GOTO AKI 写真集 『terra』 編集:池谷修一 アートディレクション:三村漢 発行:赤々舎 サイズ:240 mm × 252 mm ページ数:128 pages 上製本 Published in January 2019. ISBN: 978-4-86541-093-8 |
¥ 4.000 +tax
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GOTO AKI 写真集 『terra』 編集:池谷修一 アートディレクション:三村漢 発行:赤々舎 サイズ:240 mm × 252 mm ページ数:128 pages 上製本 Published in January 2019. ISBN: 978-4-86541-093-8 |
¥ 4.000 +tax
送料、代引き手数料 無料! ![]() |
佐伯剛正 『撮ることは、撮られること 1967-1976』 ![]() 2019年1月17日(金) 一般発売 アートディレクション:中島雄太 宮嶋隆輔 発行:赤々舎 サイズ:188 mm × 128 mm ページ数:256 pages 並製本 Published in December 2018. ISBN: 978-4-86541-085-3 |
¥ 2.000 +tax
送料、代引き手数料 無料! ![]() |
![]() 発行:赤々舎 Size:297 mm × 210 mm Page:8 pages Binding:Softcover Published in November 2018 ①ISBN:978-4-86541-089-1 ②ISBN:978-4-86541-090-7 ③ISBN:978-4-86541-091-4 |
¥ 3,500+tax
(3冊セット/3 books set are available from the following)
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ふあふあの隙間③ サイクルの速い冬眠/処世術/森でとまり沼までこない/新・考えない人/無視されると絶望/傍観者/バブー/頭を冷やす/さいきんおもうこと/書面上の幸福
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Kawori Inbe
Photographer, born in Tokyo in 1980.
Many solo and group exhibitions, "Imperfect Cat" "Time to go back...to the moon." including those held not only in Japan but also in Milan and Shanghai.
Has shown at group exhibitions in Los Angeles, Barcelona and Hong Kong, and staged a solo 5 month-long solo exhibition in Milan over 2012 - 2013.
Assembled a special collection of works for the june 2013 feature issue of TEiCAM BOOKS, a free magazine in Paris.
2008 Nikon salon Jun Miki encouragement award
2018 43th The Ina Nobuo Award
2019 Photographic Society of Japan Newcomer's Award
インベカヲリ★ 『やっぱ月帰るわ、私。』 (out of stock) |
![]() 発行:赤々舎 Size: H260 mm × W210 mm Page:154 pages Binding:Softcover Published in November 2018 ISBN:978-4-86541-088-4 |
¥ 3,200+tax
国内送料無料! お支払い方法は、PayPal、PayPay、クレジットカード支払い 銀行振込、郵便振替よりお選び頂けます。 |
──── スガシカオ(シンガーソングライター)帯文より
<第43回 伊奈信男賞 受賞!>
──── 長島有里枝「第43回伊奈信男賞 授賞理由」ニコンイメージングサイトより
Imperfect Cat
Kawori Inbe
The women featured in Kawori Inbe's photography often appear before her in crucial moments of their lives, amidst significant life changes, ongoing problems, or unresolved worries.
Being photographed is an act of expression, and Inbe thinks that many women who are photographed have something to convey. Even if it has on negative aspects, the urge to express oneself may be particularly unique to women, which is why Inbe is drawn to taking photos images of women.
The title of the photobook, "Imperfect Cat," is a line spoken by a perpetrator in a certain incident. In October 2017, a man employed as a temporary teacher at a high school in Kitakyushu, Japan, was accused of killing his pet cats one after another and disposing of a total of 20 cats as burning garbage. Explaining his motive, the man claimed, "I killed them because they didn't meet my idea of the perfect cat, elaborating that a perfect cat should respond when called, allow touching, and use the litter box properly."
Upon hearing this line, Inbe was struck by an indescribable shock, feeling it succinctly encapsulated the essence of Japan's educational system and society in one sentence, with the perpetrator being a teacher adding a darkly ironic twist.
It is inherently unreasonable to demand obedience from a free-spirited cat, and the notion of a "Perfect Cat" simply doesn't exist in the feline realm.
However, for humans, it's often easier to adopt the role of someone else's ideal rather than staying authentic to oneself. Society is full of people who emulate the "Perfect Cat" And when one fails to conform the "Perfect Cat" or attempts to escape from being one, they may risk being metaphorically "killed" by society.
In today's society, uncovering one's genuine thoughts is a daunting task. If one let their guard down, they might end up speaking words they've heard elsewhere as if they were their own thoughts..
The photographs featured in "Imperfect Cat" are created through conversations between the subjects and Kawori Inbe. During these exchanges, unique expressions and values emerge, vividly showcasing the individual's presence.
Within the realm of photography, the subject especially women, has long been perceived as subordinate to the photographer in terms of creativity. Similarly, photography itself is sometimes relegated to a mere documentary or record status, placed lower in the art hierarchy. Inbe's work challenges these hierarchical norms, opening up new avenues for photographic expression beyond the conventional roles of creator and subject, performer and recorder.
Kawori Inbe
Photographer, born in Tokyo in 1980.
Many solo and group exhibitions, "Imperfect Cat" "Time to go back...to the moon." including those held not only in Japan but also in Milan and Shanghai.
