
kinositakazuyo_blue_s3.jpg kinositakazuyo_red_s3.jpg

 『没後30年 木下佳通代』
  Book Design:大西正一


H262mm × W188mm
  Page:304 pages

  Published in May 2024

  2 cover colors (the contents are the same).

¥ 3,000+tax 


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神戸に生まれ、関西を拠点に活動した作家、木下 佳通代(きのした・かずよ  1939 ─ 1994)。

木下の作家としてのキャリアは、60 年代、前衛美術の集団「グループ〈位〉」の活動に携わったことから始まります。

海外での初個展と時を同じくして、木下は作品そのもののコンセプトを変えずに、写真以外の手段で作品制作が可能か試行します。80年代に入ってパステルを用いた作品によって素材と表現の相性を模索した後、再び絵画の制作に回帰し、「存在そのものを自分が画面の上に作ればいい」と考えるに至った木下は、図式的なコンセプトから脱却することに成功します。シリーズの最初の作品に《'82 - CA1》と名付けて以降、アップデートを続ける筆致とともに、画面上の「存在」はたびたびその表情を変えていきます。 こうして、一筆ごと一筆ごと、自らの感覚を鋭く問いながら作り出された絵画は高い緊張感を備えており、彼女の表現の集大成とも呼べるものです。
1990年にがんの告知を受けて以降も、治療法を求めて何度もロサンゼルスを訪れ、現地でも絶えず制作を続けます。94年に神戸で55年の生涯に幕を下ろすまで、再び絵画へ立ち返った1982年以降だけでも、 700点以上の絵画、ドローイングを制作しました。

本書は、活動時期をたどるように 3つの章で構成しています。公開の機会があまりなかったごく初期の作品から、国内外で高く評価された写真作品、そして1982年以降ライフワークとなった絵画作品によって、その活動の全貌を探ります。木下が一貫してテーマとした「存在とは何か」という問いは、現代においても尚、色褪せず強烈に響きます。


本書収録「木下佳通代 インタビュー」より抜粋

本書収録 寄稿:

『今、再び、「みる」ことについて ---- 木下佳通代の作品と活動』大下裕司(大阪中之島美術館学芸員)
「私論 ── 木下佳通代のこと」熊田司(美術史家)
「写真とコンセプチュアリズム」 建畠晢(埼玉県立近代美術館館長)
「思考の結晶 ── 木下佳通代の写真と絵画」光田ゆり(多摩美術大学大学院教授、同校アートアーカイヴセンター所長、プーアール舎主宰)


KAZUYO KINOSHITA, who studying painting at Kyoto University of the Arts, began exhibiting while still a student. During the 1960s, influenced by the avant-garde art collective Group "i"gathering of artists in Kobe, she began to explore more deeply her burgeoning interest in questions of existence. In the 1970s she produced numerous works that used photography to ponder the relationship between image and perception, and image and matter. Kinoshita's photo series, lucid expres- sions of her idea that "while there is absolute existence and relative existence, there can be only one existence," earned her high acclaim at home and abroad for their distinctly cerebral ap- proach. It was an approach also in keeping with currents in international art during this period, leading to a solo exhibition for Kinoshita in Heidelberg in 1981.

Coinciding with this first overseas solo outing, Kinoshita undertook a series of experiments to see if it were possible to make works using a method other than photography, without changing her actual concept. The early '80s saw her wielding pastels in works that explored com- patibility of material and expression, before returning once more to painting. Having reached the conclusion that the best approach would be to personally create existence itself on the picture plane, Kinoshita succeeded in breaking away from schematic concepts. After naming the first work in this new series'82-CA1,Kinoshita altered the look of "existence"on the picture plane frequently, with each new iteration of her ever-changing brushwork. On receiving a cancer diagnosis in 1990 she visited Los Angeles several times seeking treatments, continuing to work untiringly during her sojourns in the city. In 1994 Kinoshita passed away in Kobe, at the age of fifty-five, leaving a legacy of paintings and drawings numbering over 700 just since her return to painting in 1982.

This book is composed of three chapters tracing different periods of Kinoshita's career, exploring every facet of her practice via very early works rarely or never shown in public, the photographic works that made her name in Japan and further afield, and the paintings that became her life's work after 1982. The constant, underlying theme of Kinoshita's practice -- interrogating the nature of existence -- resonates as strongly in today's world as it did during her lifetime.

"This work was done by initially painting with a brush, then wiping with a cloth. The wiping means that the plane of the canvas and plane with the paint on it are of equal value. I did this because in my own mind, this is the same as it has always been, because I have a constant desire to make two-dimensional planes equal. Adopting that method, making the work itself an entity. All entities, like stars in the heavens, were created by the gods and may appear to be random, but exist in a specific relative order. But as far as we can tell, they exist naturally, and that existence is incred- ibly powerful. I want the painting to be an entity like that. "

Excerpts from "An interview with Kinoshita Kazuyo"


 "Kinoshita Kazuyo: A Remembrance Kumada TsukasaArt Historian)

"Photography and Conceptualism"  Tatehata AkiraDirector, the Museum of Modern Art, Saitama)

"Crystallizations of Artistic Thought: The Photographic Works and Paintings of Kinoshita Kazuyo"  Mitsuda YuriProfessor, Tama Art University Graduate School Director, Tama Art University Art Archives Center Director, peu/art cottage)



