


  Book Design:佐藤篤司


  Size: H185mm × W148mm
  Page:344 pages

  Published in June 2021

¥ 3,000+tax 


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"写真そのものではなく、その前に、その背後に、あるいはその彼方にあって明滅する「世界」と「眼」とのむすびつきの「原史」" に一貫して関心を抱きつづけてきた氏の筆は、写真が生まれる場所に潜んでいた〈原写真〉という衝動を推度し、山村雅昭、大原治雄、ブロツキー、ペドロ・メイヤー、東松照明、レヴィ=ストロース、ミゲル・リオ・ブランコ、多木浩二、セバスチャン・サルガドなどへの省察を通し、写真が生まれた場所を問いかける。


 Prologue  顔が顔であった時代に 


 「瞬間の歴史」を証す人 大原治雄とブラジル
 「ここではない場所」への想像力 ブロツキーあるいは都市への不可能な帰郷 
 親密さと聖なるもの ペドロ・メイヤーの〈ディジタルな真実〉


 映像による占領 戦後日本における写真と暴力


 時の地峡をわたって レヴィ=ストロースと写真
 眼と眼のはざまに砂漠が アブ・グレイブを目撃しないこと
 家々は海深く消え去りぬ 多木浩二の〈反│建築写真〉

  E p i l o g u e  大地の平和、映像の平和




" 〈原写真〉とは定義しがたい謎のような運動体である。それは「世界」じたいが内部に持つ、イメージの豊かな生産力のようなもの。


"あなたが、写真が生まれる場のことを「暗い部屋」ではなく「明るい部屋」と呼んだとき、私のなかのなにかが変わった。買ったばかりのその本の活字を、ブリュッセルからパリまでの急行列車のなかでひたすら追いつづけた。暗闇の謎から生まれるはずの解釈の言葉は、車窓を飛び去ってゆく田園風景のように後ろへ逃げていった。私から、それとも、私が考える「写真」なるものから? ことばをもって考えるということの普遍性が立ち去った車窓に、とるにたらないと思われていた個別性の光がフランドルの夕暮れの斜光とともに差し込んだ。眩いほどのヤコブの梯子。明るい天穹から降りてくる天使たち。あなたの本にはさまれた、一人の黒人奴隷の写真から発する視線に私は射られた。パリのベレー帽の少年が抱える子犬の虚ろで漆黒の眼を見て涙が流れた。明るい未知の部屋のなかで、私は新しい旅を信じはじめた。"

Artist Information 

今福龍太 (Ryuta Imafuku)

文化人類学者・批評家。一九八〇年代初頭からラテンアメリカ各地で人類学的なフィールドワークに従事。早くから写真、映画、音楽、メディア、スポーツ、文学等の領域でも旺盛な批評活動を展開。二〇〇二年から奄美・沖縄・台湾の群島を結ぶ遊動型の野外学舎〈奄美自由大学〉を主宰。ブラジルのサンパウロ・カトリック大学でも随時集中セミナーを持つ。著書に『ミニマ・グラシア』『薄墨色の文法』『ジェロニモたちの方舟』『レヴィ゠ストロース 夜と音楽』『ヘンリー・ソロー 野生の学舎』(讀賣文学賞)『ハーフ・ブリード』『ブラジル映画史講義』『宮沢賢治 デクノボーの叡知』(宮沢賢治賞・角川財団学芸賞)『サッカー批評原論』ほか多数。二五年にわたる対話を集成した『小さな夜をこえて』もある。主著『クレオール主義』『群島─世界論』を含む新旧著作のコレクション《パルティータ》全五巻(水声社)が二〇一八年に完結。

Related Items


 長沢慎一郎『The Bonin Islanders』
  Art Direction:林規章
  Book Design:乗田菜々美


  Size: H223mm × W297mm
  Page:128 pages

  Published in June 2021

¥ 6,600+tax 


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About Book



MUJIN(無人)ーBUNINーBONIN と変化した呼名。
占領時代の出生証明書やパスポートにも記載された、「Bonin Islandes 小笠原人」というアイデンティティ。


