

  Book Design:周芳伃(Fan-Yu Zhou)


H305mm x 235mm
  Page:152 pages

  Published in July 2024
¥ 6,000+tax 


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台湾の新進の作家である蘇厚文(SU HOU WEN)は、2014年から2023年までの約10年間にわたり、自身の住む地域の河川に沿って撮影を続けた。




"このシリーズは、影像と文字を駆使して河の輪郭をすくい上げた作品で、2014 年から 2023 年までのおおよそ十年にわたって制作した。僕が新北市の新店区にある安坑に引っ越してから、ひらめいたアイデアでもある。(中略)

太古の昔、人と河は不可分の関係にあった。しかし、都市に住まう現代人にとって、河川はレクリエーション活動を楽しむための観光地となってしまった。河の始まりは神話となり、おかしな 石もまた忘れられたモニュメントと化してしまった。僕は心から願った。俗世を離れ、様変わりしたこの桃源郷が、河の一部になってくれればと。僕は知る由もなかった。写真におさまってしまったものたちが、果たして古くからこの地で暮らしていた住民なのか、それとも時を超えて受け継ぐ子孫なのか、もしくは都市の喧噪から離れて身を潜める隠れ人なのかを。気の向くままに歩いた。僕を惑わせ、僕の好奇心を搔き立てた人々や光景、それら物事は、記録されてしまったことでメタファーとなり、目指した生活の奥にある異質性をあぶり出してくれた。河とともにある生命は 独自のドラマを紡いでいる。糸の端は次第に綿密な線となって、流転する境目に僕を括り付けた。" 






I am always amazed by everything burgeoning along the rivers - from the smallest thing like dust, the thriving and withering of vegetation, the hovering flies in golden blue, to those gargantuan rocks, the thick and damp forests, and the capricious weather. The winding roads lead people to join in on this natural mystique. Subtle details and activities are hidden behind the ever-changing rivers, and become the fleeting moments of difference in the repeating, quotidian everydayness that embody the root of my quest for the rivers.

This photo series was undertaken between 2014 to 2023. Spanning close to a decade, the project aims to not only document the rivers, but also create for the rivers. The inception of this series had first begun to emerge since my relocation to Ankeng, Xindian. It was also the moment when I started to realize that as someone new to the area, how close I could be to water. The small towns and mountains upstream, permeating with a touch of wildness and some lost memories, have since become the captivating and inclusive sceneries and episodes that have compelled me to continue my wandering along the rivers.

The development of human beings has been intertwined with rivers since time immemorial. Rivers nowadays have, however, become a mere resource for tourism and recreation to many an urbanite. The genesis of rivers was mythologized, while rocks with odd shapes transformed into memorials that have long been forgotten. Driven by my cravings for a unique paradise, I was eager to be a part of the river. I had little clues about whether these being documented are people who have long lived here with legacy passing down generations, or perhaps just those that arrive to escape from city life. I wandered through it all. All these people, activities, things, and sceneries that confused or intrigued me were documented and became my metaphors to demarcate a heterogeneity of life. These life stories developed along the rivers gradually evolved into distinctive narratives, which turned into a thick web of storytelling over time, to eventually fixate me within its fluid boundaries.

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会場:PURPLE(京都市中京区式阿弥町122-1 3F


12/13(金)14:00〜 トーク  

蘇厚文 × 飯沢耕太郎 × 周芳伃


蘇厚文 個展「在溪流上蓋一塊布






Related Articles(中国語繁体字)

蘇厚文 在溪流蓋上一張張影像|黃建亮



Artist Information 

蘇 厚文 

1980 台湾高雄市生まれ、台北市および台南市在住 


2015 視丘撮影芸術学院 全日課程
2009 国立雲林科技大学応用外国語学科 学士取得


2022 「The Figures」(未命名、台北)
2015 「The Mistakened」(視丘撮影ギャラリー、台北)