 005 謝辞

 006 ごあいさつ

 010 Essay 1 今、 再び、「みる」ことについて
         ── 木下佳通代の作品と活動 

 041 Chapter 1 1960-1971
 057 Chapter 2 1972-1981
 135 Chapter 3 1982-1994

 186 Essay 2 私論 ── 木下佳通代のこと
 191 Essay 3 写真とコンセプチュアリズム
 194 Essay 4 思考の結晶 ── 木下佳通代の写真と絵画

 204 Interview 1 木下佳通代 インタビュー(再録)(編・鴫原悠)
 217 Interview 2 植松奎二インタビュー(編・佐藤あゆか) 
 276 References 1 年譜(編・中村史子)
 288 References 3 参考文献(編・中村史子、奥野桃子、浦川慶子)
 292 References 4 出品リスト
 300 References 5 木下佳通代 資料 

 005 Acknowledgements

 007 Introduction

 024 Essay 1 On "seeing," revisited
          -- Works and practice of Kinoshita Kazuyo
          Oshita Yuji

 041 Chapter 1 1960-1971
 057 Chapter 2 1972-1981
 135 Chapter 3 1982-1994

 226 Essay 2 Kinoshita Kazuyo: A Remembrance
         Kumada Tsukasa
 232 Essay 3 Photography and Conceptualism
         Tatehata Akira
 236 Essay 4 Crystallizations of Artistic Thought:
         The Photographic Works 
         and Paintings of Kinoshita Kazuyo
         Mitsuda Yuri

 250 Interview 1 An interview with Kinoshita Kazuyo
 265 Interview 2 An interview with Uematsu Keiji 
 286 References 2 Profile

 292 References 4 List of Works
 300 References 5 Material of Kinoshita Kazuyo 

編集: 大下裕司、中村史子、奥野桃子、浦川慶子(大阪中之島美術館)
翻訳: クリストファー・スティヴンズ、パメラ・ミキ・アソシエイツ、ベンジャー桂
Edited by Oshita Yuji, Nakamura Fumiko, Okuno Momoko, Urakawa Keiko (Nakanoshima Museum of Art, Osaka) 
Sato Ayuka, Shigihara Haruka (The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama)  
Translated by Christopher Stephens, Pamela Miki Associates, Benger Kei
 Designed by Onishi Masakazu 

Related Exhibitons

「没後30年 木下佳通代







登壇者 植松奎二(美術家)

定員 150名、参加無料(要展覧会観覧券)

講演+上映「再考・再生『ヴィデオ / 京都 / 1974』」

日時 2024年7月20日(土)14:00〜15:30

登壇者 今井祝雄(美術家)ほか

定員 150名、参加無料(要展覧会観覧券)


【巡回展】「没後30年 木下佳通代

会期:2024年10月12日(土) 〜 2025年1月13日 (月・祝))




Artist Information 

木下 佳通代(きのした かずよ)












2015年 「来たるべき新しい世界のために:1968 年 から1979 年における日本の写真と美術の実験」 展 (ヒューストン美術館ほか)に出品されたことで、 再び注目を浴び始める。



1939 Born on April 18 in Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture.

1958 Enrolled in the Western-style painting department at Kyoto City University of Arts. .

1962 Graduated from the same department. While working as a teacher, she began to energetically devote herself to her artistic practice.

1965 Joined in the activities of Group "i" (formed by Kawaguchi Tatsuo, Okuda Yoshimi, and others).Participated until 1968.

1977 Received the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art Prize in the 13th Contemporary Art Exhibition of Japan, in which she showed Work '77-D (cat. no. 48).

1994 Died of breast cancer in Kobe.

Solo Exhibitions

1972 galerie 16, Kyoto (also 1973--1978, 1980, 1982, 1991)

1974 Muramatsu Gallery, Tokyo (also 1975, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1983)

1979 Tor Road Gallery, Kobe, Hyogo (also 1982, 1984 --1991) (Note: The 1979 exhibition was a two-person show with Agnes Martin; the other were solo shows.)

1981 Kazuyo Kinoshita 1976 --1980, Heidelberger Kunstverein, West Germany

1989 AD&A Gallery, Osaka (also 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996)

2005 Gallery Shimada, Kobe, Hyogo (also 2014, 2016)

2017 In Search of Substantiality -- Unifying the Absolute and the Relative,Yumiko Chiba Associates Viewing Room Shinjuku, Tokyo ANOTHER EXISTENCE, Gallery Yamaki Fine Art, Kobe, Hyogo.

Group Exhibitions

1963 Kyoto Independents Exhibition, Kyoto City Museum of Art (also 1971, 1973, 1975, 1977--1985)

1976 Contemporary Art Exhibition of Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Kyoto City Museum of Art (also 1977, 1979)

1978 ART NOW '78, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art (now the Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art)

1982 Travaux sur papier, objets, photos, Centre d'action Culturelle, Paris, France

1983 Photography in Contemporary Art, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto

1988 The 24th Artists Today Exhibition: Phases Multiplar Movement, Yokohama Civic Art Gallery, Kanagawa

1989 Das Foto als autonomes Bild: Experimentelle Gestaltung 1839--1989, Kunsthalle Bielefeld,West Germany & Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste, München, West Germany

2015 For a New World to Come: Experiments in Japanese Art and Photography, 1968--1979, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA & Japan Society Gallery, New York, USA

2018 New Wave: Japanese Contemporary Art of the 1980s, The National Museum of Art, Osaka

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 片岡 俊『Life Works』
  Book Design:名久井直子