「俺たちはアメリカ人でも日本人でもない小笠原人だ!」 南スタンリー
 We aren't Americans. We aren't Japanese. We are Bonin Islanders!    Stanley Minami


デイビッド・オド 寄稿「長沢が撮った小笠原」より
contribution Text:David Odo (Harvard Art Museums )

The Bonin Islanders 

Shinichiro Nagasawa

The island of Chichijima is located at 27°north latitude (about the same as the Okinawa Islands) and 1,000 km far south of Tokyo. With no airport, it takes 24 hours to get there from the Takebashi wharf in Tokyo. With a subtropical climate and many endemic species found nowhere else in the world, it is also known as the "Galapagos of the East". The group of islands that includes Chichijima is listed as a natural UNESCO World Heritage site.

Chichijima used to be uninhabited. The name of the group of the islands ("Bonin Islands") is taken from Japanese word for inhabited ("無人:mujin"); the pronunciation changed from "mujin" to "bunin", and ultimately to "bonin".These extremely remote islands have a complicated history.

It goes back to the 19th century.

In 1830, five Europeans and twenty Canadians arrived at Chichijima via the Hawaian Sandwich Islands as the first settlers. The island then developed into an important harbor that provides food and fuel to whaling boats from all over the world. At various times, America, Britain and Russia attempted, in vain, to take control of the Bonin Islands. In 1873, the Bonin Islands were officially declared Japanese territory, which forced the islanders to become Japanese citizens. Many people from the main islands of Japan subsequently moved there, and the original settlers were differentiated as "Western Islanders".
By the time of World War II, the population of Chichijima grew to about four thousand. During the War, Iwo-jima and other islands became the sites of fierce land battles and were converted to forts for the Japanese army. All the islanders were forced to evacuate to mainland Japan. After the War, the Bonin Islands were occupied by GHQ until 1968. The GHQ allowed only "Western Islanders" to return, and for 23 years, every aspect of islandersʼ life, including language and education, was influenced by American culture. They were only informed of the territorial restoration to Japan right before it happened.

About forty years later, I came across an old family photograph in a travel magazine. In front of a thatch-roofed hut were two men and three children wearing kimonos, and they all looked European or American. "Is this really Japan?" The image left a deep impression on me. It spoke of a history, something dramatic, that our textbooks don't tell. I felt an urgent need to take photos of those people. I made my way to Chichijima for the first time in February 2008.[...]

Who are the "Bonin Islanders"?

I kept looking for the answer as I took photos. They lived alone for 46 years, from when the first settlers arrived until Japanese territorialization in 1876.

It was a racially mixed international community. Many Japanese moved in

too afterwards. There wasnʼt a so-called traditional or unique culture. As I proceeded, I realized that the identification of "Bonin Islanders" is limited to those who were born before the GHQ occupation. It took even longer to realize that this was underpinned by the birth certificates and passports that the American army issued.

I might have taken too long to finally compile this book. Last year, Aisaku Ogasawara, a clergyman and my first subject, passed away. We also lost George Minami, nicknamed "little George", who always gave me a ride on his boat. Aisaku once told me: "photography has a great power. That's a good thing for us islanders", while Gorge introduced me to the island, saying "this is our Ogasawara." Both of them motivated me greatly. I wish I could have shown this book to them. At the same time, I somehow understand that it is impossible:

the history of Ogasawara (as the Bonin Islands are also called) is so deep and complicated that I needed enough time to prepare. I dedicate this book to them, and I deeply appreciate all the people I met in the process of compiling this book.