2023 「Consensus? No; Resonance? Yes.-未命名」(182アートスペース、台南)
2022 「台南国際写真祭2022 Tainan Photo Go」(台南水交社文化園区、台南)
2022 「フォトブックフェア Fotobook DUMMIES Day #3 Live.../LIVE!」(春秋書店、台北)
2022 「An Untitled Document - 未命名オープニング展」(未命名、台北)
2021 「台南国際写真祭2021 Tainan Photo Go」(台南水交社文化園区、台南)
2020 「TAIWAN ANNUAL - Focal ANNUAL」(台北花博公園エキスポドーム、台北)
2019 「藤岡亜弥アーティスト・イン・レジデンス成果展」(好地下芸術空間、花蓮)
2019 「台南国際写真祭2019 Tainan Photo Go」(台南水交社文化園区、台南)
2019 「第二回陽台展」(Roof、台北)
2018 「TAIWAN ANNUAL - アートの平等展」(台北花博公園エキスポドーム、台北)
2017 「ABSTRACT CITY 写真展」(AHMギャラリー、台北)
2017 「TAIWAN ANNUAL - アートの平等展」(台北花博公園エキスポドーム、台北)
2017 「台北国際現代芸術博覧会 Taipei Dangdai」(台北国際芸術村、台北)
2017 「台北国際写真芸術交流展 Wonder Foto Day」(華山1914クリエイティブパーク、台北)
2016 「TAIWAN ANNUAL - アートの平等展」(台北花博公園エキスポドーム、台北)
2016 「Breaking the Stereotype of Photography」(台北市アートプロモーションオフィス、台北)
2015 「全国美術展 写真部門」(国立台湾美術館、台中)


2022 「台南国際写真祭2022 Tainan Photo Go」PHOTO GO賞(台南)
2021 「台南国際写真祭2021 Tainan Photo Go」入選(台南)
2019 「Photo ONE ポートフォリオレビュー」入選(台北国際芸術村、台北)
2019 「台南国際写真祭 2019 Tainan Photo Go」入選(台南)
2015 「全国美術展 写真部門」入選(台中)


2023 「Photography Afternoon Tea」写真サロン座談会(国家撮影文化センター、台北)
2022 「芸術鼎談|路上撮影とアーティストの視点」王涵智 x 汪正翔 x 蘇厚文(台北)
2016 「AKAAKA スライドショーツアー・台日フォトグラファー交流対談」(台北現代美術館、田園城市、視丘撮影芸術学院、台北)


報導者 The Reporter:周芳伃『One Another』と蘇厚文『The Figures』ふたりの対話


1980 Born in Kaohsiung and lives in Taipei City, Taiwan


2015 Full Program of FOTOSOFT Institute of Photography, Taipei, Taiwan
2009 B.A. Department of Applied Foreign Language, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (NYUST), Yunlin, Taiwan

Solo Exhibition

2024 Draping the Cloth over the Endless Rivers, Good Underground Art Space, Hualien, Taiwan
2022 The Figures, WMM Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 The Mistakened, Gallery of FOTOSOFT Institute of Photography Taipei,Taiwan

Group Exhibition

2023 Consensus? No; Resonance? Yes. - Wei Ming Ming, 182 artspace, Tainan,Taiwan
2022 TAINAN PHOTO GO Photo Festival , Shueijiaoshe Cultural Park, Tainan City
2022 Photobook Fair - Fotobook DUMMIES Day #3 Live.../LIVE!, Athena Books ,Taipei, Taiwan
2022 An Untitled Document - WEI MING MING Inaugural Exhibition, WMM Space,Taipei, Taiwan
2021 TAINAN PHOTO GO Photo Festival, Shueijiaoshe Cultural Park, Tainan City
2020 Focal ANNUAL of TAIWAN ANNUAL, Taipei Expo Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 Aya Fujioka Workshop, Good Underground Art Space, Hualien, Taiwan
2019 TAINAN PHOTO GO Photo Festival, Shueijiaoshe Cultural Park, Tainan City
2019 2nd Annual Exhibition at Roof, Taipei, Taiwan
2018 Art Equality Proposals of TAIWAN ANNUAL, Taipei Expo Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Abstract City Photography Exhibition, AHM Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Art Equality Proposals of TAIWAN ANNUAL, Taipei Expo Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Portfolio Review - Photo Eye of Young Art Taipei, Taipei Artist Village, Taipei,
2017 Wonder Foto Day, Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 Art Equality Proposals of Taiwan Annual, Taipei Expo Park
2016 Breaking the Stereotype of Photography, Taipei City Arts Promotion Office,Taiwan
2015 Photography Category of National Art Exhibition, ROC, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan


2022 PHOTO GO AWARD of TAINAN PHOTO GO Photo Festival, Tainan, Taiwan
2021 Selected by TAINAN PHOTO GO Photo Festival, Tainan, Taiwan
2019 Selected by Portfolio Review, Photo ONE of ONE ART TAIPEI, Taipei, Taiwan
2019 Selected by TAINAN PHOTO GO Photo Festival, Tainan, Taiwan
2015 Photography Category of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art Award, Taichung,Taiwan

Art Talk

2023 The series of "Photography Afternoon Tea" photography salon, The National Center of Photography and Images (NCPI)
2022 Road Photography and Photographer's Seeing "Han-Chih Wang x Sean Wang x Hou-Wen Su", WMM Space, Taipei, Taiwan
2016 AKAAKA slideshow tour From Photographs, From Taiwan and Japan, Museum of Contemporary Art,Taipei, Taiwan. Garden City, Taipei, Taiwan. Fotosoft Institute of Photography, Taipei, Taiwan.


