![]() 発行:赤々舎 Size: H297mm × W210mm Page:122 pages Binding:Softcover Published in Feb 2022 ISBN:978-4-86541-140-9 |
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About Book
The work "ABSCURA" by Lily Night, the title of which is a combination of "abstract" and "obscura".
It is also the origin of the artist's thinking and creation.
The work is inspired by photographs taken during a three-day visit by her parents (≒intimate others) from China to the apartment where she was living alone in Tokyo.
A body that enters a space. Or an act that seems to unlash the body as a space. The images that emerge from these actions make us perceive the nodes of memory that have left the story of "family" and the time that is being multilayered.
And there are also expressed the paradox of nesting, the spatial perspective that tries to receive what is unseen outside the frame.
"ABSCURA" is a representation of a new dark box of photography that looks at interconnected individual life and society.
"Lily talks about the act of photography as below:
Just as the act of breathing has an effect on our minds, just as the contraction and expansion of our lungs are biologically linked to how we sense things, I attempt to express through photographs the relationship between the times and spaces I've lived through, and the past and present environments in which I find myself. By capturing parts of our bodies or of natural phenomena, I've tried to invert that relationship.
You could say she's trying to visualize her formative values or her link to the world through photography, as she explores the realm of her unconsciousness. Disentangling her relationships with family, blurring the outline of her existence, she observes, selects and rearranges the images as with the gaze of an outsider. Then she entrusts these fragments of her existence to others, and sends them out to somewhere far off and unfamiliar to be a part of the larger world, to be a part of our common ground. Lily's camera obscura leads us to the eternal tension between subjectivity and universality: each one of us has a unique perspective, yet we are only infinitesimal fractions of reality. We are replaceable and unreplaceable, and yet we have to confront our domestic and social links to the world."
"Abstract Necessity"
Harumi Niwa Curator (Photography), Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
关于其创作,Lily 曾这样说,"比如呼吸,我们能同时感觉到肺部伸缩,也能够感受到呼吸对我们的精神产生的影响,这两个过程同时发生。摄影和视觉艺术对我而言,就是去捕捉我与世界的关系,与生我养我的土地之间的关系,与正在进行中的世界的关系。我觉得摄影是去切取事物表面的一部分,去揭开世界的表层。而我的大部分作品都是在捕捉一种,能让人感觉到内外关系,既定关系逆转的图像。"
Lily Night 通过摄影去寻找支撑其存在的无意识的领域,并试图把对她的价值观形成起到影响作用的事物与外在世界的交点可视化。她通过拍摄,筛选,排列,去分析和发现自身和家人的关系,自身在社会中的位置。她以旁观者般略带距离的视线观望,像是要把这些与其自身的存在无法分割的图像片段抛向更远的地方,投向更多人那里一样。而正是通过与世界相连,这些作品才终于获得普遍性。在 Lily Night 的暗箱里藏有一个所有人都无法逃避的现实-我们既是世界上独一无二的存在,同时又只是这世界的一个片段,我们既不普通,又不特别。这部作品也蕴含着在反思个人与家庭,个人与社会,个人与世界的交集与对立时,会必然邂逅的那个没有正确解答的永恒的疑问。
丹羽晴美(摄影理论研究/东京都现代美术馆 策展人)
Related Exhibiton
LILY NIGHT「ABSCURA」 会期:2022年2月10日(木)〜2月28日(月) 時間:10:30〜18:00(最終日16:00) 会場:リコーイメージングスクエア東京 ギャラリーA 定休日:火曜・水曜、入場無料 関連イベント「LILY NIGHT 出版記念展トークイベント」 日時:2022年2月25日(金)20:00〜21:30 出演:LILY NIGHT × 山本浩貴 × 姫野希美 |
Artist Information
1988年 中国黒龍江省哈爾濱市生まれ
2021 「Enter the Void」(NOHGA HOTEL UENO TOKYO)2021 「局部麻酔」(銀座蔦屋書店 アートウォールギャラリー)
2020 「LAST NIGHT」(コミュニケーションギャラリーふげん社)
2020 「i was real」(Kanzan gallery)
2019 「Dyed My Hair Blond, Burnt Dark at sea」(EMON Photo Gallery)
2018 「ligament」(ソニーイメージングギャラリー 銀座)
2019 第8回 エモンフォトアワードグランプリ2018 第18回 写真1_WALLファイナルリスト
2017 第33回 東川町国際写真祭赤レンガ公開ポートフォリオ・オーディション・グランプリ
2017 第7回 TOKYO FRONTLINE Photo Award 審査員賞
born in 1988, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China
BA Department of Aesthetics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Saitama University
MA Department of History and Philosophy of Art, Kent University
MA Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices, Tokyo University of the Arts
Selected Exhibitions
2021 Enter the Void, NOHGA HOTEL UENO TOKYO
2021 Partially Anesthesia, Art Wall Gallery, Ginza Tsutaya
2020 i was real, Kanzan gallery
2019 Dyed My Hair Blond, Burnt Dark at sea, Emon Photo Gallery
2018 ligament, SONY Imaging Gallery
2019 the 8th EMON Photo Award, Grand Prix
2018 the 18th Photo "1_WALL", Final List
2017 the 7th TOKYO FRONTLINE Photo Award, Jury Prize
2017 the 33rd Higashikawa International Photo Festival Public Portfolio Audition, Grand Prix
Public collection
Modena Photography Foundation, Italy
Higashikawa International Photography Foundation, Japan