H250mm × W188mm
  Page:100 pages

  Published in April 2024
¥ 5,000+tax 


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About Book


片岡俊は、「自然」と「人」の関わり合いに着目した写真作品を制作しています。初の写真集『Life Works』は2010年の作品制作の始まりから現在に至るまで、ひとつの庭を舞台に撮影したシリーズになります。

半世紀以上にわたりその庭で、野菜や植物を育て、草をむしり水を撒いてきた祖父の営み。しかしその年齢が80歳に差し掛かる頃、変化が訪れます。鬱蒼と育っては枯れるを繰り返す、自生する植物の存在 ──。自由に育つ植物と祖父の手の二つが交差した時間が、カラーフイルムによって丹念に焼き付けられています。


どこか懐かしい緑のバインダーを思わせる装丁にくるまれた、植物と人との共生。庭から始まる宇宙。『Life Works』は、片岡の作家としての基点を告げる一冊でもあるでしょう。



── 片岡 俊『Life Works』あとがきより


── 藤原辰史(京都大学准教授)「民の庭」


Life Works

Shun Kataoka

In the small space of a garden, the dense cycles of time are seen.

Taking photographs is a way for me to halt the flow of the passing days. It renders invisible the repetition of seasons, which can be likened to a circle, and blocks a direct view of changes. Through photography, I arrest this flow around a specific place, creating lines of demarcation where none existed before. This gives rise to questions regarding the places I photograph. The color green informs my approach to one particular garden. I am fascinated by plants. They exist as an unending cycle of change where lush growth withers and flourishes and fades again.

My grandfather grew plants and vegetables. He weeded and watered them, continuing this work for 50 years. 
This garden is a place where traces of his efforts are felt everywhere. He used the leftovers from meals to make compost, and mixed different types of soil suitable for each plant. Every year he created handmade trellises and stakes to help the plants grow. Odds and ends leftover from everyday life played a part here as tools. For only a brief moment, these various objects lent their power. Inadvertently, the garden became a kind of basket that held all sorts of seeds and living things. Seeds planted in pots were overtaken by self-seeking co- habitants who came to live with them. Fruit split open and dried up, spilling their seeds out over the ground. [...]

Here two forces intersect: plants wildly growing, and my grandfather's hands. Though the moment when the ratio reversed cannot be known now, this convergence of life that began with seeds planted 50 years ago has drawn near, like the ripples of a pond, and has spilled out a little more each time the seeds have sprouted.

How many plants have taken root in the garden? I wondered about this as I watched the repeated cycle of this green ebb and flow. In the winter of my fourth year as a photographer, my grandfather departed from this world. The planter of seeds was absent. Even so, the garden, laid open to the transition of seasons, took hold of the seeds in its soil with an expansive embrace and helped them sprout. [...]

People desire plants. They raise them, and co-exist with them. People come and go and places change their appearance. This happens countless times, not only in this garden, but in a great number of places. Does the repetition and circular flow of things continue without end? To look intently at this garden's limited space is to know the unceasing intertwining of people and plants. When I close my eyes and touch the greenery, these boundaries intermingle. At that moment, I am in a dwelling where all life blends into one.

Excerpts from the afterwords

by Shun Kataoka

Although one wants to view grandfather's garden as having descended into chaos, I can't ignore the traces of the ingenuity of ordinary folks that are evident everywhere in it. [...]

Ordinary people must rely on their own labor and make innovative use of the tools at their disposal. Somewhere between reuse and misuse, the plants contentedly take root and grow leaves.

Even though its owner passes away, the garden lives on. Seeds that come from elsewhere fall on the garden and new plants join the aggregate of old plants. Dead plants become nourishment for the next generation. And the many-layered traces of his grandfather that remain in the garden are also nourishment for the photographer.

Excerpts from the text "An Ordinary Garden"  

by Tatsushi Fujihara(Associate Professor, Kyoto University)


Related Exhibitons & Events

1)片岡 俊 展示「Life Works」



会場:Alt_Medium東京都新宿区下落合2-6-3 堀内会館1F)


ゲスト:大坪 晶(美術家・写真家)


2)KG+2024 片岡 俊 展示「S U I T E N






3)片岡 俊 写真集発売記念展「Life Works



会場:京都 蔦屋書店 5階 BOOK売場エスカレーター横


4)片岡 俊 写真集 出版記念展・フェア「Life Works」



会場:梅田 蔦屋書店  シェアラウンジ〈スカイエリア〉


第1部 13:00~14:00
石川竜一(写真家)× 高橋朗(PGI)× 片岡俊(写真家) 

第2部 14:15~15:15
姫野希美(赤々舎)× 片岡俊(写真家)  

質疑応答 15:15~15:30


「Life Works」の寄稿文を執筆された藤原辰史氏の著書と、装丁を担当された名久井直子氏デザインの本も含めてご紹介。


Artist Information 

片岡 俊 

写真家。1984年生まれ。「自然」と「人」の関わり合いに着目した写真作品を制作している。主な個展に「Life Works」(Nikon Salon、東京・大阪、2019年)など。2020年 THE BACKYARD PITCH GRANTファイナリスト。2021年 KYOTOGRAPHIE International Portfolio Review 2021 DELTA Awardを受賞。

2022 「Life Works」(DELTA / KYOTOGRAPHIE Permanent Space / 京都)
2019 「Life Works」(大阪ニコンサロン / 大阪、銀座ニコンサロン / 東京)
2018 「Parallel Leaves」(YAK / 京都)
2016 「吸水」(galleryMain / 京都)
2010 「Touch」(id Gallery / 京都)

2017 「CITYRAT press. Photo Exhibition」(イロリムラ89画廊 / 大阪)
2016 「Three and Eight」(Zen Foto Gallery / 東京)

Shun Kataoka

Shun Kataoka (b. 1984) focuses on mutual relationships between humans and nature, in his photography.
His major solo exhibitions to date include "Life Works" at Nikon Salon in Tokyo and Osaka in 2019.
in 2020, Kataoka was selected as one of the finalists for the "Backyard Pitch Grant program".
Additionally, in 2022, He won the "KYOTOGRAPHIE International Portfolio Review 2021 DELTA Award".

