長島有里枝『SWISS』(3rd edition)
![]() 発行:赤々舎 Size:H290mm × W215mm Page:214 pages Binding:Cloth Hardcover ISBN:978-4-903545-59-2 1st edition Published in July 2010 2nd edition Published in Sep 2011 3rd edition Published in July 2024 |
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About Book
22 types of cloth covers(Same Contents)

Yurie Nagashima
"No matter how grand the vision, when a person thinks of something the image that he sees is no more than the trifling and ordinary scene that he is so accustomed to--as one's bedroom."
(Extracted from the artist's statement accompanying the exhibition of SWISS+ in 2010)
In 2007, Nagashima participated in an artists residence program in the Village Nomade of Switzerland and the photographs she made at that time are reproduced in this volume, which are of flowers along with views of her residence and her son. The images were inspired by a set of flower photographs she found in a box of her recently deceased grandfather's home. The photographs in that box were made by her grandmother twenty-five years prior. Nagashima's work is characterized by her documentation of her family. Through the pictures of flowers and her diaristic entries, she has found a new means of creating a document of her family despite the separation of time and distance. Wedged into the pages randomly--not unlike a scrapbook-- are airline tickets, memos, and blank sheets of craft paper. The sense of shuffle and easy re-ordering dispenses with linear narrative in favor of an accidental, open-ended reading. This makes the book's art direction and design are integral components of the project, blending together visual and text elements with found matter. Her diary-style entires are printed on tracing paper and seem to be typed out with a typewriter with keys out of register. The deliberate slowness of the book's aesthetic is the vehicle for presenting the photography.
Artist Information
長島 有里枝
1973年 東京都生まれ。武蔵野美術大学在学中に家族とのポートレイトで、公募展「アーバナート#2」パルコ賞の受賞を経てデビュー、カリフォルニア芸術大学MFA修了。2011年、武蔵大学大学院に社会人枠で入学し、フェミニズムを学ぶ。写真集『PASTIME PARADISE』で第26回木村伊兵衛写真賞受賞。短編集『背中の記憶』で第23回三島由紀夫賞ノミネート、第26回講談社エッセイ賞受賞。第36回写真の町東川賞国内作家賞受賞。アーティストとして活動する一方、文芸誌や新聞への寄稿、大学で講師を務めるなど、活躍は多岐にわたる。主な個展に「そしてひとつまみの皮肉と、愛を少々。」(東京都写真美術館、2017年)。2021年には金沢21世紀美術館で「ぎこちない会話への対応策̶ ─第三波フェミニズムの視点で─」展のキュレーションを務めた。京都芸術大学大学院客員教授、早稲田大学、東京大学、武蔵大学非常勤講師。
主な写真集に『YURIE NAGASHIMA』(風雅書房、1995年)、『empty white room』(リトルモア、1995年)、『家族』(光琳社出版、1998年)、『not six』(スイッチパブリッシング、2004年)、『SWISS』(赤々舎、2010年)、『5 Comes After 6』(マッチアンドカンパニー、2014年)、『Self-Portraits』(DASHWOOD BOOKS、2020年)など。主な著作に、2022年に日本写真協会学芸賞を受賞した『「僕ら」の「女の子写真」から私たちのガーリーフォトへ』(大福書林、2020年)などがある。
Yurie Ngashima
Born 1973 in Tokyo. Nagashima made her art-scene debut at the URBANART #2 competition, winning the PARCO Prize while still a student at Musashino Art University, earned her MFA at California Institute of the Arts, then in 2011, embarked on postgraduate studies in humanities at Musashino University, where she delved into the subject of feminism. Her photobook Pastime Paradise won her the 26th Kimura Ihei Photography Award in 2001, her short story collection Senaka no Kioku the 26th Kodansha Essay Award and nomination for the 23rd Mishima Yukio Prize in 2010, and multiple contributions to the field of photography the 36th Higashikawa Awards, Domestic Photographer Award in 2020.
Major solo exhibitions include "And a Pinch of Irony with a Hint of Love" (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, 2017), and her recent monographs include Self-Portraits (Dashwood Books, 2020), and Against 'Bokura''s 'Onnanoko-Shashin,' it's OUR Girly Photo Movement (Daifukushorin, 2020) which won the Curatorial Award in the Photographic Society of Japan Awards in 2022. In 2021, she curated the exhibition "Countermeasures against Awkward Discourses: From the Perspective of Third Wave Feminism" at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Japan).
In parallel with her artistic practice, she contributes as a writer to literary magazines and newspapers, and currently serves as a visiting professor at Kyoto University of Arts, Graduate School, and a part-time lecturer at Waseda University, the University of Tokyo, and Musashi University.
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