Related Contents

YouTube チャンネル 「PHaT PHOTO」より

Aera Dot.  「戦争に翻弄された欧米系島民「小笠原人」を追った写真家・長沢慎一郎」

毎日新聞 2021/5/17  「小笠原人」を撮り続けて十数年 新宿の写真展で伝えたいこと

Artist Information 


1977 年 東京生まれ。 
2001 年 藤井保氏に師事 
2006 年 独立 
2021 年 5 月 Nikon Salon にて個展「The Bonin Islanders」を開催。 

Shinichiro Nagasawa

1977 Born in Tokyo

2001 Apprenticed toTamotsu Fujii

2006 Independent as a Photographer

2021 The solo exhibition "The Bonin Islanders" at Nikon Salon



  Book Design:大西正一 


  Size: H210mm × W148mm
  Page:128 pages

  Published in June 2021

¥ 2,700+tax 


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About Book




現地で働いていた5年間、私は仕事の合間を縫って写真を撮っていました。そこには、国籍や性別、年 齢も職種も関係なく、当時一緒に仕事をしていた同僚たちが写っています。時にはやんちゃで、それこそ大いに悩ましい問題を巻き起こす連中もいましたが、みんな中村先生と志を共にし、逞しくもユーモラスに活動してきた人たちです。

── 中山博喜

"いよいよ通水試験が開始された。最初の通水試験の時もそうだったのだが、出来上がった用水路に水が流れ込む喜びと、漏水などの問題もなく無事に水が流れるのかといった緊張が、心の中を激しく行き来する瞬間である。堰板が外され、塞き止められていた水が少しずつ用水路に広がり始める。この用水路に携わった人々が固唾を飲んで見守る中、しっかりと踏み固められた乾いた地面の上を、水がじわりじわりと這っていく。" (本文より)

Lead The Water 

Hiroki Nakayama

Doctor Tetsu Nakamura and his friends dug wells and created waterways in the drought-stricken land.

《Lead The Water》 can be said that is a valuable photographs that the artist himself rediscovered.

Hiroki Nakayama, who worked in Pakistan and Afghanistan as a field worker for the PMS(Peace Japan Medocal Services)for 5 years from 2001, took photos of Dr. Tetsu Nakamura and his friends from time to time with his camera. They all worked together  in those days, regardless of nationality, gender, age, or occupation.

Here is no dramatic turn of events or stories, but the existence and activities of each person rooted in the land are calm captured, comes to life. 

The act and prayer of "Lead the water" will be one that primitive strikes a chord to each of us too. 

Related Exhibition

中山博喜 個展「水を招く」

会場:リコーイメージングスクエア東京 ギャラリーA
(東京都新宿区西新宿 1-25-1 新宿センタービル MB(中地下 1 階


関連記事 AERA Dot.


Artist Information 

中山博喜 (Hiroki Nakayama)

福岡生まれ。大学卒業後5年間にわたり、NGO 団体・ペシャワール会の現地ワーカーとして活動に参加。 活動の傍ら、パキスタン、アフガニスタンの日常を撮影する。帰国後は撮りためた写真を個展などで発表するとともに、色彩をテーマとしたカラー作品の制作を行っている。京都芸術大学准教授。


2008 年 「at PK」

2011 年 「OWN LAND」

2021 年「水を招く」(リコーイメージングギャラリー/東京)  2021年5月27日(木)〜6月21日(月)



  Book Design:葛西薫  安達祐貴

  Size: H261mm × W216mm
  Page:152 pages
  Binding:Cloth Hardcover

  Published in May 2021

¥ 5,000+tax 


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時折登場する花瓶を持つ手、花を差し出す手 ─ 自身であり他者であるだろうその手は、それぞれの記憶に触れるものです。



                    (奥山由之 あとがきより)



Yoshiyuki Okuyama

"flowers" is the first in a trilogy work that "attempts to depict people through non-human subjects."(The second is "windows") What underlies Okuyama's works, regardless of their incentive or purpose, is his unique visual expression that treats the contradictions and multifacetedness accompanying all phenomena as themes for production, and discerns the essence of photography in the numerous possibilities that fluctuate before and after the moment that is captured. 

"flowers" is an imaginary dialogue between Okuyama and his late grandmother. These photos were taken in her house, which Okuyama uses as his atelier now. The scenes there, such as beams of light entering a room, or trees swaying in the garden, are the remnants of his beloved grandmother. Okuyama photographs them, flowers in particular, as though enacting the conversation with her that he can no longer have.  

