古賀絵里子 写真集
Photographs by Eriko Koga
Art Director : Masakazu Onishi
Published in March 2015.
You can choose Usuzumi(left), Yuki(center) or Sakura(right).
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Special edition|30,000JPYLimited edition of 50|Japanese cloth cover dyed with Koya-maki tree dye|Includes a flyleaf made of Koya-washi paper|presented in a hand-crafted wooden box
*お支払い方法は、代金引換、銀行振込、郵便振替、クレジットカード支払い、PayPal よりお選び頂けます。
About Book
高野山 開創1200年 の春に贈る、美しさ極まる写真集。
今年、高野山は弘法大師空海の手で密教の道場が開かれて から1200年目を迎えます。
その記念すべき春に 、若手写真家 古賀絵里子が5年間にわたって撮影した渾身の写真集『一山』を送り出します。
In 2009, freelance photographer Eriko Koga visited Mt. Kōya, home of a 1,200 year old Buddhist monastery in the mountains south of Osaka, for the first time. She explained the effect that visiting the complex had on her:
Okuno-in Temple exerted an especially strong pull on me. Its unique atmosphere overwhelmed all five of my senses. The air, the slow pace of mountain life and the kindness of the people brought about a serenity and security that permeated my entire being. (from the postscript)
Koga returned many times after her initial encounter to document with camera and film the feelings Mt. Koya evoked in her. With a desire to go even deeper than her regular short trips from Tokyo allowed, the photographer rented a small apartment in 2010 in the mountain village of Kōya where she stayed for one week every month for three years.
Mt. Kōya is a destination for Buddhist pilgrims and tourists alike, and is home to the Shingon sect of Esoteric Japanese Buddhism. The goal of Shingon is to simultaneously employ the "Three Mysteries" of body, speech, and mind to reveal one's nature. The mystery of the body is revealed through devotional gestures and the use of ritual instruments; of speech through sacred formulas; of mind through meditation. Koga's images are the result of a meditative eye wed to a camera, itself a ritualistic instrument controlled by actions and gestures bordering on the devotional. Through Issan, Koga reveals not just the nature of the monastery but perhaps something of her own nature as well. Her devotion to photographing the mountain is not unlike that of the Buddhists whose rituals played out before her lens.
Ultimately, my sense of myself as a person takes precedence over my photography. If only in a small way, I always try to be a better person. I believe it is this desire that inspires me to give voice to certain places or persons; it is a desire to address a deficiency I see in myself. When I am searching for something, it makes me devote myself more and more to the subject. Perhaps this is the kind of strength that underlies religious faith. (from the postscript)
Issan is available in three different cover colors (Usuzumi, Yuki, or Sakura) and in a special edition presented in a hand crafted wooden box.
Artist Information
古賀絵里子 |Eriko Koga1980年福岡県生まれ。上智大学文学部フランス文学科卒業。2004年フォト・ドキュメンタリー「NIPPON」受賞。2011年写真集『浅草善哉』(青幻舎)を発表し、翌年「さがみはら写真新人奨励賞」を受賞。2014年写真絵本『世界のともだち・カンボジア』(偕成社)を刊行。国内外で個展やグループ展を多数開催。清里フォトアートミュージアム、フランス国立図書館などに作品収蔵。写真発表の傍ら、テレビ出演や執筆活動もしている。
Eriko Koga was born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1980. She became a freelance photographer and lecturer, and in 2004 was honored to win the Documentary Nippon Prize. She began work on Issan in 2009. She published Asakusa Zenzai (Akkaka) in 2011, and she currently lives in Kyoto.