Solo exhibitions

2022 Life Works, KYOTOGRAPHIE Permanent Space, Kyoto, Japan

2019 Life Works, Osaka Nikon Salon, Osaka, Japan

2019 Life Works, Ginza Nikon Salon, Tokyo, Japan

2018 Parallel Leaves, YAK, Kyoto, Japan

2016 Absorption, galleryMain, Kyoto, Japan

2010 Touch, id Gallery, Kyoto, Japan

Group exhibitions

2017 CITYRAT press. Photo Exhibition, IRORIMURA 89, Osaka, Japan

2016 Three and Eight, Zen Foto Gallery, Tokyo, Japan



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トートバッグ & ぬいぐるみ 3点セット
  Book Design:高見清史 (view from above)

  Size: H303mm × W225mm
  Page:218 pages
  Binding:Hardcover (with cushion material in the cover)

  2 types of covers(Same Contents)
  Limited:100 set(Book & Tote bag & Stuffed animal)

¥ 10,000(tax include) 

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About Book


【100セット限定】書籍 &《ピンクの猫の小林さん》トートバッグ & ぬいぐるみ


本書は、飯川が 2007年から手掛け続けてきた「デコレータークラブ」のほぼ全作を豊富な図版と飯川による書きおろしのテキストで紹介するほか、木村絵理子、イ・アルム、五十嵐太郎ら有識者の論考を和英併記で収録しています。 また後半は、せんだいメディアテークと共に初の公共空間(公園)での《ピンクの猫の小林さん》の展示を目指し、 一旦断念に至った経緯を貴重な実践録として収録しています。 

プロジェクトを断念したのはなぜか?一筋縄ではいかない作品をめぐって編まれた、飯川の活動を知るための必読書となるとともに、アートプロジェクトの在り方に再考を促す 1 冊です。

書籍+トートバッグ +ぬいぐるみ   驚きと知的な気づきをたのしく誘う3点セットです。

《ピンクの猫の小林さん》トートバッグ Size  約 H340mm x W290mm 
《ピンクの猫の小林さん》ぬいぐるみ Size 約 H210mm x W300mm 



はじめに Preface








本書収録 各論考より抜粋


── 木村絵理子(キュレーター、弘前れんが倉庫美術館館長)

── イ・アルム(美学研究者、YPC SPACE [ソウル] 共同ディレクター)

── 五十嵐太郎(建築史・建築批評)


── 甲斐賢治(せんだいメディアテークアーティスティック・ディレクター)


Iikawa Takahiro 

"It's not that I want to make big things." Work was moving forward on a plan to install one of the artist likawa Takehiro's key works, Decorator Crab - Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat, in a park in Sendai. Measuring 26 meters high, 28 meters wide, and four meters deep, the piece was equivalent in size to a normal eight-story building. Behind the superficial catchiness of the gigantic, pink, eye-catching work was a scheme to change our way of seeing and acting without us noticing. However, despite a variety of adjustments to many different aspects of the work and high expectations around its completion, the work was ultimately never realized.

In addition to attempting to understand things like the con- cept behind the Decorator Crab series, and the conditions necessary to complete these works, through images and essays, this book sets out to document a case in which a process proved impossible to execute, leading an art project to remain unrealized.

The first half of the book contains images of works based on the Decorator Crab concept that likawa launched in 2007, as well as essays by learned individuals. These deal with subjects such as how likawa's awareness of issues like vision and perception are reflected in his works, and how he came to make works that are premised on involving the viewer.

The second half traces likawa's Sendai project from the be- ginning, and the Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat proposal from conception until abandonment, through photographs and documents. It also sheds light on the conditions surrounding the work, which like a real cat was willful and did not behave as expected, by addressing questions such as why likawa conceived of a work of such immense size, and why it proved impossible to realize, from the perspective of both the artist and the management.

The book is intended as a collection of likawa Takehiro's works until this time and also a reference source focusing on the case of an art project designed for a public space. It is our hope that many artists and people who are considering working with artists will read it.

Sendai Art Node Project

(sendai mediatheque)


"Contemporary public sculptures that are rooted in these conditions provoke actions in real spaces, stimulate discussion, and make an impact on viewers in virtual spaces as in the physical world."

── Kimura Eriko(Curator / Deputy Director and Chief Curator, Hirosaki Museum of Contemporary Art)

《Can Sculpture Camouflage Itself in Public Spaces? 》

"Still, as discussed earlier, the artist's expression of "Kawaii" is more complex than that. This somewhat aligns with the notion that Kawaii is not so much a plain form of art in the actual sense." 