The Reporter: Art Talk between Fang-Yu Chou's work, One Another and Hou-Wen, Su's work, The Figures.

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  Book Design:須山悠里


H210mm × W152mm
  Page:176 pages

  Published in June 2024
¥ 4,500+tax 


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頭山ゆう紀 待望の新刊









私に残ったのは、買い物に出る僅かな時間に息抜きに撮っていた近所の写真と、家から一歩も出られず、幻覚で壁に墨絵が見えると いう祖母の視線に少しでも寄り添えないかと撮った部屋からの庭の写真。 



同時刊行の頭山ゆう紀『in fog』(Self-Published)収録のイメージです。

A sticker will be given to the first customers.
The image is from Yuhki Touyama's simultaneously published photo book, in fog (Self-Published).

Scenes of Absence

Yuhki Touyama

"I discovered a lump in my neck and had it checked by Dr. Maeda. I think it's cancer. Let's make my last send-off a grand occasion."
My grandmother hadn't been diagnosed with cancer yet and she acted cheerful over the phone.

The call came just before we were planning to visit my uncle's grave on the anniversary of his death in May. Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus in 2020, we had been unable to go for the traditional visit to his grave in March during the week of the spring equinox. Not being able to go out shopping because of the pandemic and the anxiety she felt at the possibility of having cancer was taking a serious toll on my grandmother's elderly body. By the time all the tests were done and I finally could go to see her in July, my grandmother's former vitality was gone.[...]

The doctor recommended natural therapy (no treatment at all). My grandmother, who had never experienced a major illness and had never been hospitalized, chose to stay at home. I made the decision to resign from my job of 11 years and move in with her.

From the time I was a young child, I often took the train back and forth between my parents' house and my grandparents' house on either the Musashino Line or the Chuo-Sobu Line--both were direct connections. Whenever I visited my grandparents they would always have Western sweets ready for me that I wasn't familiar with. During summer vacations, we would stay at the Keio Plaza Hotel and dine at fancy restaurants. My grandparents were quite indulgent toward their grandchild.When I enrolled in vocational school in the photography course and said I would love to have a darkroom at home, my grandparents immediately cleared out a room in the house and even installed plumbing to create a darkroom for me. They provided almost all of the photography equipment I needed and my grandmother always supported me, "Your dream is my dream, Yu-chan," she would say. [...]

In September, I began living with my grandmother. The first thing I did for an interview with the home care doctor who had been was to go referred to us. He explained my grandmother's condition again and, in a way that felt like an admonishment, firmly said to me, "According to the medical record, she has only three months at best. She won't make it to next year. You will need to be very resolute in taking care of her at home right until the end." Even being told that and even with my imagination operating at full strength it was difficult for me to picture what would happen from now on or what was involved in the process of dying.  [...]

She even managed to make it to the year I was told she wouldn't make it to. Just as I began to relax when three more months had passed since the original three-month life expectancy prediction, my grandmother became unable to walk. The cancer had progressed, robbing her of her strength.

She reluctantly started sleeping in the nursing care bed she had refused to use before and had to constantly wear a nasal tube connected to an oxygen inhaler. She became able to breath and move a little on her own, but after three more months she gradually found it difficult to walk again. She couldn't take a bath even with assistance and couldn't make it to the toilet in time, so I put a portable toilet by her bedside. Delirium set in, conversation and eating became difficult, she started breathing through her mouth, and then she passed away.

It had become difficult for my grandmother to speak articulately, but on the day before she died she bid goodbye to her friends and family in a clear voice. Just before she passed, she had the nurse change her clothes, then beautifully and gracefully closed the curtain on her life.

In spite of loneliness at being unable to see her family during the coronavirus pandemic, it was a relief for me that she had chosen in-home care and didn't have to die in a hospital or hospice. But my time as a caregiver had not gone well.

Frustration at not being able to do what I wanted, at the days without any expression of gratitude, at the self-sacrifice situation created by the pandemic that didn't give me room to take my mind off things, at not enough sleep--all of these contributed to a buildup of stress without my being aware of it. I was dealing with everything alone and experiencing the loneliness of isolation. Little by little I felt trapped by the task I imposed on myself of doing everything in my power to be the perfect caregiver until the end from the desire to give back to my grandmother for all she had done for me. I was distant toward my grandmother who was losing mobility. [...]