Has shown at group exhibitions in Los Angeles, Barcelona and Hong Kong, and staged a solo 5 month-long solo exhibition in Milan over 2012 - 2013.
Assembled a special collection of works for the june 2013 feature issue of TEiCAM BOOKS, a free magazine in Paris.
2008 Nikon salon Jun Miki encouragement award
2018 43th The Ina Nobuo Award
2019 Photographic Society of Japan Newcomer's Award
インベカヲリ★ 『やっぱ月帰るわ、私。』 (out of stock) |
Ahn Jun 写真集 『Self-Portrait』
アートディレクション :秋山 伸 ( edition nord ) 発行 :赤々舎 サイズ:364mm × 233mm
ページ数:88 pages
言語:Japanese, English, korean
Published in November 2018.
ISBN: 978-4-86541-087-7
¥ 4.500 +tax
送料、代引き手数料 無料! ![]() |
韓国 ソウルを拠点に世界的に活動するAhn Jun (アン・ジュン) 初の写真集。
「 素足になり、まだ見ぬ世界へ飛び立つその開放的な姿態によって、彼女は観賞者を虚空の端へと誘う。
The past is behind,
the future far away.
The present is a void. A momentary fissure.
This is the first photography book by Ahn Jun, a Seoul-based photographer who works internationally.
It features a series of self-portraits taken between 2008 and 2013 in Seoul, New York, and Hong Kong.
The images of Ahn looking down from the rooftops and edges of high-rise buildings are filled with an overpowering sense of tension and floating in the air.
To stand on rooftops is, for her, to visualize the void that exists between a past that cannot be changed and a future landscape that seems far away, while capturing the momentary fissure that is the present.
This is both a performance replacing time with space and possible only through photography as well as an image isolated from contexts.
Ahn's images are both a perspective of looking out over the city horizontally and one of looking down at the void below from a height.
Optical perception and spatial perception, life and death, ideal and reality all collide with one another, presenting the existence of human beings on these edges.
I think the present is one very short instant between the future and the past. So basically all of us are living on the edge of something, between life and death, and between the ideal and the reality.
── Ahn Jun
With her bare feet showing, or her loose stance as she leaps into the unknown, Jun seduces the viewer to the edge of the void, pushing one to stand, as she does, on the verge of the sublime.
── Michelle Dunn Marsh( Executive Director & Curator, Photographic Center Northwest)
Ahn Jun 写真集 『Self-Portrait』プリント付き特装版 (special edition with print)
¥ 30.000 + tax
以下、4種類のプリントからお選び頂けます。各限定10部です。 You can select from 4 types of prints. limited 10 copies each.
Artist InformationAhn Jun (アン・ジュン) 2006年 南カリフォルニア大学(ロサンゼルス)美術史学科卒業、2012年パーソンズ美術大学(ニューヨーク)写真学科修士課程修了後、2017年弘益大学校(ソウル)大学院写真学科博士号を習得。 主な個展に「On The Verge 」(Photographic Center Northwest、アメリカ・シアトル / 2018)、「UnveiledScape」(Keumsan Gallery、韓国・ソウル / 2017)、 「Self-Portrait」( Christophe Guye Gallery、スイス・チューリッヒ / 2014)など。 主なグループ展に「Space; Crashes in Street Life」(Triennial of Photography Hamburg、ハンブルグ、ドイツ / 2018)「Asia Woman Artists」( Jeonbuk Museum of Art、韓国・完州郡 / 2017)、「Ich」( Schirn Kunsthalle、ドイツ・フランクフルト / 2016)、 「Secret Garden」( ソウル市立美術館、韓国・ソウル / 2016)など。 主な作品収蔵に国立現代美術館(ソウル)など。 2018年、写真集『Self-Portrait』(赤々舎)、『One Life』(Case Publishing)を同時刊行。 Ahn Jun 2017 Hongik University, PhD in Photography 2012 Parsons-The New School for Design, MFA in Photography, with Honors 2007- 2009 Pratt Institute, Graduate study in Photography 2006 University of Southern California, BA in Art History Selected Solo Exhibitions 2018 On The Verge, Photographic Center Northwest, Seattle, USA 2017 UnveiledScape, Keumsan Gallery, Seoul, South Korea 2014 Self-Portrait, Christophe Guye Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland and more... Selected Group Exhibitions 2018 Space; Crashes in Street Life, Triennial of Photography Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany 2017 Asia Woman Artists, Jeonbok Museum of Art,Wanju, South Korea 2016 Ich, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, Germany Secret Garden, Seoul Museum, Seoul, South Korea Me in the Photography, Daegu Photo Biennale Special Exhibition, Daegu, South Korea and more... Public Collections GoEun Photography Museum, Busan, South Korea Museum of Modern and ContemporaryArt (Art Bank), South Korea Hanwha, South Korea Space 22, Seoul, South Korea uJung Foundation, South Korea Harbor City, Hong Kong Awards / Honors 2016 Emerging Artist, 63 Art Museum, South Korea 2013 Asian Artist to Watch in 2013, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong Ones To Watch, British Journal of Photography, UK 2011 2011 Graduate Directory, Wallpaper* Magazine, UK |