近づく(増補版) / Coming Closer

津田直 写真集
1,500円+税 | 114 × 176 mm | 200頁 | 並製本
アートディレクション : 秋山伸 + 森大志郎

Coming Closer
Photographs by Nao Tsuda

1,500JPY | 114 × 176 mm | 200 page | softcover (4types of obi)
Art Director : Shin Akiyama + Daishiro Mori

ISBN : 978-4-903545-45-5
Published in July 2009

About Book



- 津田直


- 竹内万里子[写真評論家]

This title, published in 2009, is a revised edition of Nao Tsuda's first book, which was published in 2004 with hiromiyoshii. "Coming Closer" was a kind of study for the landscape work which he would develop fully with "SMOKE LINE," published by Akaaka in 2008. In his books, Tsuda often shows the viewer multiple views of the same scene, taken from a similar perspective. Where "SMOKE LINE" is large and colorful, though, "Coming Closer" is an almost miniature, more playful effort. The book opens with a sequence of color photos printed on glossy paper, but the majority of the book consists of black and white photos printed on a matte stock. The book's small format means that Tsuda's landscapes aren't at all grandiose, but seeing three or four of them together on one spread makes for a strangely pleasant viewing experience.

Includes English translations of text by the photographer.

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Artist Information

津田直|Nao Tsuda > HP

写真家。2001年より『遠くの近く』を発表、続く2002年からは『近づく』と題された新作で大阪、東京、横浜で個展を中心に多数の作品を発表。 自然を捉える視線のユニークさと写真と時間の関係という古くて新しいテーマへの真摯な取り組みで、 21世紀の新たな風景表現の潮流を切り開く新進の写真作家として注目されている。 湖、山肌、雲霧などの対象物を一見それとはわからない距離やアングルで撮影したその作品は、写真では体験できないものをいかに写し取るかという、写真の限界に挑む試みでもある。 また最近では、ギャラリーの外へも活躍の場を拡げ、美術館での企画展への参加も続いている。作品集には「近づく」(hiromi yoshii発行)。 2007年秋には近年日本家屋にて開催された個展『漕ぎだし』から作品集「漕」を主水書房より出版。 2008年は5月N.Y.での個展をはじめ、11月に資生堂ギャラリーにて個展、Paris Photoへ参加。また最新の作品集「SMOKE LINE」は赤々舍より出版。

Nao Tsuda is a photographer who has been showing his landscape photographs since 2001. The main series of works include, "Coming Closer"(2001-2004), "Kogi"(2005-2009), "SMOKE LINE"(2008) and "Rera Faraway"(2009). Number of works from these series have been shown internationally. With his unique view toward nature and his sincere approach to a timeless theme: the relationship between photography and time, Tsuda is spotlighted as a cutting-edge, who is cultivating a new trend of the landscape photography in 21st century. He photographs objects, such as lakes, surface of mountains, cloudy fogs, winds and paths of the moon from hardly distinguishable distances or angles in an effort to break out of, or beyond the limit of photographic expression. In recent years, Tsuda has been actively showing his works not only at galleries, but also in solo and group exhibitions at museums. In 2010, Tsuda won the Minister of Educational Award for New Artist in Fine Arts. His publications include "Kogi" (MONDE BOOKS), "SMOKE LINE"(AKAAKA) and "Coming Closer"(AKAAKA+hiromiyoshii). The latest photography book, "Storm Last Night"(AKAAKA), is a collection of photographs from his trips to Ireland, where people worshipped the scenery in ancient times.