── Lee Areum(Aesthetics Researcher, Co-director of YPC SPACE [Seoul, South Korea])

《Rise of the Kawaii Monster -- Meeting Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat》 

"Reactions to artists' seemingly preposterous ideas may serve as a barometer of a city's tolerance and vibrancy." 

── Igarashi Taro(Architectural historian and critic)

《Transforming Landscape Through the Power of Imagination》 

"For Iikawa and the Decorator Crab strategy of catalyzing "unforeseen encounters," impact isn't limited to the mental"massage" of viewers' immediate reactions of confusion or delight, like "How cute!" "But it's impossible to get the whole thing in one photo!" The work's appeal could also spark administrative efforts toward its materialization."  

── Kai Kenji(Artistic Director, Sendai Mediatheque)

Roundtable Discussion 《Toward a Sendai Edition of Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat》


 14 はじめに

 第1章 作品・プロジェクト

 20    デコレータークラブ・ガイドブック
 26  ベリーヘビーバッグ
 32  衝動とその周辺にあるもの
 40  ピンクの猫の小林さん
 52  配置・調整・周遊
 62  遠近の設計図
 68  知覚を拒む
 74  0人もしくは1人以上の観客に向けて
 102  新しい観客
 108  未来の猫のための定規

 第2章 論考

 114 木村絵理子
 124 イ・アルム
 「カワイイ」 怪獣の出現: 《ピンクの猫の小林さん》 と対面する
 132 五十嵐太郎
 想像力を通じて、 風景を変容させる

 第3章 仙台でのプロジェクト記録

 144 ファクトシート:プロジェクト概要
 148 タイムライン
 160 座談会 |《ピンクの猫の小林さん》 仙台版への道のり
 180 飯川雄大 | 長い仕事
 190 甲斐賢治 |「化け猫」 が街にもたらしえるもの
 196 年譜

 14  Preface

 Chapter 1: Works / Projects

 20  Decorator Crab Guidebook
 26  Very Heavy Bag
 32  Impulses and Things Around Them
 40  Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat
 52  Arrangement, Adjustment, Movement
 62  Probable Perspective 
 68  Intercepting Perception
 74  Expecting Spectators
 102  Make Space, Use Space
 108  Measure for My Future Cat

 Chapter 2: Essays

 119  Can Sculpture Camouflage Itself in Public Spaces?
    Kimura Eriko
 128  Rise of The Kawall Monster
    Confronting Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat
    Lee Areum
 136  Transforming Landscape Through the Power of Imagination
    Igarashi Taro

 Chapter 3: Sendai Project Report

 146  Fact Sheet: Project Outline
 155  Timeline
 170  Roundtable Discussion:
    Toward a Sendai Edition of Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat
 184  Expanded Work|likawa Takehiro
 192  What a "Spectral Cat" Offers a City|Kai Kenji

 200  Chronology
 206  Artist Resume
 208  List of Works/Credits 

編集: 甲斐賢治、田中千秋、 丹治圭蔵(せんだいメディアテーク)、内田伸一  
翻訳: クリストファー・スティヴンズ、平野真弓、ペンギン翻訳(加藤久美子、 杉山千枝、 金徳喜、 ケリー・ニッセン)
Edited by Kai Kenji, Tanaka Chiaki, Tanji Keizo (Sendai Mediatheque),Uchida Shinichi  
Translated by Christopher Stephens Hirano Mayumi Penguin Translation (Kato Kumiko, Carole Sugiyama, Kim Doki, Kellie Nissen) 
 Designed by Takami Kiyoshi (view from above) 

Related Exhibition

飯川雄大 個展



会場:CAPSULE(東京都世田谷区池尻 2-7-12 B1)


オープニング・トーク:6月1日 17:00〜 参加無料



"I think you are cool when you are sitting down." (2015)
pencil on paper, 21.0 × 29.7 cm
© Iikawa Takehiro

飯川雄大 参加企画展




休廊:月曜(7/15、8/12は開館)、および、7/16、8/13 休廊




会場: ブランチギャラリー(高松丸亀町商店街内「しごとプラザ」ショーウィンドウ /香川県高松市丸亀町13−2)

飯川雄大 参加企画展
「What's art? アートって、なに? ~ミュージアムで過ごす、みる・しる・あそぶの夏やすみ」






Artist Information 


1981年兵庫県生まれ。現在、神戸を拠点に活動。成安造形大学情報デザイン学科ビデオクラスを卒業。 2007年から〈デコレータークラブ〉の制作を始める。鑑賞者が作品に関わることで変容していく物や 空間が、別の場所で同時に起きる事象と繋がる《0 人もしくは 1 人以上の観客に向けて》(2019 ―)、全貌を捉えることのできない大きな猫の立体作品《ピンクの猫の小林さん》(2016 ―)などを制作し、鑑賞者の行為によって起きる偶然をポジティブに捉え、見るものに思考を誘発しながら展開している。 
主な個展に、「未来のための定規と縄」(鹿児島県霧島アートの森、2023年)、「同時に起きる、もしくは遅れて気づく」(彫刻の森美術館、2022年)、「0人もしくは1人以上の観客に向けて」(千葉市美術館、2021)、主なグループ展に『感覚の領域 今、「経験する」』(国立国際美術館、2022年)、「ヨコハマトリエンナーレ 2020」(PLOT48、2020年)、「六本木クロッ シング 2019 展」(森美術館、2019年 ) などがある。




2023 神戸市文化奨励賞
2022 兵庫県芸術奨励賞
2017 ゲンビどこでも企画公募展 高嶺格賞、広島市現代美術館
2002 GRANTS AND AWARDS 2002 "Young Video Artists Initiative" 入選

Iikawa Takehiro

Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1981; currently based in Kobe. likawa is a graduate of Seian University of Art and Design. In 2007, he began making the Decorator Crab series. His numerous works include Decorator Crab - Expecting Spectators, in which objects and spaces are transformed by the viewer's active involvement; Very Heavy Bag, a bag that appears to have been forgotten; and Decorator Crab - Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat, a sculpture so large that it cannot be viewed in its entirety. likawa's works provoke thought and taking a positive attitude toward chance events, which are caused by the viewer's actions.