For his flower photos, Okuyama uses 110 film, which his grandfather used as well in the 1980s. This miniature film creates a nostalgic atmosphere that works well with the house's classic decor, its unique ambience.

"flowers" are the medium of the imaginary conversation, yet they hint at its impossibility. The out-of-focus image of a flower in the light implies the unreachable. A flower indoors, next to its reflection in the window, or flowers in a vase, isolated from the garden in bloom: these too hint at that gap. The only way to close this distance, the only way to make the conversation feel real, is to keep photographing flowers in his grandmother's house. 

Windows are another key motif in this photobook Okuyama uses them to frame and contrast the energy of the outside world with the dim indoors, and also to convey both the gaze of the artist outward and that of nature inward. 

"flowers" is full of layers. Multiple perspectives coexist in one image. There is also a layer of family history. We see images of the past, such as old family albums and furniture treasured by Okuyama's grandmother, and he juxtaposes old film types and printing formats with new methods: scanned images and freeze-frames. This variety alludes to the number of eyes that have seen, and are still seeing, the lives in the house.

There was a gentle calm in my grandmother's eyes.

She had skinny arms and a hard stoop.

She always wore a purple cardigan.

As I sit in this room all day long,

that is how I remember her.

Curiously enough.

I clearly recall her wrinkles and the tone of her voice,

even though I only saw her a few times a year.

In the late afternoon, the bright light that enters the room

has a color I feel I'm seeing for the first time.

The soft clicks of the shutter dissolve in the light,

accentuating the silence.

What was she thinking about?

To her eyes, how did the light look?

Gazing at the dust neatly gathered by the window,

I slowly release the shutter

with feelings of nostalgia and a little regret.

I must not forget.

We become realized, physically and mentally,

when we reflect ourselves off of other people.

That's why we always want someone

to listen to our stories.

That's why the color of the light must have been

too lonely on her own.

A conversation with my grandmother.

And the portrait of my life.


Yoshiyuki Okuyama

Special gifts for the first customers of the reprint


Signed copie will be given away as a Special gifts for the first customers.The offer will end while supplies last.


(1000枚限定、なくなり次第終了) →ご好評を頂き、予定枚数を配布終了いたしました。(2021.5/28)


Related Exhibiton

奥山由之 個展 「flowers」


時間:13:00〜20:00  ※土日 11:00〜19:00

休廊: 月・火

会場:PURPLE(京都市中京区式阿弥町122-1 3F


奥山由之 ポートフォリオレビュー(定員に達しました)

竹内万里子 × 奥山由之「flowers」をめぐって(定員に達しました)

past related info:

奥山由之×edenworks Exhibition  "flowers"(2020年)
VOGUE (May 18, 2020)(2020年)


Artist Information 


主な写真集に、『flowers』(赤々舎)、『As the Call, So the Echo』(赤々舎)、『BEST BEFORE』(青幻舎)、『POCARI SWEAT』(青幻舎)、『BACON ICE CREAM』(PARCO出版)、『Girl』(PLANCTON)、『君の住む街』(SPACE SHOWER BOOKS)、『Los Angeles / San Francisco』(Union publishing)、『The Good Side』(Editions Bessard)、『Ton! Tan! Pan! Don!』(bookshop M)、台湾版『BACON ICE CREAM』(原點出版)、などがある。
主な展覧会は、「As the Call, So the Echo」Gallery916、「BACON ICE CREAM」パルコミュージアム、「君の住む街」 表参道ヒルズ スペースオー、「白い光」キヤノンギャラリーS、「flowers」PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO、「THE NEW STORY」POST など。

