写真 : シャルル・フレジェ
漫画 : リトルフィッシュ
編集 : 多田智美 デザイン : 原田祐馬
Photographs by Charles Freger
3,000JPY | 174 × 240 mm | 76 page | hardcover
Editing : Tomomi Tada Design : Yuma Harada
Text: Mariko TAKEUCHI
Published in October 2011
About Book
生と死との邂逅だった」(竹内万里子 帯文より)
SEIJINSHIKI is made together with the photographer Charles Freger and the manga artist littlefish. Seijinshiki is a coming-of-age ceremony in Japan when 20-year-old girls dress in a formal kimono, Japanese traditional dress, known for its very tactile aesthetics and materials. Charles has made portraits of these girls in front of self-made backdrops depicting classical formal Japanese paintings. The irritating odd element is the reoccurring "peace" and "victory" sign which these girls project to the camera. This little gesture, which is such an integral part of young peoples posing for the camera, becomes, like so much of the Japanese culture, a bridge between old traditions, and contemporary pop elements.
The manga story from littlefish depicts a narrative of 2 girls excited about their upcoming ceremony, dressing up, drinking and then, in the end falling asleep as Kuroko, a dark figure, comes to strip them of the beautiful robes. A very loaded ending, symbolizing the loss of naivete and innocence.
Includes an English translation of dialogue between Charles Freger and Mariko Takeuchi, critic.
Artist Information
シャルル・フレジェ | Charles Freger HP → http://www.charlesfreger.com/フリーランスの写真家。1975年フランスのブルージュ生まれ。ルーアン芸術学院にて芸術を専攻。写真家として初期から一貫して肖像写真を追求し、スポー ツ選手や学生、兵士などの社会的集団を、詩的かる人類学的な視点から撮影している。ヨーロッパおよび世界の様々な国のギャラリーで彼の写真の展覧会が催さ れており、またその作品はアルル国際写真フェスティバルのような芸術祭にも出品されている。日本へと旅し、相撲部屋の若手の相撲取りと訓練生を撮影した一 連の作品は、2005年に横浜美術館の個展「RIKISHI」で展示された。また、シャルル・フレジェは、若手芸術家の団体、ピース・オブ・ケーキ(www.pocproject.com)の発起人でもある。
Charles Freger is a free-lance photographer born in 1975 in Bourges, France. He studied fine art at L´Ecole regional de beaux-arts de Rouen, Since his early days, he desiccated himself to portraits photographing poetic and anthropological representation of social groups such as athletes, school children, military personnel, etc. His photographs have been exhibited in galleries throughout Europe and abroad, and also in international festivals such as Les Recontres photographiques d´Arles. He has traveled in Japan, photographing young SUMO RIKISHI, held at Yokohama Museum of Art Gallery in 2005. Charles Freger is also the founder of the artistic community Piece of Cake (www.pocproject.com).
リトルフィッシュ | little fish
コミックアーチスト。1972年生まれ。1995年、日本のアンダーグラウンドコミックマガジン『月刊漫画ガロ』でデビュー。以後、雑誌やWEB、ギャラ リーなどで、実験的な作品を発表する。2002年、東京在住のフランス人漫画家フレデリック・ボワレと出会い、彼の提唱する「ヌーベルまんが」の活動に参 加。同年、仲間らとアートマガジン『spore』を創刊した。2005年、日仏漫画家によるアンソロジー『JAPON』に寄稿。2006年、アジア・ヨー ロッパ財団によるアジア・ヨーロッパ・コミック・プロジェクトに日本代表として参加し、シンガポールにて作品制作を行った。また、ポーランドの映画監督イ エジー・スコリモフスキの映画の研究者でもある。2010年、little fish編著『エッセンス・オブ・スコリモフスキ』(little fish press)を出版した。
little fish is a comic artist. He was born in Tokyo in 1972. He made his debut in the underground comic magazine "Monthly Garo". Since then, his experimental works have been published in magazines and websites, and shown at galleries. in 2002, he met a French comic artist living in Tokyo, Frederic Boilet, and joined Nouvelle Manga movement at the recommendation of Boilet. In the same year, he started an art magazine, "spore", with fellow artists. He contributed to "Japon" - an anthology of French and Japanese comic artwork in 2005. In the following year, he represented Japan at the Asia-French Comic Project initiated by the Asia-Europe Foundation, producing work in Singapore. Along with his artistic career, he has also spent time researching the films of the Polish director, Jerzy Skolimowski, which resulted in the publication of "The Essence of Skolimowski" (little fish press) in 2010.