I am filled with endless regret and questions. Although I read lots of articles and books on caregiving, in actual practice I couldn't keep up with what I learned.

What could I have done?

I am left with the photographs of the neighborhood that I took as a brief respite during the short times when I went out shopping and the photographs of the garden that I took from inside the room in the attempt to emotionally support my grandmother who, unable to go outside, sometimes hallucinated, declaring that she saw ink paintings on the wall. Outside the house, the seasons changed. My experience and my grandmother's experience were undoubtedly different.

Maybe we needed more words that could have filled up the time. Now I rely on the photographs that remain with the intention to continue the dialogue with my grandmother.

Yuhki Touyama

Special edition

写真集 +プリント付(Book with print)

¥ 40,000+tax


You can select  from 2 images of prints. limited 15 copies each


Type-A  (limited 15) 
Print size : H254mm x W203 mm(六切り)
Image size : H225mm x W150 mm
Type-C Print, Edition number with signed. 

      Type-B  (limited 15) 
        Print size : H203mm x W254 mm(六切り)
        Image size : H150mm x W225 mm
        Gelatin silver print, Edition number with signed. 
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2023年5月更新  初出『IMA』vol.39 特別付録

インタヴュー・文=IMA  写真=高橋マナミ


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頭山ゆう紀 「残された風景」



会場:POETIC SCAPE(東京都目黒区中目黒4-4-10 1F)

休廊:月・火・祝   (2月23日 祝日 は特別営業)



Scenes of Absence69B.jpg

Artist Information 


1983年千葉県生まれ。東京ビジュアルアーツ写真学科卒業。生と死、時間や気配など目に見えないものを写真に捉える。自室の暗室でプリント作業をし、時間をかけて写真と向き合うことで時間の束や空気の粒子を立体的に表現する。主な出版物に『境界線13』(赤々舎 2008)、『さすらい』(abp 2008)、『THE HINOKI Yuhki Touyama 2016−2017』(THE HINOKI 2017)、『超国家主義−煩悶する青年とナショナリズム』(中島岳志 著、頭山ゆう紀 写真/筑摩書房 2018)がある。

Yuhki Touyama

Born in Chiba in 1983. In 2004, she graduated from Tokyo Visual Arts University's Department of Photography. In her work, Touyama captures invisible things such as life and death, time, sensations, and notions. Spending a lot of time creating prints in her darkroom, Touyama is able to express large swaths of time and grains of air in three dimensions.

Major publications include Line 13 (Akaaka, 2008), Sasurai (abp, 2008), THE HINOKI - Yuhki Touyama 2016-2017 (THE HINOKI, 2017), and 'Supranationalism: An Anguished Youth and their Nationalism' (written by Takeshi Nakajima, with photos by Yuhki Touyama; Chikumashobo, 2018).

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(Out of Stock)


 長島有里枝『SWISS』(3rd edition)
  Book Design:寄藤文平+鈴木千佳子


H290mm × W215mm
  Page:214 pages
  Binding:Cloth Hardcover


  1st edition Published in July 2010
  2nd edition Published in Sep 2011
  3rd edition Published in July 2024

¥ 5,000+tax 


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「どれほど壮大な夢想をしていようとも、人が思考するときに目に映るのは、自分の寝室のように慣れ親しんだ、些細な風景である」(2010 年個展「SWISS+」に寄せたアーティスト・ステートメントより) 

2007年にスイス エスタバイエ・ル・ラックにあったVillage Nomadeのレジデンシープログラムに参加した際に撮影した写真と日記によって構成。
これらの写真は、長島の亡くなった祖父の家から見つかった、25年ほど前に祖母が撮影し、箱に大切にしまっておいた花の写真にインスパイアされたもので、Village Nomadeの敷地内の草花や、部屋の光景、伴っていた息子などが写されている。 また、スイスの澄んだ空気の中で生まれた写真と言葉をそのまま束ねたスクラップブックのように、写真ページ、テキストページ、クラフトペーパーがランダムに綴じられ、 航空券のしおりやメモ書きも挟み込まれる。





日記 (3rd WEEK DAY6  2007.08.11)より  



22 types of cloth covers(Same Contents)


左より  1  乳白色 | 2 濃紅 | 3 茜色 | 4 つつじ色 | 5 本紫 


左より  6 亜麻色 | 7  菜の花色 | 8 柿色 | 9 胡桃色 | 10 煉瓦色 | 11 赤銅色


左より  12 紺桔梗 |13 葡萄色 |14 濃藍 |15 紺青 |16 天色 |17 藤色


左より  18 薄墨色 |19 濡羽色 |20 鉄色 |21 千歳緑 |22 柳色



Yurie Nagashima

"No matter how grand the vision, when a person thinks of something the image that he sees is no more than the trifling and ordinary scene that he is so accustomed to--as one's bedroom." 