Yoshiyuki Okuyama

Born in 1991 in Tokyo. 
He received the Canon New Cosmos of Photography Excellence Award in 2011 and the Kodansha Publishing Culture Award in Photography in 2016.
Published photo collections include flowers (Akaaka Art Publishing), As the Call, So the Echo (Akaaka Art Publishing), BEST BEFORE (Seigensha)、POCARI SWEAT (Seigensha), BACON ICE CREAM (Parco Publishing; Taiwanese edition, Uni-Books), Girl (Plancton), Kimi no sumu machi (The Town You Live In; Space Shower Books), Los Angeles / San Francisco (Union Publishing), The Good Side (Editions Bessard), and Ton! Tan! Pan! Don! (bookshop M); 

Major exhibitions in Tokyo, As the Call, So the Echo (Gallery916), Bacon Ice Cream (Parco Museum), Kimi no sumu machi (Omotesando Hills Space O), White Light (Canon Gallery S), flowers (Parco Museum Tokyo), and The New Story (Post).

Related Items




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  Art Direction:町口景 

  Size:H 340mm x W 340mm
  Page:51 images
  Limited Edition:700, Signed

  Published in May 2021

 ¥ 13,000+tax


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About Book




「絶景のポリフォニー」や「okinawan portraits」シリーズなどスナップやポートレートにおいて、目の前の存在と状況をできるだけ受け入れながら、一貫して「生」の方向を探してきた石川竜一。自然のなかで常に生死を眼前にし、その境に自身も晒されながら、撮影を続けてきました。


The Inside of Life

Ryuichi Ishikawa 

The book is composed of fifty-one images that Ishikawa Ryuichi, an Okinawa-born up-and-coming photographer, took in the mountain he had repeatedly visited since 2015.

Ryuichi has published provocative photography books, such as A Grand Polyphony (for which he won the Kimura Ihei Award) and okinawan portraits, in which he consistently contemplates the way of life. By taking snapshots and portraits of everyday scenes, he attempts to take in all the phenomena and existences around him with no bias. In the mountain, Ryuichi found death and life in equal measure. He felt his own existence was dissolving. And yet he kept taking pictures.  

The images in this volume blur the borders between human and nature. They nullify individuality and reverse the roles of the internal and external. We see the transience and connectedness of lives and question what it means to exist. 

The Inside of Life is a portfolio-style book, a compilation of large-format prints that enable the viewers to appreciate every image and life that Ryuichi has been observing intensely.


"When I went into the mountains and faced down nature, everything passed as though simply flowing around me, and it seemed like my own will was meaningless. I felt it to be a place where I had to simply face myself, and could only rely upon the senses of my entire body. When the rocks or grass I was desperately clinging to with my hands slipped away over the sheer cliff my head was plunged into chaos and communication with my body was numbed; each time I saw a snow slope filling a gorge the thought of it collapsing away from my feet and burying me passed through my head, rendering me almost unable to stand, my extremities trembling violently.

At all times, life and death were just naturally in front of my eyes. The rainbow trout caught deep in the mountains with nothing in its stomach but a horde of stink bugs; the pool, finally reached at the mountain's peak after crossing into true wildlands, where so many forest green tree frogs had gathered to lay their eggs, only to be attacked by mountain birds; most of those frogs were not completely eaten, but had their eyes squeezed out, bellies ruptured, with eggs leaking thickly out.

In order to survive the days that I spent amid this nature with Mr. Bunsho Hattori, we picked many plants, and captured, killed, and ate animals many times. I was so grateful to acquire something to eat, everything tasted so good. Walking long each day and then eating gave me the sensation of that energy spreading out to every corner of my continually working body, and the more natural something I put into my mouth was, the better it seemed to feel. When I did so, the tinge of regret I felt that I myself had not perished among the workings of nature, the tinge of guilt I felt at my existence within this natural world, and all the thoughts and philosophies that appeared in my head were surpassed by a feeling of being alive that rose up through my body.

The sensations of touching flesh and blood, the smooth and firm feeling of internal organs, their weight, was erotic; the smell unleashed from inside stomachs and intestines increased my worries about coming into contact with bacteria and parasites, and as though responding to this internally myself, my body felt both sick and a surge of excitement. Organs are far more functional than any machine, and their beauty seemed perfect to me; I felt that feelings and sensations that I couldn't understand by simply thinking about them were all coming from here. The sight of them creating something beyond their individual existence and intent overlapped for me with the overgrown trees and craggy rocks.

