
2,300円+税 | 147 × 200 mm | 56頁 | 上製本
アートディレクション : 山本 誠

Drawings and Poetries by Leiko Ikemura

2,300JPY | 182 × 257 mm | 56 page | hardcover
Art Director : Makoto Yamamoto

ISBN : 978-4-903545-04-2
Published in September 2006

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イケムラレイコ | Reiko Ikemurashugoarts (所属ギャラリー)

1951年 三重県津市生まれ
1973年 渡欧し現在ベルリンとケルンを拠点に活動
1991年から ベルリン芸術大学教授

1999年 栃木県立美術館「メディテーションー真昼の瞑想」
2000年 豊田市美術館 個展「地平線を超えて
2001年 ローザンヌ美術館 個展
2002年 リヒテンシュタイン美術館 個展
2004年 東京都現代美術館「愛と孤独、そして笑い」
2004年 森美術館「ストーリーテラーズ」
2004-2005年 ドイツのレックリングハウゼン・クントハーレ 個展「彫刻・絵画・ドローイング」
2006年 ベルリン・ノイエナショナルギャラリー「ベルリンー東京展」
2006年 ヴァンジ彫刻庭園美術館 個展「うみのこ」


Born in Tsu, Mie Prefecture, Ikemura moved to Spain in 1973. There, she studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Saint Isabel of Hungary of Sevilla. She then moved to Switzerland before eventually settling in Germany. Currently based in Berlin and Cologne, she also works as a professor at the Berlin University of the Arts. Major solo exhibitions of her work have been held at the Bonner Kunstverein (Germany) in 1983, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Basel in 1987-88, the Haggerty Museum of Art (Milwaukee, USA) in 1999, the Toyota Municipal Museum of Art in 2000, the Cantonal Museum of Fine Art, Lausanne (Switzerland) in 2001, the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein in 2002, the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen (Germany) in 2004, the Kolumba Art Museum of the Archdiocese of Cologne in 2005, the Vangi Sculpture Garden Museum (Mishima, Japan) in 2006, the Museum zu Allerheiligen Schaffhausen (Switzerland) in 2008, and the Sauerland-Museum (Arnsberg, Germany) in 2010.

見る 野村仁:偶然と必然のフェノメナ 野村仁 作品集
4,200円+税 | 182 × 257 mm | 144頁 | 並製本 | CD付
アートディレクション : 豊永政史

Seeing: Contingency and Necessity / The Work of Hitoshi Nomura
Works by Hitoshi Nomura

4,200JPY | 182 × 257 mm | 144 page | softcover | with a CD
Art Director : Seiji Toyonaga

ISBN : 978-4-903545-05-9
Published in October 2006

About Book

1968年、時間の経過とともに崩れてゆく、ダンボールで出来た高さ10メートルの彫刻作品『Tardiology』の発表以来、常に「時間」と「空間」を見つめ続けてきた現代美術作家、野村仁(のむら・ひとし)。 1968年~2006年の最新作『宇宙樹'06』にいたる代表的な作品を見開きごとに取り上げ、コンセプトや制作エピソード等、豊富なテキストでそれを解説する。「近景」、「遠景」、「未来景」、野村仁の「ひたすらに見つめる」視覚の旅。「見ること」、そしてそれがもたらす「アート」を巡る一冊。
鶴の飛翔を捉えた写真作品『Grus』(2004年)から採譜した野村仁の完成したばかりのフェノメノン音楽『'Grus'score by HITOSHI NOMURA』(全8曲、66分57秒)とともに、私たちをとりまく森羅万象を感受して下さい。

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ダンボールが自重(重力)でたわみ、崩壊していくまでを視覚化した最初期の作品。以来「時間と空間の性質を同等に際立たせた作品を...」と思うに至り、写真を作品の基本形態とする。 『Tardiology』(遅延論)は造語。

[1982-87|The Sun on Lat.35°N/北緯35°の太陽]


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Artist Information

野村仁 | Hitoshi Nomura  

1945年 兵庫県に生まれ
1967年 京都市立美術大学卒業
1969年 京都市立美術大学専攻科修了
現在 京都市立美術大学教授

1945 Born in Hyogo, Japan.
1967 Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Department of Sculpture
1969 Completed the Graduate course in sculpture at Kyoto City University of Arts
2000 Professor at the Graduated School of Kyoto City University