(Extracted from the artist's statement accompanying the exhibition of SWISS+ in 2010) 

In 2007, Nagashima participated in an artists residence program in the Village Nomade of Switzerland and the photographs she made at that time are reproduced in this volume, which are of flowers along with views of her residence and her son. The images were inspired by a set of flower photographs she found in a box of her recently deceased grandfather's home. The photographs in that box were made by her grandmother twenty-five years prior. Nagashima's work is characterized by her documentation of her family. Through the pictures of flowers and her diaristic entries, she has found a new means of creating a document of her family despite the separation of time and distance. Wedged into the pages randomly--not unlike a scrapbook-- are airline tickets, memos, and blank sheets of craft paper. The sense of shuffle and easy re-ordering dispenses with linear narrative in favor of an accidental, open-ended reading. This makes the book's art direction and design are integral components of the project, blending together visual and text elements with found matter. Her diary-style entires are printed on tracing paper and seem to be typed out with a typewriter with keys out of register. The deliberate slowness of the book's aesthetic is the vehicle for presenting the photography.


Artist Information 

長島 有里枝 

1973年 東京都生まれ。武蔵野美術大学在学中に家族とのポートレイトで、公募展「アーバナート#2」パルコ賞の受賞を経てデビュー、カリフォルニア芸術大学MFA修了。2011年、武蔵大学大学院に社会人枠で入学し、フェミニズムを学ぶ。写真集『PASTIME PARADISE』で第26回木村伊兵衛写真賞受賞。短編集『背中の記憶』で第23回三島由紀夫賞ノミネート、第26回講談社エッセイ賞受賞。第36回写真の町東川賞国内作家賞受賞。アーティストとして活動する一方、文芸誌や新聞への寄稿、大学で講師を務めるなど、活躍は多岐にわたる。主な個展に「そしてひとつまみの皮肉と、愛を少々。」(東京都写真美術館、2017年)。2021年には金沢21世紀美術館で「ぎこちない会話への対応策̶ ─第三波フェミニズムの視点で─」展のキュレーションを務めた。京都芸術大学大学院客員教授、早稲田大学、東京大学、武蔵大学非常勤講師。

主な写真集に『YURIE NAGASHIMA』(風雅書房、1995年)、『empty white room』(リトルモア、1995年)、『家族』(光琳社出版、1998年)、『not six』(スイッチパブリッシング、2004年)、『SWISS』(赤々舎、2010年)、『5 Comes After 6』(マッチアンドカンパニー、2014年)、『Self-Portraits』(DASHWOOD BOOKS、2020年)など。主な著作に、2022年に日本写真協会学芸賞を受賞した『「僕ら」の「女の子写真」から私たちのガーリーフォトへ』(大福書林、2020年)などがある

Yurie Ngashima

Born 1973 in Tokyo. Nagashima made her art-scene debut at the URBANART #2 competition, winning the PARCO Prize while still a student at Musashino Art University, earned her MFA at California Institute of the Arts, then in 2011, embarked on postgraduate studies in humanities at Musashino University, where she delved into the subject of feminism. Her photobook Pastime Paradise won her the 26th Kimura Ihei Photography Award in 2001, her short story collection Senaka no Kioku the 26th Kodansha Essay Award and nomination for the 23rd Mishima Yukio Prize in 2010, and multiple contributions to the field of photography the 36th Higashikawa Awards, Domestic Photographer Award in 2020. 

Major solo exhibitions include "And a Pinch of Irony with a Hint of Love" (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, 2017), and her recent monographs include Self-Portraits (Dashwood Books, 2020), and Against 'Bokura''s 'Onnanoko-Shashin,' it's OUR Girly Photo Movement (Daifukushorin, 2020) which won the Curatorial Award in the Photographic Society of Japan Awards in 2022. In 2021, she curated the exhibition "Countermeasures against Awkward Discourses: From the Perspective of Third Wave Feminism" at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Japan). 

In parallel with her artistic practice, she contributes as a writer to literary magazines and newspapers, and currently serves as a visiting professor at Kyoto University of Arts, Graduate School, and a part-time lecturer at Waseda University, the University of Tokyo, and Musashi University.