When I touched upon the inside of life, and was made aware of that overwhelming power, the divisions between all things became connected by a gentle gradation, and I felt myself to also be placed within that cycle."

Extracted from the afterword Ryuichi Ishikawa "The Inside of Life"


IBI00.5.jpg  IBI01.jpg



石川竜一 個展「いのちのうちがわ」

(東京都渋谷区神宮前 6-20-10 RAYARD MIYASHITA PARK South 3F)



Artist Information 

石川 竜一 

1984年沖縄県生まれ。2010年、写真家 勇崎哲史に師事。2011年、東松照明デジタル写真ワークショップに参加。2012年「okinawan portraits」で第35回写真新世紀佳作受賞。2015年、第40回木村伊兵衛写真賞、日本写真協会賞新人賞受賞。 主な個展に2014年「RYUICHI ISHIKAWA」gallery ラファイエット(沖縄)、「zkop」アツコバルー(東京)、「okinawan portraits」Place M(東京)、「絶景のポリフォニー」銀座ニコンサロン(2015年大阪ニコンサロン)、2015年「okinawan portraits」The Third Gallery Aya(大阪)、「A Grand Polyphony」Galerie Nord(パリ)、2016年、「okinawan portraits 2012-2016」Art Gallery Artium(福岡)、「考えたときには、もう目の前にはない」横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野、2017年「OUTREMER/群青」アツコバルー(東京)。 主なグループ展に2016年「六本木クロッシング2016展:僕の身体、あなたの声」森美術館(東京)、「Body/Play/Politics」横浜美術館(神奈川)、2017年「日産アートアワード2017:ファイナリスト5名による新作展」BankART Studio NYK(神奈川)、2019年 「Oh!マツリ★ゴト 昭和・平成のヒーロー&ピーポー」兵庫県立美術館(兵庫)。 写真集に『okinawan portraits 2010-2012』『絶景のポリフォニー』『adrenamix』、『okinawan portraits 2012-2016』(いずれも赤々舎)、『CAMP』(SLANT)。 

Ryuichi Ishikawa

Born in Okinawa in 1984. In 2010 he studied under photographer Testushi Yuzaki. In 2011 he participated in the Shomei Tomatsu Digital Photography Workshop. He received the 35th New Cosmos of Photography Honorable Mention for "okinawan portraits" in 2012. In 2015, he received the 40th Kimura Ihei Photography Award and the Photographic Society of Japan Newcomer's Award.

Major solo exhibitions include, 2014 "RYUICHI ISHIKAWA" gallery Lafayette (Okinawa), "zkop" Atsukobarouh (Tokyo), "okinawan portraits" Place M (Tokyo), "A Grand Polyphony" Ginza Nikon Salon (2015 Osaka Nikon Salon); 2015 "okinawan portraits" The Third Gallery Aya (Osaka), "A Grand Polyphony" Galerie Nord (Paris); 2016, "okinawan portraits 2012-2016" Art Gallery Artium (Fukuoka), "Once thinking, nothing before eyes" Yokohama Civic Gallery Azamino; 2017 "OUTREMER / Ultramarine" Atsukobarouh (Tokyo).

Major group exhibitions include 2016 "Roppongi Crossing 2016 Exhibition: My Body, Your Voice" Mori Art Museum (Tokyo), "Body / Play / Politics" Yokohama Museum of Art (Kanagawa); 2017 "Nissan Art Award 2017: Exhibition of New Works by Five Finalists" BankART Studio NYK (Kanagawa); 2019 "Oh! Matsuri ★ Goto Showa / Heisei Heroes and People in the Japanese Contemporary Art" Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art (Hyogo).

Photo books include, "Okinawan portraits 2010-2012", "A Grand Polyphony", "adrenamix", "okinawan portraits 2012-2016" (all published by AKAAKA Art Publishing, Inc.), and "CAMP" (published by SLANT).

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