3,700円+税 | 227 × 270 mm | 224頁 | 並製本

reGeneration: 50 Photographers of Tomorrow
Photographs by Various Artists

3,700JPY | 227 × 270 mm | 224 page | softcover

ISBN : 978-4-903545-07-3
Published in May 2007

About Book

What are young photographers up to at the outset of the twenty-first century? How do they see the world? How much do they respect, build on, or reject tradition? Are they busy in the darkroom or the computer lab--or both? reGeneration sets out to discover answers to these intriguing questions, previewing the work of fifty photographers who may well emerge as some of the finest of their generation. This remarkable book, the broadest and most enterprising survey of its kind, showcases the creativity, ingenuity, and inspiration of these up-and-coming photographic artists in over two hundred superb images. Curators at the world-renowned Musée de l'Elysée in Lausanne selected the photographers from hundreds of candidates submitted by more than sixty of the world's top photography schools. The panel's choice was made with one key question in mind: are these images likely to be known in twenty years' time? The results show that, as the new century builds momentum, the art of photography is alive and well, and that photographers of extraordinary talent are already making their mark.

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マシュー・モンティス 写真集
3,500円+税 | 277 × 241 mm | 80頁 | 上製本
Czech Eden
Photographs by Matthew Monteith
3,500JPY | 277 × 241 mm | 80 page | hardcover

ISBN : 978-4-903545-08-0
Published in May 2007

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イヴァン・クリーマ (作家) による序文より抜粋

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1974年 ミシガン州ハウエル市生まれ
2004年 エール大学美術学修士号取得
現在、ニューヨーク市ブルックリン在住 ニューヨーク・タイムズ、ル・モンド、リベラションなどの紙面で取り上げられ、マーティン・パーによる紹介記事によっても知られる。

Matthew Monteith studied at the International Center of Photography before earning an MFA from the Yale School of Art in 2004. He was a Fulbright Scholar in the Czech Republic from 2001-2002 and the resulting work was published as Czech Eden by Aperture in 2007. He had a residency at the Marie Walsh Sharpe Foundation in New York City in 2004-05 and received the Abigail Cohen Rome Prize in Photography from the American Academy in Rome in 2008. His editorial work has appeared in many magazines, including GQ, The New York Times Magazine, Interview, W, and Dwell and his artwork has been exhibited in solo exhibitions in San Francisco, Kyoto, Paris, Arles, and Cherbourg as well as in group exhibitions in New York, Charlotte, Miami, Washington D.C., Rennes, Ljubljana, Prague, and Rome. He lives and works in New York.

石内都 写真集
3,800円+税 | 212 × 280 mm | 90頁 | 上製本
アートディレクション : 中島英樹

Photographs by Miyako Ishiuchi

3,800JPY | 212 × 280 mm | 90 page | hardcover
Art Director : Hideki Nakajima

ISBN : 978-4-903545-12-7
Published in May 2007

About Book

あとがきより キズアトの女神たち|石内都





"INNOCENCE" is a unique book of photographs, portraits of sorts that Miyako Ishiuchi took of scars on women's bodies. We never see the faces of her subjects, only the marks which remain on their bodies. These black-and-white photos have been processed to make the contrast quite neutral, leaving little difference between the subject's skin, which is lit only by natural light. For Ishiuchi, these scarred bodies represent a kind of purity. In a text which accompanies the book, and has been translated into English, Ishiuchi states: "just as self, individuality and the like when piled on the plate of time seem silly and inconsequential, so youth and age, beauty and ugliness on the surface of the body are pretty much just two sides of the same coin." "INNOCENCE" is a carefully considered study of the female body, from a perspective which is not often represented.

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Artist Information

石内都 | Miyako IshiuchiHP :

1947 群馬県生まれ
1953-1966 横須賀育ち
1970 多摩美術大学デザイン科、織りコース中退
1979 第4回木村伊兵衛写真賞受賞
1999 第11回写真の会賞受賞、第15回東川国内作家賞受賞
2003 第15回写真の会賞受賞
2006 日本写真協会賞作家賞
2009 毎日芸術賞

1947 Born in Gunma
1953 Moves to Yokosuka
1970 Leaves Tama Art University, major in textiles, without graduating
1979 Awarded the 4th Kimura Ihei Memorial Photography Award
1999 Awarded the 11th Shashin-no-kai Award
1999 Awarded the 15th the Domestic Photographer Prize of the Higashikawa Prize
2003 Awarded the 15th Shashin-no-kai Award
2005 Awarded the Photographic Society in Japan's Prize for 2006
2009 Awarded the Mainichi Art Award

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