Iikawa has many Solo Exhibitions, Group Exhibitions, Video Screenings, Residencies, and Collaborations, including  "Decorator Crab - Measuring the Future, Pulling Time" (Kirishima Open Air Museum, 2023),"Decorator Crab -Occurring simultaneously or awareness being delayed" (The Hakone Open-Air Museum, 2022),"Art Lab 04: DECORATORCRAB - Expecting Spectator -" (Chiba City Museum of Art, 2021),"Yokohama Triennale 2020--Afterglow" (Yokohama Museum of Art & PLOT 48, 2020), and "Roppongi Crossing 2019: Connexions" (Mori Art Museum, 2019).

Public Collections

Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Japan Takamatsu Art Museum, Kagawa, Japan


2023 Kobe City Cultural Encouragement Award

2022 Hyogo Prefecture Art Encouragement Award

2017 Takamine Tadasu Award, Genbi Dokodemo Kikaku Kobo 2017, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art

2002 Selected Grants And Awards 2002 "Young Video Artists Initiative"

 (collaborative work with Nishihara Akira), Mori Art Museum



  Book Design:高見清史 (view from above)

  Size: H303mm × W225mm
  Page:218 pages
  Binding:Hardcover (with cushion material in the cover)
  Language:Japanese, English

  2 types of covers(Same Contents)

  Published in March 2024 
¥ 5,000+tax 

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About Book




本書は、飯川が 2007年から手掛け続けてきた「デコレータークラブ」のほぼ全作を豊富な図版と飯川による書きおろしのテキストで紹介するほか、木村絵理子、イ・アルム、五十嵐太郎ら有識者の論考を和英併記で収録しています。 また後半は、せんだいメディアテークと共に初の公共空間(公園)での《ピンクの猫の小林さん》の展示を目指し、 一旦断念に至った経緯を貴重な実践録として収録しています。 

プロジェクトを断念したのはなぜか?一筋縄ではいかない作品をめぐって編まれた、飯川の活動を知るための必読書となるとともに、アートプロジェクトの在り方に再考を促す 1 冊です。

《ピンクの猫の小林さん》トートバッグ & ぬいぐるみ付き 3点セットはこちらから


はじめに Preface








本書収録 各論考より抜粋


── 木村絵理子(キュレーター、弘前れんが倉庫美術館館長)

── イ・アルム(美学研究者、YPC SPACE [ソウル] 共同ディレクター)

── 五十嵐太郎(建築史・建築批評)


── 甲斐賢治(せんだいメディアテークアーティスティック・ディレクター)


Iikawa Takahiro 

"It's not that I want to make big things." Work was moving forward on a plan to install one of the artist likawa Takehiro's key works, Decorator Crab - Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat, in a park in Sendai. Measuring 26 meters high, 28 meters wide, and four meters deep, the piece was equivalent in size to a normal eight-story building. Behind the superficial catchiness of the gigantic, pink, eye-catching work was a scheme to change our way of seeing and acting without us noticing. However, despite a variety of adjustments to many different aspects of the work and high expectations around its completion, the work was ultimately never realized.

In addition to attempting to understand things like the con- cept behind the Decorator Crab series, and the conditions necessary to complete these works, through images and essays, this book sets out to document a case in which a process proved impossible to execute, leading an art project to remain unrealized.

The first half of the book contains images of works based on the Decorator Crab concept that likawa launched in 2007, as well as essays by learned individuals. These deal with subjects such as how likawa's awareness of issues like vision and perception are reflected in his works, and how he came to make works that are premised on involving the viewer.

The second half traces likawa's Sendai project from the be- ginning, and the Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat proposal from conception until abandonment, through photographs and documents. It also sheds light on the conditions surrounding the work, which like a real cat was willful and did not behave as expected, by addressing questions such as why likawa conceived of a work of such immense size, and why it proved impossible to realize, from the perspective of both the artist and the management.

The book is intended as a collection of likawa Takehiro's works until this time and also a reference source focusing on the case of an art project designed for a public space. It is our hope that many artists and people who are considering working with artists will read it.

Sendai Art Node Project

(sendai mediatheque)


"Contemporary public sculptures that are rooted in these conditions provoke actions in real spaces, stimulate discussion, and make an impact on viewers in virtual spaces as in the physical world."

── Kimura Eriko(Curator / Deputy Director and Chief Curator, Hirosaki Museum of Contemporary Art)

《Can Sculpture Camouflage Itself in Public Spaces? 》

"Still, as discussed earlier, the artist's expression of "Kawaii" is more complex than that. This somewhat aligns with the notion that Kawaii is not so much a plain form of art in the actual sense." 

