012 exhibition at Place M,
and A Grand Polyphony exhibition at Nikon Salon.