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  Book Design:遠藤一成


H298mm × W224mm
  Page:336 pages

  Published in July 2024
¥ 7,000+tax 


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露口はこれまで、『自然史』(2017)、『地名』(2018)など、絶えず変容を続ける場所と、近代史の中で消尽させられてきた不可視な場所とを相対させ、写るものと写らないものの狭間 ≒ 風景を通して提示してきた。

本書『移住』では、先住民族アイヌともども国家に編入され、内地からの植民の対象となった「北海道」、加えてこの移住に強くかかわった「開拓使」と呼ばれた官庁が置かれた東京と札幌という都市の一部、 鉱山産業により形成され、その衰退と消滅に直面している諸地域、帰宅困難区域、皇居周辺を、写真で捉えることを主な軸としている。

『移住』は、住むことが排除され偏在する空間でいくたびもおこなわれてきた儀礼に抗し、見えていなかった地層を探る露口の写真行為が積み上げてきた、不在の歴史への── やがてわたしたちとものたちとが大地と空のはざまでともに在ることができる空間を確保するための── 道標となった。

"日本史はその起源から強制移住の連続であり、そのことを想起することなしには、「東北」も「北海道」も見えてこない。古代の響きを持つ「開拓使」という官庁名は、維新政府が律令国家との連続性を誇示するために選ばれたものだ。露口啓二がまなざす 「移住」は、この途方もない「長期持続」の次元に身を置くことを要請する。"
── 鵜飼 哲(哲学者、活動家)

""困難な歴史への遡行という行為に際して、 主情的な投影を果たすのではなく、 記憶の消尽という次元をむしろそのまま記録することがいまや写真には求められている。 露口の「北海道写真」 はこうした状況に対して提出された、最も真率な作例の一つである。"
── 倉石信乃(詩人、美術評論家)



Keiji Tsuyuguchi

An island nation, built upon the framework of modern imperial rule, emerged to the east of the Eurasian continent, separated by the sea. Since its inception, various circumstances have continuously generated people forced into migration. One of the things photography in this book seeks to capture is the juxtaposition between the lands from which displaced individuals originally hailed and the northern islands they migrated to. One such island, dubbed"Hokkaido"by the newly formed nation, was incorporated into the state alongside its indigenous Ainu people and became a target for colonization from the mainland. Simultaneously, numerous forced relocations of the Ainu people became institutionalized. 

Additionally, this book primarily focuses on various regions such as parts of the cities Tokyo and Sapporo, where the administrative body known as the"Development Commission,"which was heavily involved in these relocations, was established post-state formation, regions formed by the mining industry now facing decline and extinction, and these various territories are captured through photography.  

Located in the heart of Tokyo, the city where the Development Commission was placed and surrounded by various powers constituting the nation's authority, lies the"Imperial Palace,"an invisible space where residing is excluded, and one of the subjects of this book. 

On the other hand, in recent years, we have experienced the emergence of highly unique spaces in our archipelago. This includes the formation of the"Difficult-to-Return Zone"and its surrounding areas, contaminated by high levels of radioactive materials due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. Once again, people were forced to move from their traditional homes and leave the area. 

This attempt to find strong homogeneity between these vastly different spaces in origin, history, and time̶the Difficult-to-Return Zone and the Imperial Palace̶forms another axis of this book. 

The forces that gave rise to the Imperial Palace and the Difficult-to-Return Zone continue to create several spaces that appear similar or homogenous to them. These spaces, inherently invisible due to the exclusion of habitation, intersect and overlap with the locations constituting the first axis, appearing in our sight. Therefore, what appears in photographs̶the seemingly visible landscapes, cities, mines, nuclear power plants, farmlands, and the residences of those who live there̶forms part of this book.

These photographs are juxtaposed with timelines of events that occurred in those places and spaces. However, the timelines compiled here are merely arbitrary listings of events selected from existing or perpetually ongoing event descriptions. The photographs taken here merely fix fragments of chance encounters at specific times and places. 

Spaces akin to the Imperial Palace and the Difficult-to-Return Zone, with their homogeneity, pervade invisibly. If so, we must resist the rituals that have repeatedly occurred in spaces where habitation is excluded and create and conduct something akin tocounter-rituals, not to remember something, but never to forget. It's about probing our dwelling places with our own "life" perspective, revealing unseen layers, honing our vision to expose the turmoil and chaos.


