アートディレクション : 豊永政史
Visceral Sensation -- Voices So Far, So Near
2,800JPY | 242 × 242mm | 116page | softcover
Art Director : Seiji Toyonaga
Published in April 2013.
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About Book
金沢21世紀美術館で大好評開催中! 国内外13組の作家による新たな知覚の目覚め。
「響け、内なる声よ 聴け、『遠くて近い声』を」吉岡恵美子
金沢21世紀美術館HP: http://www.kanazawa21.jp/
"Visceral sensation"--the most primordial of the various human senses. This book, is published in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, features 13 artists from Japan and abroad who tune into the voices of life within us, speak to them, and induce new perceptual awakenings. Their works employing wide-ranging media will create a place for pondering sensations, perceptions, and emotions related to our primordial physical embodiment, and for reconnecting with the life rhythms resonating quietly in our organs, the axis of our physical being.
Included artists:
Louise BOURGEOIS / CHO Shinta / Nathalie DJURBERG & Hans BERG / KATO Izumi / KUSAMA Yayoi / Ana MENDIETA / AKAGAWA Yukio / Saskia OLDE WOLBERS / OLTA / Pipilotti RIST / SHIGA Lieko / Bill VIOLA / WATANABE Kikuma
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa WEBSITE: http://www.kanazawa21.jp/en/