About Book
鶴田直樹が『インビテーション』(ぴあ) 誌で創刊号から約3年に渡って撮り続け、大好評を博した日本を代表する女優たちのポートレイト・シリーズ。そのシリーズを中心に新たに撮り下ろした女優3名を加え待望の写真集化。
蒼井優/麻生久美子/飯島直子/池脇千鶴/板谷由夏/吉瀬美智子/黒沢あすか?小雪/SHIHO/戸田恵梨香/永作博美/中島美嘉/中谷美紀/広末涼子/堀北真希/真木よう子/松雪泰子/観月ありさ/宮崎あおい (五十音順・敬称略)
"19 Rooms" is a book of glamourous photos of some of Japan's most popular actresses of recent years. It's a "best hits" of shots that Naoki Tsuruta took while shooting for magazines. The subjects (of which there are 19) are always posed in a room, hence the title of the book. Tsuruta's alluring photos bring out the most attractive qualities of these women. The photos on display here represent some of the highest achievement in fashion, styling and makeup possible in Japan today.
Artist Information
鶴田直樹 | Naoki Tsuruta > HP
1958 Born in Tokyo, Japan
1980 Graduated from Nippon University, College of Art
1980 Worked in Design Agency as a photographer
1991 Starts working as a photographer