 006 都市、鉱山、原子力発電所、農地、住居|

 015 第1章 開拓使

 017 1 開拓使東京出張所札幌本府
 043 2 東京都渋谷区開拓使東京官圍

 071 第2章 対雁 来札 二風谷

 093 第3章 四国 北海道

 095 1 児島村、渋野村
 109 2 別子銅山と国領川
 125 3 ヨイチ、ソオベツ、オン子ナイ

 145 第4章 足尾 谷中 サロマベツ 
 147 1 足尾銅山
 165 2 松木村と谷中村の滅亡
 187 3 サロマベツ

 201 第5章 東京都世田谷区 拓北農兵隊世田谷部落

 227 第6章 夕張 三笠 美唄

 247 第7章 福島

 249 1 福島原子力発電所事故,避難指示解除区域
 266 満州と福島  
 273 2 福島原子力発電所事故·帰還困難区域
 290 双葉町北広町

 297 終章 皇居
 310 写真史の死角から|倉石信乃
 328 犯罪の現場に戻る|鵜飼哲

 332 参考文献          

 006 City, mine, nuclear power plant, farmland, house|
             Keiji Tsuyuguchi

 015 Chapter 1 Development commissioner

 017 1 Tokyo Branch Office of development commissioner 
             and Sapporo Main Office of development commissioner 
 043 2 Shibuya Ward, Tokyo
             and Tokyo Government Garden of development commissioner

 071 Chapter 2 Tsuishikari Raisatsu Nibutani
 093 Chapter 3 Shikoku Hokkaido

 095 1 Kojima, Shibuno Village
 109 2 Besshi Copper Mine and Kokuryo River
 125 3 Yoichi, Sobetsu, Onnenai

 145 Chapter 4 Ashio Yanaka Saromabetsu 
 147 1 Ashio Copper Mine
 165 2 The destruction of Matsugi Village and Yanaka Village
 187 3 Saromabetsu

 201 Chapter 5 Setagaya Ward in Tokyo, 
             The Setagaya Buraku of the Hokkaido Colonization Corps

 227 Chapter 6 Yubari Mikasa Bibai

 247 Chapter 7 Fukushima

 249 1 Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident, 
              Evacuation instructions released area
   266 Manchuria and Fukushima
 273 2 Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident, Difficult-to-Return Zones
 290 Shinzan Kitahiromachi, Futaba Town

 297 Last chapter Imperial Palace
 310 From the blind spots of photographic history |Shino Kuraishi
 328 Return to the scene of the crime|Satoshi Ukai

 332 Bibliography 

Related Exhibitons



時間:12:00~19:00[木・金・土]/12:00~17:00 [日]

会場:iwao gallery東京都台東区蔵前2-1-27 2F



四方幸子(キュレーター/批評家) × 露口啓二(写真家) 


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Artist Information 


1950年 徳島県生まれ。1990年代末より、北海道の風景と歴史に着目した写真シリーズ「地名」の制作を開始。2014年 第一回札幌国際芸術祭に、映像と写真のインスタレーションを発表。同年、人間の営みの痕跡が自然に浸食されていく様子を撮った「自然史」シリーズの制作を開始。2018年「自然史」シリーズを「今も揺れている」展(横浜市民ギャラリーあざみ野)に出品。同年「地名」シリーズを「さがみはら賞受賞」展出品。2020年「地名」と「自然史」を「道草」展(水戸芸術館現代美術ギャラリー)に出品。2021年「The world began without the human race and it will end without it」展(国立台湾美術館)に出品。2021年より2023年まで、映画『Wakka』に撮影監督として参加。写真集に『自然史』(2017)『地名』(2018)がある。

Keiji Tsuyuguchi

Born 1950 in Tokushima prefecture.

From the end of the 1990s, Keiji Tsuyuguchi started creating the series "Place Names"  with an emphasis on the landscape and history of Hokkaido. "The photographer arrived late to the incident," believes Tsuyuguchi, who has attempted to capture the changes that occur in an environment by placing himself within it and repeatedly visiting a location with the aid of historical documents and reference materials, rather than reproducing the results of an incident. 

In 2014, Presented a video and photography installation at the Sapporo International Art Festival(SIAF2014). In the same year, started the "On Natural History" series, capturing traces of human activity being eroded by nature. In 2018, Exhibited the "On Natural History" series at the group exhibition "Azamino Contemporary vol.9 Uncertain Landscape" (Yokohama Civic Art Gallery Azamino, Kanagawa). Also, in the same year, exhibited the "Place Names" series at the Exhibition for Sagamihara City Photo Award.

In 2020, Exhibited both "Place Names" and "Natural History" at the group exhibition "Michikusa: Walks with the Unknown "(Contemporary Art Gallery, Art Tower Mito).

In 2021, Exhibited at "The World Began Without the Human Race and It Will End Without It" (National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts). 

His major published photobooks include "On Natural History" (2017, AKAAKA) and "Place Names" (2018, AKAAKA).

