![]() 発行:赤々舎 Size: H255mm × W210mm Page:176 pages Binding:Hardcover Published in Feb 2022 ISBN:978-4-86541-142-3 |
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About Book
Seven years ago, I traveled around the areas in the north with heavy snowfall before heading south, arriving at Tsunan Town in Niigata. What I saw was three meters of persistent snow--melting and softening in the daytime, freezing and compressing at night--like large waves sweeping over the city, engulfing everything. I decided to shoot there.
The snow clouds took away the light in the sky, while the snow that had accumulated on the ground completely absorbed sound. But inside the house, nothing changed. Time stood still. The endless silence was broken by the roar of the snow sliding off the roof. Time, which had stopped, became more urgently present. However, such commotions that feel life-threatening for those staying inside are just tiny dots spread across the whole place. The pinhole, plugged with snow, brings us back to the world where sound and time are even more inanimate than before the event took place.
In the middle of April, we started hearing a dripping sound from inside the snowpack. The snow has melted and created a hollow space inside. Such minute changes gradually link with each other and form clusters. When the degree of change exceeds a certain point, it undergoes an explosive transformation. The hollow becomes an opening to the outside, through which time emerges with colors, sounds, and smells, twisting and forcing its way forward, while plants and animals--transcending species and categories--overlap and merge as one life. Time invigorates nature and people.
It was 8000 years ago that snow began to fall on this land. The strata have proven it. Earthenware shows how people's lives and culture mutated in response to snow. A forest of large and small trees, twisted by snow, creates the illusion of constant swaying. Even after the land returns to its original state, the traces of the villages and rice fields never cease to speak of the past. The pale black eyes belong to the people who were born, and grew older, under the reflected light of the humid snow.
This is a place where time is carved individually by all things, melting and echoing the time once carved, creating a singular vibrancy.
As its name dissolves, the land reverts into a zone where "snow" falls.
I tried to capture the "time" ruled by the "snow."
Related Exhibiton
中井菜央「雪の刻(とき)」 あざみ野フォト・アニュアル 会期:2022年1月29日(土)〜2月27日(日) 時間:10:00〜18:00 会場:横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野 (横浜市青葉区あざみ野南1-17-3) 会期中無休、入場無料 関連イベント「雪の刻」対談 日時|2月19日(土)14:00-15:30 出演|中井菜央(企画展出品作家)、佐藤雅一 (津南町農と縄文の体験実習館なじょもん学芸員) 会場|3階 アトリエ 定員|30名 参加費|500円(要事前申し込み) 関連イベント「雪の刻」アーティスト・トーク 日時|2月26日(土)14:00-15:00 出演|中井菜央(企画展出品作家) 聞き手|佐藤直子(担当学芸員) 会場|3階 アトリエ 定員|30名 参加費|500円(要事前申し込み) |
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Artist Information
1978年 滋賀県生まれ 東京都在住
2006年 日本写真芸術専門学校卒業
2021 「破れる風景」津南町農と縄文の体験実習館なじょもん(新潟)
2019 「繡」gallery Main(京都)
2019 「繡」Classic Lab 柳の家(新潟)
2018 「繡」Roonee 247 fine arts(東京)
2014 「未明」銀座ニコンサロン、大阪ニコンサロン
2021 「人間より大きな世界へ」榕异美術館(上海)
2019 「KG+SELECT」元淳風小学校(京都)
2008 第4回「名取洋之助写真賞」奨励賞
1978 Born in Shiga Prefecture Lives and works in Tokyo
2006 Graduated from Nippon Photography Institute
Solo Exhibitions
2022 "THE TIME RULED BY SNOW"Yokohama Civic Art Galley Azamino,Kanagawa
2021 "landscape fragment" the Agriculture and jomon Experience facility, Tsunanmachi, Niigata
2019 "Shu" Classic Lab "Yanagi no Ie", Niigata
2019 "Shu" Galley Main, Kyoto
2018 "Shu" Roonee 247 Fine Arts, Tokyo
2014 "Mimei" Ginza Nikon salon, Tokyo, Osaka Nikon salon
Group Exhibitions
2021 "The World Beyond the World" Rongyi Art Museum, Shanghai
2019 "KG+Select" Former Junpu Elementary School, Kyoto
2008 The 4th Yonosuke Natori Photographic Award- Encouraging Award
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