![]() 発行:赤々舎 Size:210mm × 257mm Page:120 pages Binding:Hardtcover Published in Oct 2020 ISBN:978-4-86541-123-2 |
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About Book
「私」とは誰か? 人間の存在と、内なる複雑さを問いかける肖像。
My Portrait
Shinichiro Uchikura
I work in a photo studio. After shooting commemorative photos,
I will ask the guests' permission to let me take their photos as my photographic works.
Sometimes, I ask people to let me take their photos, or I wait in a quiet place to take pictures of people who come there.
YOU, standing on the black stage in the sun.
Before I give any instructions to shoot, YOU have already put your eyes on the camera, or smile at me, or take off your social mask.
I, in about five to ten minutes, take 500 to 1000 consecutive shots.
Therefore the unexpected, unconscious expressions appear in the photos.
Unabashed expressions that can't be confirmed by the naked eye. Primitive and subtle movement of the body.
While shooting, selecting and printing, I think:
In the process of selecting YOU from the huge number of images produced via massive number of shooting,
The belief that the photos I want have already been captured dissolve in the subsequent selection process,
In the "the photos I want might have not been captured" state, I am also able to encounter the new YOU.
For everyone, the present self is perhaps not some absolute existence,
Or rather it is made up of numerous "self".
I overlay myself as some kind of layer onto YOU.
"You and me" emerges from the black-and-white image of diffusion and fusion.
It is a photo, which seems like some unknown existence that would not be able to meet twice in life.
"My Portrait" is like a sculpture born out of continuous shooting,
It's the cumulative love connection between you and me.
先着特典 参考イメージ

関連写真展内倉真一郎 個展「私の肖像」 会期:2020年9月26日(土)~ 11月7日(土) 時間:水〜金 13:00〜20:00|土 12:00〜19:00 休廊:日〜火・祝 会場:KANA KAWANISHI PHOTOGRAPHY(東京都港区西麻布2-7-5 5F) 入場無料 オンライントークイベント 日時:2020年9月27日(日)19:30〜 出演:内倉真一郎(写真家)× 姫野希美(赤々舎・代表)× 町口景(アートディレクター) 河西香奈(モデレーター/ KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY ディレクター) 配信url:https://youtu.be/42xKKqcmwJc 【大阪BLOOM GALLERY個展開催 】 会期:2020年12月5日(土)〜12月26日(土) 時間:13:00~19:00 休廊:日〜火 会場:BLOOM GALLERY (大阪府大阪市淀川区新北野1-11-23ハイム北野B103) |
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Artist Information
内倉 真一郎
2019年 Wonder Foto Day KANA KAWANISHI賞受賞( 河西香奈 選)
2018年 第41回 キヤノン写真新世紀 優秀賞受賞(澤田知子 選)
2018年 7th EMON AWARD グランプリ受賞
2018年 Wonder Foto Day キュレーター賞受賞(Joanna Fu選)
2016年 KONICA MINOLTA フォトプレミオ受賞
2013年 第36回 キヤノン写真新世紀 佳作受賞(椹木野衣 選)
2011年 第34回 キヤノン写真新世紀 佳作受賞(大森克己 選)
2010年 第33回 キヤノン写真新世紀 佳作受賞(清水穣 選)
2018年 「十一月の星」EMON PHOTO GALLERY (東京)
2018年 「犬の戦士団」「十一月の星」G.GALLERY (台湾)
2018年 「十一月の星」BLOOM GALLERY (大阪)
2017年 「BABY」KG+Award (京都)
2016年 「分離と融合」綠光+marüte (台湾)
2016年 「犬の戦士団」KG+Award Gallery Main(京都)
2015年 「佳子」Gallery Main(京都)
2008年 「ParaSite」 Nikon ユーナ21(東京・大阪)
2019年 第8回大理国際写真祭 "日本影像新世代联展" キュレーター Joanna Fu(中国)
2019年 "My Body, Your Body, Their Body" KANA KAWANISHI GALLERY(東京)
2019年 Contemporary Photography & Video Art Salon(台湾)
2018年 第41回 キヤノン主催 写真新世紀 受賞作品展(東京都写真美術館)
2018年 Wonder Foto Day(台湾)
2017年 第2回寧波市国際写真祭 キュレーター Joanna Fu (中国)
2015年 fotofever artfair(Paris)
2014年 清里フォトアートミュージアム開館20周年記念「原点を、永遠に。」(東京都写真美術館)
2014年 写真評論家 清水穣 企画展「showcase #3 日本の肖像」eN arts GALLERY(京都)
清里フォトアートミュージアム ヤングポートフォリオ
Shinichiro Uchikura
Born in 1981 in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan, where he currently works and lives.
2019 Wonder Foto Day Jury Award (Kana Kawanishi Prize)
2018 41st Canon New Cosmos of Photography Award (Tomoko Sawada Prize)
7th Emon Award Grand Prix
Wonder Foto Day Curator Award (Joanna Fu Prize)
2016 Konica Minolta Foto Premio
2013 36th Canon New Cosmos of Photography (Noi Sawaragi Prize)
2011 34th Canon New Cosmos of Photography (Katsumi Omori Prize)
2010 33rd Canon New Cosmos of Photography (Minoru Shimizu Prize)
【Solo Exhibitions】
2018 Star of November, EMON PHOTO GALLERY (Tokyo)
Dog Warriors Star of November, G.GALLERY (Taiwan)
Star of November, BLOOM GALLERY (Osaka)
BABY, KG + Award (Kyoto)
2016 Dog Warriors, KONICA MINOLTA GALLERY (Tokyo)
Separation and Fusion, Green Ray + marüte (Taiwan)
Dog Warriors, KG + Award Gallery Main (Kyoto) 2015 KAKO, Gallery Main (Kyoto)
2008 ParaSite, Nikon Juna21 (Tokyo & Osaka)
【Group Exhibitions】
2019 The 8th Dali International Photography Exhibition, Curator Joanna Fu (China)
My Body, Your Body, Their Body. Kana Kawanishi Gallery (Tokyo)
Contemporary Photography & Video Art Salon (Taiwan)
2018 41st Canon New Cosmos of Photography Award Exhibition (Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography)
Wonder Foto Day Main Visual (Taiwan)
2017 The 2nd Ningbo International Photography Week, Curator Joanna Fu (China)
2015 fotofever artfair (Paris)
2014 Kiyosato Photo Art Museum 20th Anniversary "The Origin, Forever" (Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography)
showcase #3, eN arts Gallery (Kyoto)
【Public Collections】
Young Portfolio of the Kiyosato Museum of Photographic Arts
Nineteen of his works have been selected as part of the Permanent Collection (2016, 2012, 2008, 2003, 2002)
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