アートディレクション : 秋山伸
Photographs by OKADA Atsushi
5,000JPY | 364×249mm | 170 page | softcover
Art Director : Shin Akiyama
Published in October 2012
岡田 敦
By recognizing the uncertain world, I find the existence of "I".
By finding the uncertain existence of "I", I recognize the world again.
In order to recognize something hard to do, I take photographs.
July24, 2012 OKADA Atsushi
"The World" could be viewed in a number of different ways. On the one hand, it's a response to the events of the disasters that rocked Japan in 2011, while at the same time it functions as a kind of personal diary of the photographer. Perhaps it's best understood in terms of other photographic production happening in contemporary Japan, which values a highly personal expression over a clarity of concept: in a very lyrical, abstract way, Okada is attempting to express the unexpressable. There's a focus on nature throughout the book, as well as photographs of areas affected by the tsunami of 2011, and it seems fair to say that in the wake of the Great Tohoku Earthquake, Okada is questioning the relationship between humans and nature. These photographs of natural phenomena are interspersed with studio images of women in various states of undress, but it's difficult to say that they are meant to represent unconditional "beauty." Okada is not trying to present a simple statement about "The World." Instead, he recognizes the difficulties in his subject, and has incorporated them into his own work.
Artist Information
岡田敦|Atsushi OkadaHP1979年北海道生まれ。
木村伊兵衛写真賞受賞作の『I am』(赤々舎)は国内外問わず多くのメディアに取りあげられ話題となる。2010年、写真集『ataraxia』(岡田敦、伊津野重美、青幻舎)、iPad / iPhoneアプリ"ataraxia [photo theater]"(写真:岡田敦、楽曲:守時タツミ、開発:Excite)を発表。同年、映画「ノルウェイの森」(原作:村上春樹、監督:トラン・アン・ユン、主題歌:ザ・ビートルズ)の公式ガイドブック(講談社)の撮り下ろし企画などを手掛ける。2011年、小説『月光川の魚研究会』(著者:星野青、写真:岡田敦、ぴあ)を発表。その他の写真集に『Platibe』『Cord』(2003年、共に窓社)などがある。海外からの注目も高い、新進気鋭の写真家である。
- 受賞 -
2002年 富士フォトサロン新人賞
2008年 第33回木村伊兵衛写真賞
Born in Hokkaido, Japan, 1979.
Graduated from the Osaka University of Arts, Department of Photography in 2003.
2005 Completed Graduate School of Arts, the Tokyo Polytechnic University. Earned M.A degree
2008 Completed Graduate School of Arts, the Tokyo Polytechnic University. Earned Ph.D. [Dissertation : Wrist Cut -A photographic exploration of identity-]
- Award -
2002 Fuji Photo Salon the New Face Prize
2008 the 33rd Kimura Ihei Photography Award
- Publication -
2003 'Platide', 'Cord'
2007 'I am'
2010 'ataraxia'