
月の裏側へ_cover_web_1.jpg 月の裏側へ_cover_web_2.jpg 月の裏側へ_cover_web_3.jpg 月の裏側へ_cover_web_4.jpg

  Book Design:⽥岡美紗⼦+岡﨑真理⼦/REFLECTA, Inc. 


  Size: H257mm ×  W182mm
  Page:136 pages

  Published in September 2022

  You can choose from 4 different covers (the contents are the same).
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About Book





月の裏側、僕らの位置からは見えないとされているそのメタファーは、ページを捲るたび、新たな意味を帯びていく。 日々に満ちているはずの刹那の祈りは、刮目されるその時、重力を受けながら光を纏い、瞬く。その祈りとは、ここに写っている人・物・風景と、あなた、その交わりで立ちあらわれる何かの異名に他ならない。 あまりの眩しさに一度目を閉じる、ずっと探していたものが瞼の裏に焼き付いている。

 『月の裏側へ』帯文より─  島口大樹(小説家)

To the Far Side of the Moon 

Masamitsu Magome

Consider for example the numerous SF-type illustrations of the future depicted in magazines for kids during Japan's period of rapid economic growth after the end of World War II.

I spent my childhood in the 90s when there were still places that these images of dreamlike worlds and fantastic stories lively and bustling with activity still caught the eye, and I would gaze mesmerized at them.

Today I'm living in the middle of a future imagined in the past, the world that was someone's dream.

But as a child unaware and uninterested in the events that occurred and the context within which that time existed it was imagination that was important to me. Would such a future world really exist one day?

I was drawn with affection to those worlds that I couldn't know.

Things I couldn't know ― they existed everywhere. I felt it strongly, particularly when I was faced with anything I could in no way control or experienced lost opportunities.

On March 11, 2011, the town I lived in suffered damage from liquefaction when the Tohoku Earthquake hit. Reclaimed land in the town was transformed into what resembled a sandbank in the sea, telephone poles and buildings tossed at a slant were lit by the setting sun. The town had once been part of the sea but I only had head knowledge of that. Now the physical reality lay right before my eyes.

Although the devastation to the town wasn't a direct motivation for me, it was at this time that I took up photography.

I didn't have a specific idea of what I wanted to photograph, but I just found it comfortable to sometimes use a medium of expression other than words to eloquently convey something ― especially since I was shy and not an outgoing, sociable sort of person.

Around the time I was 20, I began photographing people. The first photographic work I created was a collection of photographs of my girlfriend.

Those were happy and fulfilling days of photographing the beautiful girl who was the dearest person in the world to me. But something gradually changed within our day-to-day life and eventually her image in the photos appeared hurt and troubled.

Those happy days came to a close as if they had disintegrated and I was left alone.

Up to that time photography and my girlfriend had been synonymous for me, so for a while I was unable to photograph anything. I just continued to look at the photographs that were left, desperately searching for what was hidden beneath the surface.

Why photograph things? For the first time, I began to ponder this entirely obvious question.

The photographic medium can only capture images that can be seen. Scenes cut out with my camera just reflect my own subjectivity ― there is no such thing as a dispassionate documentary. This is the reason why I don't want to take the sort of photographs that reflect conclusions based on my personal yardstick.

I started wanting to take photographs that would be suggestive of what is below the surface that can't be imaged by a camera. All of us live having gone through a vast number of experiences, emotions, and thoughts, and we are weighed down by past regrets and sadness and concerns for the future. I want to take photographs that at the very least are able to touch the contours of this tremendous complexity.

As I went through the repetition of my everyday existence, I became used to the neverending celebrations, festivals, and tragedies that occurred daily, and boredom replaced the blank space of things I couldn't know." Perhaps someday even a person's life or death may become nothing more than a familiar sight for me.

Even so I watch carefully for changes, give form to emotions, and imagine what is hidden on the other side of the world we can see. Whether I am feeling fulfilled or broken, I continue to record the energies of transformation that I see.

Everything that is gone, everything yet to be. Everything you and I experience from the time we are born until the time we die.

If the photograph can serve as a path or door leading to all of these things, then I guess photographing a world I get tired of looking at must still have some meaning.

Masamitsu Magome Tokyo, Summer 2022.afterword

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Related Exhibition

馬込将充 写真展「月の裏側へ

会期:2022年9月22日(木) 〜10月9日(日)
ll(東京都新宿区揚場町 2-12 セントラルコーポラス 105号室)   


⽇時 : 9⽉23⽇(祝・⾦)17:30〜18:30

出演:⾺込将充(写真家)× ⽊村和平(写真家)× 藤⽊洋介(キュレーター)

定員 : 20名


Related Event

【10/ 29 (土)】写真集『月の裏側へ』刊行記念
馬込将充 × 島口大樹 トークイベント



10年分の写真から編まれたいわば集大成とも言える今作をベースに、制作過程や収録写真のこと、写真家と小説家双方の立場から見た創作活動全般についてお話しいただく予定です。 馬込さんは島口さんのデビュー作より3作連続で装丁写真を担当しており、友人としても親しい間柄のお二人。ぜひ足をお運びくださいませ。


Artist Information 


1993年⽣まれ。2016年、武蔵野美術⼤学映像学科卒業。第13回写真1_WALL にて審査員奨励賞。第14回写真1_WALL ファイナリスト。

Masamitsu Magome

Born in 1993. Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Imaging Arts and Sciences.

2016 the 14th Photo "1_WALL", Final List.