Ryu Ika 『The Second Seeing』


 Ryu Ika『The Second Seeing』
  構成:Ryu Ika、姫野希美

  Size:H 297mm x W 223mm
  Page:292 pages

  Published in March 2021

¥ 5,000+tax 


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About Book


中国内モンゴル出身のRyu Ika は、2019年に第21回写真「1_WALL」グランプリを受賞し、翌年に個展「The Second Seeing」を開催した。


人は常に見られている。見られていない世界は存在しない。現代社会に張り巡らされる検閲や、見る見られるの関係性、さらにRyu Ikaは、「自分の中で『他人の目』という存在を分裂させて、常にこの自分の中にある『他人の目』に監視されている」とする。「第二の性」に対しての「第二の観察」。人間の有りようを根底から問い、さらにその上に、未知の存在を窺わせる。



飯岡陸(キュレーター、森美術館勤務) テキスト
《抵抗としての私――Ryu Ika 「The second seeing」について》より抜粋 

"The title of this collection of photographs, The second seeing, emphasizes that we live within a 'second seeing' by way of an internalized other that exists behind the first-level perception. Our lives exist alongside this image we have of ourselves, she asserts, likening people to actors and the world to a stage

Ryu isn't satisfied by simply capturing the subject using her camera. Many of the photos taken in Inner Mongolia, where she grew up, Japan and Paris, where she studied, and Egypt, where she travelled, include what appear to be snapshot-like elements-situations encountered unexpectedly, meaningless gestures, subjects with their eyes only half open, and compositions in which the subject is not facing the camera directly. However, it is also true that about half of these photos were taken under circumstances devised by the artist or with interventions by the artist. She also makes edits to the resulting photos, including negative-positive reversal, superimposing images that have been made transparent, and emphasizing noise or particular details. In this way, it almost seems as if she is presenting a profusion of image manipulations at this show.It is an ambivalent mix formed from a stance torn by two perspectives, one viewing photography as truth, the other seeing it as fiction. On the one hand, elements like flesh and mucous membranes, sweat and blood, and animal carcasses touch on the graphic nature of the world (i.e., the truthfulness of fiction). On the other hand, it captures artificial flowers, paddling pools, artificial turf, and iconic images, lamenting how the world is fake (i.e., the truth of fictitious worlds). The conflict brought about by this strong contrast conveys both a sense of the world's realness as well as a feeling that things are being manipulated.

Through the text she distributes at the exhibition venue, Ryu drives home like a stake the fact that photos are not completely transparent, and that 'my' manipulations that intervene in the process in which photos are taken, edited on the computer, printed on paper, and presented before the viewer are 'me.' "I don't feel like I just reproduced the scenery I took on paper, or "I" am the point that is most important in the process from reality to data and from data to reality...we want to tell the world that we don't want to ignore the process and we don't want you to ignore it." Completely transparent photographs are an impossibility. People live in a world of their own preconceptions. That might sound like an often used cliché. However, Ryu Ika stakes out her resistance to an increasingly fake world, approaching photography in a way that allows her to thoroughly digest the 'self' manipulating the photos."

Extracted from the contribution Iioka Riku (Curatorial Assistant, Mori Art Museum) 
"Myself as Resistance-Ryu Ika's The second seeing"

Related Exhibition

写真集刊行記念展「Interface approach」

会場:flotsam books (東京都杉並区和泉1-10-7)


Related Article

Ryu Ika, The Second Seeing reviewed by Loring Knoblauch (Collector Daily)

Ryu Ika, The Second Seeing reviewed by Linda Zhengová(GUP MAGZAINE)

Artist Information 

Ryu Ika 


2020 武蔵野美術大学卒業 

2019 第21回写真「1_WALL」グランプリ
2019 T3 Photo Festival Tokyo ベストポートフォリオ賞 
2018 第18回写真「1_WALL」審査員奨励賞(姫野希美選)

清里フォトアートミュージアム ヤング・ボートフォリオ(2018、2019)

2020 第21回写真「1_WALL」グランプリ受賞者個展「The second seeing」、ガーディアンガーデン、東京 
2019「Puzzle Mapping」、AMAC Projects、パリ

2020 「PARCO Opens New Dimension」(P.O.N.D)、PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO 
2020 「人が消えた街」チェコセンター、東京 
2020 「Culture Centre in flotsam books 」、フロットサムブックス、東京 
2020 「コロナの春」、ふげん社、東京 
2019 第21回写真「1_WALL」展、ガーディアンガーデン、東京 
2018 Photo Saint-Germain、パリ

Mémos(2021 Newfave)、「Big Brother is Watching you」(2020) 、「A part of u/me」(2020)、 
「A part of u/ me vol.2」(2020)、「The regeneration of second seeing」(2020)、 

2020 年からアーティストコレクティブ「Culture Centre」のメンバーとしても活動

Ryu Ika

Born in Inner Mongolia,
Based in Tokyo

2020 Graduated from Musashino Art University 

Now studying at École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris (ENSBA)


2019 Grand prix of 21st "1_WALL" Photography 

2019 T3 Photo Festival Tokyo, Best portfolio 

2018 Encouragement Award, 18th "1_WALL" Photography

Public Collection

Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts, Young Portolio (2018, 2019)

Solo Exhibitions

2020 The second seeing, Guardian Garden, Tokyo 

2019 If there's life to be given, Fugensha, Tokyo 

2019 Puzzle Mapping, AMAC Projects, Paris

Selected Group Exhibitions

2020 PARCO Opens New Dimension P.O.N.D, PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO 

2020 Mesta bez, Czech Centre, Tokyo 

2020 Culture Centre in flotsam books, Tokyo 

2020 Spring with COVID-19, Fugensha, Tokyo 

2019 21st "1_WALL" Photography, Guardian Garden, Tokyo 

2018 Photo Saint-Germain, ENSBA, Paris

Publishing(including Self-Published Books) 

Mémos(2021 Newfave), Big Brother is Watching you (2020), A part of u/me (2020), 

A part of u/me vol.2 (2020), The regeneration of second seeing (2020), 

Through (2019), Sacrifice (2019), Harawata(2018), etc.

Member of artist collective Culture Centre' since 2020.

Simultaneous release

Ryu Ika『Mémos』(Newfave)