── Lee Areum(Aesthetics Researcher, Co-director of YPC SPACE [Seoul, South Korea])

《Rise of the Kawaii Monster -- Meeting Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat》 

"Reactions to artists' seemingly preposterous ideas may serve as a barometer of a city's tolerance and vibrancy." 

── Igarashi Taro(Architectural historian and critic)

《Transforming Landscape Through the Power of Imagination》 

"For Iikawa and the Decorator Crab strategy of catalyzing "unforeseen encounters," impact isn't limited to the mental"massage" of viewers' immediate reactions of confusion or delight, like "How cute!" "But it's impossible to get the whole thing in one photo!" The work's appeal could also spark administrative efforts toward its materialization."  

── Kai Kenji(Artistic Director, Sendai Mediatheque)

Roundtable Discussion 《Toward a Sendai Edition of Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat》


 14 はじめに

 第1章 作品・プロジェクト

 20    デコレータークラブ・ガイドブック
 26  ベリーヘビーバッグ
 32  衝動とその周辺にあるもの
 40  ピンクの猫の小林さん
 52  配置・調整・周遊
 62  遠近の設計図
 68  知覚を拒む
 74  0人もしくは1人以上の観客に向けて
 102  新しい観客
 108  未来の猫のための定規

 第2章 論考

 114 木村絵理子
 124 イ・アルム
 「カワイイ」 怪獣の出現: 《ピンクの猫の小林さん》 と対面する
 132 五十嵐太郎
 想像力を通じて、 風景を変容させる

 第3章 仙台でのプロジェクト記録

 144 ファクトシート:プロジェクト概要
 148 タイムライン
 160 座談会 |《ピンクの猫の小林さん》 仙台版への道のり
 180 飯川雄大 | 長い仕事
 190 甲斐賢治 |「化け猫」 が街にもたらしえるもの
 196 年譜

 14  Preface

 Chapter 1: Works / Projects

 20  Decorator Crab Guidebook
 26  Very Heavy Bag
 32  Impulses and Things Around Them
 40  Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat
 52  Arrangement, Adjustment, Movement
 62  Probable Perspective 
 68  Intercepting Perception
 74  Expecting Spectators
 102  Make Space, Use Space
 108  Measure for My Future Cat

 Chapter 2: Essays

 119  Can Sculpture Camouflage Itself in Public Spaces?
    Kimura Eriko
 128  Rise of The Kawall Monster
    Confronting Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat
    Lee Areum
 136  Transforming Landscape Through the Power of Imagination
    Igarashi Taro

 Chapter 3: Sendai Project Report

 146  Fact Sheet: Project Outline
 155  Timeline
 170  Roundtable Discussion:
    Toward a Sendai Edition of Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat
 184  Expanded Work|likawa Takehiro
 192  What a "Spectral Cat" Offers a City|Kai Kenji

 200  Chronology
 206  Artist Resume
 208  List of Works/Credits 

編集: 甲斐賢治、田中千秋、 丹治圭蔵(せんだいメディアテーク)、内田伸一  
翻訳: クリストファー・スティヴンズ、平野真弓、ペンギン翻訳(加藤久美子、 杉山千枝、 金徳喜、 ケリー・ニッセン)
Edited by Kai Kenji, Tanaka Chiaki, Tanji Keizo (Sendai Mediatheque),Uchida Shinichi  
Translated by Christopher Stephens Hirano Mayumi Penguin Translation (Kato Kumiko, Carole Sugiyama, Kim Doki, Kellie Nissen) 
 Designed by Takami Kiyoshi (view from above) 

Related Exhibition

飯川雄大 個展



会場:CAPSULE(東京都世田谷区池尻 2-7-12 B1)


オープニング・トーク:6月1日 17:00〜 参加無料



"I think you are cool when you are sitting down." (2015)
pencil on paper, 21.0 × 29.7 cm
© Iikawa Takehiro

飯川雄大 参加企画展




休廊:月曜(7/15、8/12は開館)、および、7/16、8/13 休廊




会場: ブランチギャラリー(高松丸亀町商店街内「しごとプラザ」ショーウィンドウ /香川県高松市丸亀町13−2)

飯川雄大 参加企画展
「What's art? アートって、なに? ~ミュージアムで過ごす、みる・しる・あそぶの夏やすみ」






Artist Information 


1981年兵庫県生まれ。現在、神戸を拠点に活動。成安造形大学情報デザイン学科ビデオクラスを卒業。 2007年から〈デコレータークラブ〉の制作を始める。鑑賞者が作品に関わることで変容していく物や 空間が、別の場所で同時に起きる事象と繋がる《0 人もしくは 1 人以上の観客に向けて》(2019 ―)、全貌を捉えることのできない大きな猫の立体作品《ピンクの猫の小林さん》(2016 ―)などを制作し、鑑賞者の行為によって起きる偶然をポジティブに捉え、見るものに思考を誘発しながら展開している。 
主な個展に、「未来のための定規と縄」(鹿児島県霧島アートの森、2023年)、「同時に起きる、もしくは遅れて気づく」(彫刻の森美術館、2022年)、「0人もしくは1人以上の観客に向けて」(千葉市美術館、2021)、主なグループ展に『感覚の領域 今、「経験する」』(国立国際美術館、2022年)、「ヨコハマトリエンナーレ 2020」(PLOT48、2020年)、「六本木クロッ シング 2019 展」(森美術館、2019年 ) などがある。




2023 神戸市文化奨励賞
2022 兵庫県芸術奨励賞
2017 ゲンビどこでも企画公募展 高嶺格賞、広島市現代美術館
2002 GRANTS AND AWARDS 2002 "Young Video Artists Initiative" 入選

Iikawa Takehiro

Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1981; currently based in Kobe. likawa is a graduate of Seian University of Art and Design. In 2007, he began making the Decorator Crab series. His numerous works include Decorator Crab - Expecting Spectators, in which objects and spaces are transformed by the viewer's active involvement; Very Heavy Bag, a bag that appears to have been forgotten; and Decorator Crab - Mr. Kobayashi the Pink Cat, a sculpture so large that it cannot be viewed in its entirety. likawa's works provoke thought and taking a positive attitude toward chance events, which are caused by the viewer's actions.

