大橋 仁
21,905円+税 | 297 × 420 mm | 400頁 | 上製本(函付き)
アートディレクション: 山本知香子
Surrendered Myself to the Chair of Life
Photographs by Jin Ohashi
21,905 JPY | 297 × 420 mm | 400 page | clothbound embossing title and artist name, with a box
Art Director: Chikako Yamamoto
Published in November 2012
This book contains explicit sexual content, possibly objectionable.

About Book
"命が生まれ人が人生を始めるという事は、ある空間に、一つの場に、誰しもが何かに呼ばれて、用意されたその席に着くような感覚が自分にはある。(中略) 今日この場に、自分が生きていること、この世という一つの場所に、人類がそろって生きていること、自分はそこにすわろうとおもった。" 大橋仁
Jin Ohashi is one of the most popular and significant photographers in Japan today. His work in earlier books, "Menomaenotsuduki" and "Ima", took the public by surprise with its dynamic realism. This autumn, he is back after a seven-year absence with a new book of photographs, Surrendered Myself to the Chair of Life.
"I think the fact that life starts--and each person starts his or her own life--to me means that everyone has a calling," says Ohashi. "We are all led to take our seat at a particular place, which is already prepared for us ... At this moment, I am alive in this world, where we all are alive. I wanted to take my seat at that place."
Surrendered Myself to the Chair of Life challenges us to look at the place where we live, the place where life begins. A fundamental body of work, it reflects the life of an individual rather than society as a whole. By exploring the last frontiers of life, new meanings can be created through the formation of relationships with others. It is this exploration that makes Ohashi's work multi-layered and real.
"Jin Ohashi has a natural instinct for photography. He really is in a class of his own. Is this photography? It is undoubtedly contemporary art!" -- Nobuyoshi Araki
Artist Information
大橋仁 | Jin OhashiHP: http://www.ohashijin.com/1972年 神奈川県生まれ。
1992年 第8回キヤノン写真新世紀/荒木経惟選・優秀賞受賞
1999年 写真集『目のまえのつづき』(青幻舎刊)
2005年 写真集『いま』(青幻舎刊)
1972 Born in Kanagawa, Japan
1992 Canon New Cosmos of Photography Excellent Award (juried by Nobuyoshi Araki)
1999 First book "Me no mae no tsuduki" (Seigen-sha)
2005 Second book "Ima" (Seigen-sha)