松江泰治 写真集
Photographs by Taiji Matsue
Art Director : Shin Akiyama
Published in September 2013
About Book
Taiji Matsue is known for his highly detailed aerial photographs, which he has taken all over the world. These crisp images, full of visual information, invite the viewer to look across the entire frame. In this sense, "TYO-WTC" follows naturally from Matsue's previous work, given that the photographs here were also taken from a high vantage point. However, this book is something of a departure for Matsue, because the photographs in this book all were taken from the same Tokyo building--and indeed from only four fixed points within that building, all facing nearly the same direction. What do these 100 photographs show? Naturally, one element here is time. As Matsue observes the same part of the street over a long period of time, changes in the city appear. Some of these changes, like the construction of a high-rise building, are obvious. Others, like the comings and goings of people on the street, or the type of train going by, are more ephemeral. Yet the book does not proceed in a simple, chronological order. Instead, time here moves backwards and forwards, sometimes jumping unexpectedly. Matsue also alternates between color and black and white images. These effects provoke a reflection on the nature of cities, and this book offers a fascinating look not just at Tokyo in particular, but urban environments in general. Includes English translation of a text by critic Shino Kuraishi.
Matsue's message is that in a city there has only ever been and will always be development, only generation, and to this there is no alternative. Construction works have always been starting everywhere. After finishing, they start again. A city is an unceasing cycle of construction and destruction. And this in Tokyo, an amorphous place, almost entirely bereft of green, and peerless in its absence of planning. With no retraceable origin and no possibility of future completion, there is only development, ever-repeating generation. It is the bold challenge of capturing this within the depth of a limited time which has brought us TYO-WTC. ―――――Shino Kuraishi"Rethinking the fixed viewpoint: Taiji Matsue's TYO-WTC"
Artist Information
松江泰治|Taiji Matsue写真家。1963年、東京生まれ。
1996年 第12回東川賞新人作家賞受賞
2002年 第27回木村伊兵衛写真賞受賞
2012年 第28回東川賞国内作家賞受賞
2012年 IZU PHOTO MUSEUMで個展「松江泰治:世界・表層・時間」開催
2013年 写真集『jp0205』(青幻舎)で第25回写真の会賞受賞
1963 Born in Tokyo
1987 Graduated from Tokyo University, Department of Science
1996 Higashikawa Award [New Photographer Award]
2002 27th Kimura Ihee Photography Award
2012 Solo Exhibition "Taiji MATSUE: Surficial Survey" IZU PHOTO MUSEUM
Lives and Works in Tokyo