Iikawa has many Solo Exhibitions, Group Exhibitions, Video Screenings, Residencies, and Collaborations, including  "Decorator Crab - Measuring the Future, Pulling Time" (Kirishima Open Air Museum, 2023),"Decorator Crab -Occurring simultaneously or awareness being delayed" (The Hakone Open-Air Museum, 2022),"Art Lab 04: DECORATORCRAB - Expecting Spectator -" (Chiba City Museum of Art, 2021),"Yokohama Triennale 2020--Afterglow" (Yokohama Museum of Art & PLOT 48, 2020), and "Roppongi Crossing 2019: Connexions" (Mori Art Museum, 2019).

Public Collections

Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Japan Takamatsu Art Museum, Kagawa, Japan


2023 Kobe City Cultural Encouragement Award

2022 Hyogo Prefecture Art Encouragement Award

2017 Takamine Tadasu Award, Genbi Dokodemo Kikaku Kobo 2017, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art

2002 Selected Grants And Awards 2002 "Young Video Artists Initiative"

 (collaborative work with Nishihara Akira), Mori Art Museum



  Book Design:祖父江慎 + 根本匠 (cozfish)


H245mm × W224mm
  Page:120 pages

  Published in March 2024
¥ 5,000+tax 


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About Book


ひとりひとりがその孤独においてつながりを帯びる 林詩硯 初写真集

台湾出身の写真家 林詩硯(リン・シイェン)は、自傷行為に向き合うひとたちのポートレートを、被写体を募集しながら撮影してきました。




Hear a pin drop

Lin Shihyen

South Korean human rights activist Uhm Kiho says, "The one commonality of pain is that it is an experience that cannot be shared with others. But the loneliness born from pain that cannot be shared is the same for everyone." 

It's been 14 years since I started self-harming. I don't have a habit of self-harm, but there are still times when I do it. Whenever it came to the attention of my parents, the psychiatrist, and other people I interacted with, they would ask me, "Do you want to die?" The way I was at the time, I was never able to clearly refute that kind of question and it always left me feeling uncomfortable. Back then, I started self-harming out of fear of death; the sight of the red color flowing from the flesh color of my cut skin was instinctively frightening to me. 

My desire to live is surely what underlies that reaction. 

Before I knew it, I was past the age of 30. Upon reflection, I now realize that the strength inherent in life is much greater than I ever imagined when I was young. I wanted to witness the various forms of that strength with my own eyes. Emotions ebb and flow like the tide every day, yet the passage of time is always serene, shining within the landscape. If I can capture this in photographs, perhaps it will serve as proof of us being alive.

I hope the loneliness born from pain that cannot be shared will ease.

Lin Shihyen

Special edition, book with print

写真集 +プリント付

¥ 30,000+tax


You can select  from 2 images of prints (A and B). limited 15 copies each


A  limited 15 
Print size : H290 x W240 mm
Image size : H228 x W228 mm
Type-C Print, Edition number with signed. 

      B  limited 15 
        Print size : H290 x W240 mm
        Image size : H228 x W228 mm
        Type-C Print, Edition number with signed. 
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Related Exhibition

林詩硯 写真展「針の落ちる音」 


時間:13:00〜20:00(平日) 11:00〜19:00(土日)

会場:PURPLE(京都市中京区式阿弥町122-1 3F)


トークイベント 「針の落ちる音」を編んで


林詩硯(写真家) × 姫野希美(赤々舎 代表)


【past exhibition】林詩硯 写真展「針の落ちる音」 



会場:ニコンサロン(東京都新宿区西新宿1-6-1 新宿エルタワー28階)


Artist Information

林 詩硯(リン シイェン) 

1991年 台湾 台北市生まれ

2015年 台湾科技大学デザイン学科卒業

2020年 東京藝術大学美術研究科先端芸術表現修士課程修了

2021年 Portrait of Japan 選出

2021年 IMA next "Memory" ショートリスト選出

2022年 個展「針の落ちる音」Totem Pole Photo Gallery

2023年 第3回 PITCH GRANT 受賞

2024年 さがみはら写真新人奨励賞 受賞


Lin Shihyen 

1991 Born in Taipei City, Taiwan

2015 Graduating from the department of Design, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

2020 MA, Department of Intermedia Art in the Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts

2021 Selected for "Portrait of Japan" and shortlisted for IMA next THEME#24 "Memory"

2022 Solo exhibition "Hear a pin drop" at Totem Pole Photo Gallery. 

2023 3rd Pitch Grant in 2023 Grand Prize

2023 Solo exhibition "Hear a pin drop" at THE GALLERY(Nikon Salon Tokyo)

2024 Sagamihara Emerging Photographer Incentive Award

Her work focuses mainly on portraits and is particularly interested in the relationship between the body and the psyche.

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