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  Book Design:中川健 

  Size: H247mm × W189mm
  Page:226 pages
  Published in July 2024 
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About Book

菅原一剛が写し出す これからの"再生"のすがた




これまでリサイクルというと、そのシステムと過程すべてにおいて " 処理 " という捉えられ方が主だったが、これからのリサイクルは、むしろ " 生み出す " という能動的な作業となるはずだ。これこそがリサイクルの新しいかたちと思われる。"(菅原一剛)


編集・進行: 植田佳代

Special Cooperation: SEINAN group
Project coordination: Kayo Ueda

タイトル「DUST MY BROOM」は、アメリカのスライドギターの名手エルモア・ジェイムスの代表曲から。 


Ichigo Sugawara 

Fifteen years have passed since the photobook DUST MY BROOM was first published. Waste changes with the times. For example, cathode-ray tube TVs, which were once a feature of every household, have been replaced by liquid crystal display TVs; as a result, CRTs have disap- peared from recycling sites. Another example is the popularity of PET bottles that has resulted in enormous consumption of PET bottles now- adays. Accompanying the needs of the changing times, recycling processing systems and sorting machine technology have continued to evolve day by day.

The general public tends to focus on recycling of plastics, but the title role in recycling needs to go to ferrous and non-ferrous metals. In the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred in 2011, Seinan Corporation was responsible for processing much of the debris. As I looked at the site, I realized the importance of recycling the metals contained in the vast amount of debris. Island nations such as Japan have a scarcity of iron and other metal resourc- es. This is precisely why metal recycling be- comes all the more important.

And one more thing. In Japan, the concept of regeneration is firmly rooted in the culture and way of life. The forms of regeneration manifest- ed in daily life are very beautiful. Nowadays, even in the field of traditional crafts, new approaches to regeneration are being explored, especially by young people.

Protection of beauty Creation of beauty

Surely the simultaneous pursuit of these two endeavors is what is required of us living in the present day and of the work of recycling for the future. Until now, the entire system and stages of recycling have primarily been perceived as the work of "processing." However, recycling in the future will most likely move toward being the more active work of "creation." It is this endeav- or that will shape the new approach to recycling.

As I move forward on my recycling journey, within the act of recycling I will focus my aware- ness even more firmly on the moments and forms of "Blooms" that emerge from even the smallest acts and the smallest beginnings.

To starting over again. From BROOM to BLOOM.

Ichigo Sugawara

"DUST MY BROOM" is a signature song by the American slide guitar master Elmore James. While the phrase originally means "to dust off a broom," in the context of blues music, it is used as a metaphor for "starting over." Therefore, here, it is interpreted as a phrase representing the "power to regenerate."

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菅原一剛  写真展




会場:Look-in-Side(555-14 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul


Artist Information 


1960年生まれ。大阪芸術大学芸術学部写真学科卒。早崎治 氏に師事後、フランスにて写真家として活動を開始。個展を多数開催するほか映画の撮影監督も手掛ける。1996年に撮影監督を務めた映画『青い魚』は、ベルリン国際映画祭に正式招待作品として上映される。2004年フランス国立図書館にパーマネントコレクションとして収蔵されるほか、韓国のハンミ写真美術館にも作品が収蔵される。2005年ニューヨークの Pace Mac/Gill Gallery にて開催された「Made In The Shade」展に ロバート・フランク氏と共に参加。2005年アニメ『蟲師』のオー プニングディレクターを務めるなど活動は多岐に渡る。2023年青森県立美術館にて個展「発光」を開催。同年2月『MAKINO 植物の肖像』(北隆館)を刊行し、7月高知県立牧野植物園にて同名の「MAKINO 植物の肖像」展を開催。日本赤十字社永年カメラマン。大阪芸術大学客員教授。

Ichigo Sugawara

Born in 1960, graduated from Osaka University of Arts with a degree in Photography. After studying under Osamu Hayasaki, began working as a photographer in France. He has held numerous solo exhibitions and has worked as a cinematographer. In 1996, the film "Blue Fish," for which he served as the cinematographer, was officially invited to the Berlin International Film Festival. In 2004, his works were included in the permanent collection of the French National Library. In 2005, he participated in the "Made In The Shade" exhibition at New York's Pace Mac/Gill Gallery alongside Robert Frank. His works are also in the collection of the Hanmi Museum of Photography in Korea. In 2005, he served as the opening director for the anime "Mushi-Shi," among other diverse activities. In 2023, he held a solo exhibition "Emission" at the Aomori Museum of Art. In the same year, he published "MAKINO: Portraits of Plants" (Kitora) and held an exhibition of the same name at the Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden in July. He is a long-time photographer for the Japanese Red Cross Society and a vis- iting professor at Osaka University of Arts.

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